Cultural Marxism

The Continuing Cultural Revolution

A Civil Rights Catastrophe at New College of Florida

Woke Racism

‘Prog-Whistles’ and Safe Spaces
The Left controls the three major platforms for messaging the American people—the arts; academia; and the old, new and social media. Yet, America remains a […]

A Transformation of the American Regime?
Almost all observers agree that America is profoundly divided. This intense polarization has been described by the Claremont Institute’s Angelo Codevilla as a “cold civil […]

Case for Reparations Is Progressive Corruption of Christianity
In Christianity, original sin is the first cause which allowed evil to enter the history of mankind. While progressive liberals basically reject traditional Christianity, having […]

Who’s the Radical? On Confidence and Common Sense
I just heard a fellow on CNN say that Donald Trump has radicalized the Republicans. Let’s be clear on what is and isn’t radical. A […]

America Needs a True Family-First Movement
Last week, I wrote about the formulaic demise of Taylor Swift. Once a picture of feminine potential, she’s now little more than a piece of […]

Crack-ups at the Crossroads of Intersectionality
Progressives do not see the United States as an exceptional uniter of factions and tribes into a cohesive whole—each citizen subordinating his tribal, ethnic, and […]

Dangerous Derangement
America cannot continue as a republic without the acceptance that one party routinely will be turned out of office. Democrats no longer accept that bedrock […]

Worshipful Procession: The Progressive Liberal Protest March
In 2008, noted psychologist and addiction expert Stanton Peele argued in Psychology Today that, “Religious people are certifiable. They are obligated to believe crazy things […]

Did Your Child Return From College a Better Person?
When assessing America’s or any of the Western world’s universities—wondering whether you should send your child to one; whether you should pay for a child […]

Why Are the Western Middle Classes So Angry?
What is going on with the unending Brexit drama, the aftershocks of Donald Trump’s election and the “yellow vests” protests in France? What drives the […]

Republicans Aren’t Funny
Editor’s note: This article was first published at The American Spectator and appears in American Greatness by permission. Conservative intellectuals in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere are gathering to […]

Smiling Through the ‘Apocali’
On the whole, the Right does little in the culture war but bitch. Intrepid individuals have endeavored to check the Left; and, if that individual […]

The Right Needs to Take Language Seriously
The Left’s ideas receive a major boost in ubiquity and apparent credibility because progressives control nearly all of the America’s major taste-making institutions: Hollywood, the […]

‘Abortion’: Sloppy Thinking on Filicide in the Womb
In the wake of the Alabama state legislature’s decision to pass what its opponents call an “extreme” or “virtual abortion ban,” the topic of “abortion” […]

Let’s See If Netflix and Disney Really Mean It
Pity the poor actors and production companies that have discovered a need in conscience not to film in Georgia because of its new abortion restrictions. […]

President Trump Can Win on Race
The good news for President Trump is that most Americans agree with Republicans about race: that we are all created equal and deserve equal treatment […]