Project Veritas’ #Expose2020 video series has thus far shown that the Bernie Sanders Campaign has a disturbing tendency to attract far-left, antifa-supporting, Gulag-loving radicals who pine for violent revolution.
In the first video expose, paid Sanders field organizer in Iowa talks about how “MAGA people” will have to be “reeducated” in Gulags to learn “how to not be a f**king nazi. In the second video, Kyle Jurek, the self-proclaimed anarcho-communist Soviet Gulag fan featured in the first video, describes his recent arrest for operating while intoxicated (second offense), possession of drug paraphernalia, failure to provide proof of financial liability, and violation of probation. Jurek also talks about how the Soviet Gulag system is given a bad rap and was not as bad as people make it out to be. Incredibly, Jurek still remains employed with the Sanders Campaign in Iowa.
For the third installment in the series, Project Veritas targeted another revolutionary Communist and Gulag fan, this time in a Sanders field office in South Carolina. In the secretly recorded video, Martin Weissgerger praises the Soviet Union, advocates for a violent overthrow of the United States federal government, and fantasizes about sending Republicans to “re-education camps,” or Gulags.
Both Jurek and Weissgerger made clear in the videos that they are not an anomaly in the Sanders campaign. Many of their compatriots, they say, are either just as radical as they are, or even more so.
The latest video released by Project Veritas Action Fund (PVA) on Tuesday follows that now familiar pattern. Two South Carolina Field Organizers for the Sanders Campaign —Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor—are secretly recorded downplaying the human rights atrocities committed by the Soviet Union, defending the Soviet Gulag system, and talking about staging violent protests if Sanders isn’t elected.
The two also admitted that the campaign is riddled with radicals and suggested that the campaign hides this from the public because they “don’t want to scare people off.”
“I’ve canvassed with someone whose an Anarchist, and with someone who’s a Marxist/Leninist so we attract radical, truly radical people in the campaign but obviously that’s not outward facing,” Baird told the Veritas undercover journalist.
Baird also talked about creating a “mass movement” that is institutionalized by the federal government to consolidate Sanders’ power.
“Um … well, I think the goal is just to build a … you know, build a coalition … so, a lot of people … their politics fall outside of the American norm, so their politics are Marxist/Leninist, they’re Anarchists, so these types of folks they have more of a mind for ‘direct action’ for engaging in politics outside of the electoral system,” the organizer said. “Bernie said that – that the only way that we’re going to – the only way we’re going live is if – is if we have this mass movement going after the election.”
He added: “For the first time, for the first time, in like, my life, maybe even, probably most of our lives in American history, we’re going to have – like if we have Bernie in the White House, we’re going to have, a real plan for dual power; where we’ll have the presidency and we’ll have a mass movement, right alongside it, that’s like going to be like institutionalized and supported…and I’d like to participate in it.”
He also talked about nationalizing Google, YouTube, Facebook so the Socialist government could used the platforms for “education stuff” for the masses.
Baird’s vision of a government sanctioned “mass movement” of Marxist/Leninists and Anarchists sounds suspiciously like Chairman Mao’s shock troops known as the Red Guards of China’s Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976.
During that time, the mass student-led paramilitary Red Guards persecuted, tortured or killed millions of Chinese “class enemies.”
The Sanders organizer spoke of violently stripping power from “capitalists,” and destroying property like the Chinese communists did.
“We would need a federal government and labor union movement that is working together to strip power away from capitalists and preferably directing violence toward property,” Baird explained.
The organizer added that it was hard to talk about using the Maoist model because China didn’t end up the way Mao had “envisioned.”
“At the end of the day, this kind of stuff will come out through practice, through the work and it’s hard for me to talk about it in the moment we live in cause I think China today is not what Mao envisioned, right it was through the practice of Chinese people doing the work to create the China today,” he said.
“So, it never – we’re never going – I think a lot of the stuff – a lot of these answers are going to come through practice – we’re going to try things – things aren’t going to work – we’re going to move on to the next thing, and we’re going to try to be as conscious and intentional about those things, but when you get into a certain level of detail, and depth, it’s like, that’s kind of my ‘cop out’, it comes through the work, you know. The answers come through the work.”
Baird stressed that the movement would have to be willing to “destroy property.”
“It would, it’s gonna take, you know, it’s gonna take militancy…like a militant labor movement that’s willing to…strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that.”
He explained that a “militant labor movement” would be put into play to fundamentally change the United States, and if that failed, they would have to employ “other means” as a last resort.
“…After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them, that’s my feeling I think it’s damaging to the soul, but um, there were plenty of excesses in 1917 (Russian Revolution) I would hope to avoid,” Baird said. “You know, Lenin didn’t have the internet, they were a peasant society, and I mean it was like, so you know I would hope that like, that we would – we’d have – we’d be doing a bunch of prep work before the capitalists got hip to what we were doing, I guess. That’s my best uh, I’m not excited about the prospect of armed struggle…”
Like his compatriots Jurek and Weissgerger, Baird downplayed the Soviet Gulag system, arguing that stories about persecutions “and things like that” are “exaggerated.”
“…And so I think that, um, I think if we pay attention to, to the lived experience of people in post-Soviet States and in Russia and things like that, then we do find that, yeah, like a lot of the stories we’re told in the United States about, you know, the Gulags and the persecution of the Kulaks and things like that are exaggerated…we certainly don’t have, uh, uh, a straight perspective on that stuff here in America,” he said.
The Kulaks were prosperous peasants and their families who were targeted by the Soviet government in the 1929–1932 period of the first five-year plan. During the “Dekulakization” campaign, millions of Kulaks were arrested, deported, and killed as the Soviets labeled them “class enemies” of the USSR and seized their property. As many as five million Kulaks perished during this period.
This is what these Bernie Boys want to bring to America.
Daniel Taylor, also a Sanders Field Organizer in South Carolina, talked about how much headway far leftists have made in the past four years.
“For me personally, I have no problem going all in on the campaign stuff because you’re planting a seed…yeah, the whole socialist thing four years ago was a whole lot more toxic than it is today,” Tayor said.
“We don’t want to scare people off, you first have to feel it out before you get into the crazy stuff…You know we were talking about more extreme organizations like Antifa, you were talking about, Yellow Vests, all that but we’re kinda keeping that on the back-burner for now,” he added.
Taylor told Project Veritas that Sanders supporters were preparing for “extreme action” even if Sanders wins the election.
“We have all this momentum, where do we go, regardless of the outcome, after it’s all over? Change won’t come easily, regardless. Even if Bernie is elected, change will not come swiftly or easily, so the connections we make now in the campaign with people, and volunteers, it’s important we retain that regardless of the outcome. It’s unfortunate that we have to make plans for extreme action but like I said, they’re not going to give it to us even if Bernie is elected,” he said.
Taylor was confident that Sanders would endorse his supporters’ plans because he has a “history of protest” and doing other “uncomfortable stuff.”
“Oh yeah, he (Sanders) has a history of protest and that’s what makes him so attractive to the younger people and those fed up with the bureaucracy. Bernie has been out there standing on the picket lines and doing that uncomfortable stuff…and I absolutely think he’d definitely endorse that kind of action because sometimes that’s what you have to do to get it done,” he said.
After Project Veritas released this latest video in the #Expose2020 series, Mason Baird locked down his Twitter account.
BREAKING: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer Mason Baird aka @bigbeetlebite has LOCKED his Twitter account.
This seems to be becoming a pattern within the @BernieSanders campaign.
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 28, 2020