‘Bring Me Some New Clichés’

Leo Strauss and his student Harry Jaffa understood that once philosophical insights and political principles ossify into clichés, they are no longer meaningful. 

America Never Existed

We are in danger of losing not only the habits and institutions of republican self-government, but our very ability to remember and understand them. It will be as if America never existed.

Equality Explained

Defending the founders’ republican principles—all of them—is the best and most effective way to fight our emerging woke tyranny, which categorically rejects those principles—all of them.

Poking the Deplorable Bear

Three recent left-wing tracts demonstrate how the Woke Occupation Army, and its pagan gods, are at war with traditional America and how they are determined to pin the blame on us.

Bullets, Ballots, and Books

What Harry Jaffa teaches is neither easy nor comforting. Rather than offer his students and readers idle chatter or shallow patriotism, he sought to reveal how natural right remains a living force.