Christians across this nation must cherish the words of our original Declaration and be sure to vote—and encourage others to do so as well. Our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor are truly on the line.
No Second Amendment, No First is an excellent way to garner the intellectual weaponry necessary to fight the good fight for these crucial life-and-death issues.
If this nation and its leaders and citizens can wise up enough to embrace the truth and blow past the conspiracy theories, we can, once again, become that beacon of hope.
Here I am posing quirky questions and answers—and maybe a statement or two—that might get people pondering what exactly is going on in this wacky world which we inhabit today.
The alarm has gone off four years later and this time we'd better be fully awake. The country will end up with more than just a few stitches if the fascist Democrats have their way again.
The left wants you demoralized to keep you planted on the sidelines. But you know down deep that you need to get in the game—while you still can. Don't let them keep you from "fighting the good fight.
Once the final page of Religionless Christianity is turned, a reader may be joyfully ready to put on the full armor of their faith and engage in the battle.
If we did, one of the really big and obvious problems would be this: Whose "No God" would we follow? Eventually, whether we chose or not, the no-god would be chosen for us by those more powerful.
Election season is always ripe for the misuse of our First Amendment. We need to squelch it sooner rather than later. November 5th would be just in the nick of time.
What has the Church these past many years been doing to slow the roll of the radical left? Unfortunately, in many cases, the Church has jumped right on the merry-go-round.
Be encouraged. Our movement is grassroots. And when we can build on the conservative clawing and scratching of a guy named Catturd, anything is indeed possible.
Vigilance is necessary this time around to insure a free and fair election and to keep the cement of fundamental transformation from hardening into unbreakable rock.