During World War II, while the Germans were attempting to complete their version of the European Union by pummeling the British from the air, a favorite weapon of theirs was the V-2 rocket.
It wasn’t a very accurate weapon. In fact, it wasn’t accurate at all. But to the Nazis, that was its charm.
The V-2 wasn’t meant to take out military installations with pinpoint precision while avoiding civilian casualties. Quite the opposite. It was meant to rain down terror indiscriminately on the civilian population, destroying morale and ultimately leaving the populace so weary and shell-shocked that, rather than fight on, they would choose to capitulate to a weaker enemy just to get on with their lives.
For the past many decades, the Democrats have employed a similar weapon with a similar purpose. It, too, is a singularly inaccurate weapon but, to the Democrats, that’s its charm. It, too, is meant not to achieve a strategic victory but to leave the civilian population so frightened and jittery every time they hear what could be a whistle coming from the sky, that they choose surrender in the big war just to get on with the smaller but essential battles of day-to-day existence.
Although this weapon can be and easily is adapted for various civilian populations, the Democrats’ version of the V-2 rocket usually goes by the name of the “race card.”
The race card is a weapon of terror. One can easily imagine someone like Osama Bin Laden, as he gave the final orders to bomb the World Trade Center, saying “if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it.” But those weren’t Bin Laden’s words; they were those of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
As with all terrorists, the value of the Democrats’ attack on, say, a teenager from Covington, Kentucky wearing the wrong hat, isn’t found in the success they achieve in destroying his life and visiting pain upon him and his family. To many, that’s just a perk.
The real value is found in the message the Democrats send in terrorizing this poor kid: anyone’s life can be destroyed in an instant over the smallest of things if you do not all capitulate now!
Far from this being simply some “right-wing fanatic’s” take on things, consider one of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the de facto war manual of today’s Democratic Party. “Those who, for any combination of reasons, oppose the reformation, become an unwitting ally of the far political right,” Alinsky wrote.
The simple translation: it doesn’t matter who you are, what you say or do or why, if you do not share our views, you are aiding and abetting the most extreme of our enemies and thus make yourself a legitimate target for destruction.
But, while the Democrats employ Alinsky’s heartless rules, many of these Democrats—Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, the Clintons and Joe Biden, etc.—aren’t, in fact, radicals. They’re not, say, William Ayers who, not coincidentally, set off real terrorist bombs before changing tactics and simply setting off rhetorical ones. They don’t seek the destruction of Western Civilization and the creation of a Marxist utopia upon its ashes. They don’t even seek to change the status quo. They are the status quo.
These Democrats don’t use the tactics of the extremists in order to change the game. They employ them only to further rig the game to their advantage. Their “view” that everyone must share under threat of becoming “collateral damage” is nothing other than their belief that they must be reelected.
That these Status Quo Democrats aren’t ideological extremists is easily proven by perusing the policies the terrorists have supported and opposed over the course of the past thirty-plus years. Every one of them has, at one time or another, taken every conceivable position on every major issue, often in utter contradiction to the stance they’d sworn allegiance to only the day before.
Whether it’s gay marriage or border security, prison reform or the Iraq War, the horrors of crack cocaine or the racism that makes people say that crack cocaine is horrible, theirs is always the market-tested, poll-watched “convictions” which can change at any given moment depending on the direction of the blowing wind.
Ideologues don’t market-test their beliefs. They don’t check the polls to decide what are their convictions. They don’t engage in politically expedient compromises even if it results in their getting to bang the gavel and call themselves the Speaker of the House and steal another couple of million from the people. These Democrats aren’t ideologues, they are terrorist whores.
The political strategy is simple: on the one hand, they ensure their reelection by rendering the opposition so evil—so beyond the pale—that no matter how corrupt and failed their own policies, it’s still better than the Republicans who, according to Joe Biden, “wanna put y’all back in chains.”
It further ensures their continued reign of terror to seek power and corruption by leaving those who might stand up and speak in opposition to their reelection so terrified of the retribution the terrorists visit upon even a sweet kid in a red hat, that their hate-filled, self-serving narratives go unchallenged.
Of late, however, the Status Quo Democrats are finding that things have changed. The “new faces” of the Democratic party are not, as Pelosi seems to think, the protegés of the Status Quo Democrats. They are, in fact, heirs to the 1960s radicals for whom Alinsky wrote his rules.
To them, the market-testing, poll-watching, politically expedient compromises that the Status Quo Democrats engage in because their end-game is nothing other than reelection is seen by the new radicals as their having, for whatever combination of reasons, opposed their Marxist reformation. This makes them as much an ally of the far political right as any kid in a MAGA hat and subject to the same terror attacks the Democrats have so cynically and cavalierly used against Republicans for years.
Not surprisingly, then, the V-2s have begun to fall on the Status Quo Democrats as well.
Now Pelosi is a “sexist,” and Biden is a “racist,” and even the man they loved and the woman they were all with just three years ago, Bill and Hillary Clinton, get booed at Madison Square Garden, not for their corruption, malfeasance and failures, but because they betrayed the revolution by not terrorizing the population enough when they had the chance.
From now on, only the most radical extremists are safe from becoming collateral damage.
Editor’s note: Evan Sayet will be performing live at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19, at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. Visit the Freedom Fest website for more information.
Photo Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images