Trump’s Arc Must Play Out

It remains an observable fact that the average American voter—the MAGA voter—is not going to abandon Trump, not even for another attractive candidate.

A 2020 White House Christmas

Our political landscape is entering the dangerous territory of regime politics. Yet, the East Room transcends these perilous times by combining two themes of humanity—reason and revelation.

Keeping Christmas Great

This season the White House Christmas decor leaves us with much to be thankful for as we remember all of those who have gone before us. The patriotic theme reminds is that the blessings of this country were not the result of human effort alone.

Natural Disasters and the AR-15

Hurricane Dorian wreaked havoc, leaving some communities in a temporary "state of nature." Under the circumstances, the right to self-defense is indispensable.

Music in the 80s Sucked

In an excellent essay making the case that pop music was at its zenith in 1984, Julie Kelly writes that the era represented a patriotic […]

John Dean: Still a Crook

There is something retrogressively fetid in the odor wafting from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerold Nadler’s (D-N.Y.) show trial on Monday. In it, he called […]

Our Tech Slave Power

There can be no doubt any longer that Facebook, Google, Twitter, and their subsidiaries—YouTube, Instagram, Periscope, among others—are trying to suffocate political speech. These American […]

Nixon, Marini, and the Russia Hoax

In a recent essay reflecting on John Marini’s excellent new book, Unmasking the Administrative State, Ken Masugi wrote that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report amounted […]

Linda Chavez and Her Opinion Hammer

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] Appearing last week on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake […]

A New American Agenda

Daniel McCarthy’s essay, “The New Conservative Agenda” which appears in the March issue of First Things, deserves serious attention.  McCarthy correctly finds that “conservatism” has […]

About That Kavanaugh Poll

A poll recently conducted by NBC/WSJ from September 16-19 purportedly showing strong opposition to Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court has several flaws and […]