
America in 2024: Progressive Regression

Post-Postmodern America

Following Affirmative Action’s Demise, Slay the DEI Leviathan
On Thursday, Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez announced that its embattled associate dean for “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), Tirien Steinbach, has resigned. Steinbach’s […]

Today’s Leftists Would Refuse to See Through Galileo’s Telescope
Legend has it that, about 400 years ago, Galileo had company over to his abode, some scholars. He invited them to look through his telescope […]

Democrats’ Assault on ‘Our Democracy’
At least as far back as the inauguration of President Donald Trump in January 2017 and the “Women’s March” that followed the next day, Democrats […]

The Muddled Mindset of Progressivism
It’s time we had a courageous conversation about the left’s incoherent stance on big government and race. This muddled mindset was on full display last […]
Boston University and the Societal Engineers
Like most parents of high school graduates at this time of year, I am cleaning up the vast array of promotional materials sent by colleges […]

Food Labeling Follies
California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) recently made it official: Your morning cup of coffee won’t give you cancer. Next week’s newsflash probably will be, […]

The Great Excluded and Our Nationalist Future
The Trump versus “the squad” brouhaha merely affirms what pundits have been saying since Trump’s MAGA movement swept up the American Right in 2016: American […]

‘Prog-Whistles’ and Safe Spaces
The Left controls the three major platforms for messaging the American people—the arts; academia; and the old, new and social media. Yet, America remains a […]

Answering the Left’s Campaign to Delegitimize the Courts
Elie Mystal—an Above the Law windbag—mercifully has taken a break from comparing Republicans to Nazis and blogging cringey clickbait about seminude Harvard Law Professor Alan […]

Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Get along? Apparently no—at least until after 2020. Two examples summarize why. “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a […]

The Banality of Google’s Wokeness
Although many people don’t see it or refuse to acknowledge it, we are living in a mangled version of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and […]

20th-Century Progressive Politics Continues to Unfold
The West took a turn for the worse about 100 years ago. Three versions of a new political vision—fascism, communism, and progressivism—came to power at […]

Shallow Politics and Deep Politics
In January, three new telegenic, outspoken, and self-proclaimed “progressive” congresswomen took their seats: Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). Omar, a […]

When ‘The Right Stuff’ Goes Wrong
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy committed the United States to put an American on the moon and return him safely to Earth by the […]

The Democrats’ ‘Race Card’ Reign of Terror
During World War II, while the Germans were attempting to complete their version of the European Union by pummeling the British from the air, a […]

The New Face of the Democratic Party
As the Left collectively melts down over Donald Trump’s tweets about the socialist “squad,” calling him every name in the book from racist to xenophobic, […]

It’s Guerrilla Warfare
When my liberal friends and colleagues begin to explain to me why they imagine President Trump is appallingly vulgar and incompetent and venal, there is […]