2016 Election

Putin’s Patsies

A patsy is somebody easily manipulated. A pushover. A chump. A sucker.  Look up “patsy” in the dictionary and you should find pictures of Hillary […]

Stepping Over Mueller’s Cadaver

There are few hoaxes in the history of journalism as disgraceful as Russiagate, and few events underscore the media’s shame quite like its tragic, unintentionally […]

Shame on Robert Mueller—Again

Nowhere is the collapse of the Democratic Party as a coherent political organization more evident than in the astounding metamorphosis of Robert Mueller. He returned […]

It’s Guerrilla Warfare

When my liberal friends and colleagues begin to explain to me why they imagine President Trump is appallingly vulgar and incompetent and venal, there is […]

Russian Hack or CrowdStrike Ruse?

Robert Mueller may live to regret indicting Roger Stone. Stone is the long-time Republican political operative who made headlines in January when he was hauled […]