Jeffrey Toobin Overplays His Hand

Big Lies Matter

The Worst Brand Name in American History

Swamp Within A Swamp

The ‘Architect’ Has Left the Building

Chinese Takeout
It’s Over For Hillary And Her Sisterhood of the Plus-Size Pantsuits
Rip-offs я Us

The Whistleblower and Me
Late Thursday night, after waking from my second post-turkey nap, my cell phone rang. The caller ID came up as “Unknown Number,” but I had […]

How the 2019 World Series Explains Washington

She’s Baaack!

Trouble in Government-Funded Paradise

When ‘The Right Stuff’ Goes Wrong
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy committed the United States to put an American on the moon and return him safely to Earth by the […]

Curtains for Comedy
Comedy used to be funny. Then Donald Trump was elected president. And comedy not only stopped being funny, it became a sinister arm of #TheResistance. […]

Cold War II: Only This Time We’re the Soviets
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to aim hypersonic missiles at Washington produced dire warnings everywhere of a coming new Cold War. Everywhere, that is, except […]

Trump’s Wall and a Plan to Stop Cartels at the Border
If you’ve been thinking Trump Derangement Syndrome couldn’t get any worse, consider the Democratic Party’s position on border security. Sitting behind President Trump during his […]

Ryan Redux: Romney Assumes the Missionary Position
In Washington, winners write history, losers write résumés, unless, like Mitt Romney, they happen to follow the path of least resistance into a waiting Senate […]

The Left’s Fatal Attraction to Crazy
How much crazier can the progressive Left get? The short answer is a lot. After their victory in the midterms, Democrats can assume the two-year […]

High School on the Potomac: Democrats in Danger of Flunking Out
Make-out parties . . . goofy yearbook jokes . . . barfing after a night of drinking too much beer . . . Sound familiar? […]