It’s no secret that the mainstream media is biased to the left. A 2018 survey conducted by researchers at Arizona State found that only 4.4 percent of journalists consider themselves “right-of-center.” A similar 2014 study found that only 7.1 percent of journalists were registered Republicans. Examples of this bias are relentless, from two years of hyping an investigation into “collusion” between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia that came up empty, to slanderous attacks on the Covington Catholic High School students.
It isn’t just obviously distorted coverage of current events that taints American journalism, it’s the way they continue to mischaracterize past events, knowing they can get away with it. “Trump defended neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.” No, he did not. “Trump mocked a disabled reporter.” No, he did not. Yet the anti-Trump “journalists” routinely repeat these lies and others, using them to reinforce the negative context of whatever it is they’re currently reporting about Trump.
One of the most shameless propagandists against President Trump in particular, and conservatives in general, is “ABC Nightly News” anchor David Muir. If he weren’t such a partisan hack, one might feel sorry for him.
Every afternoon at 5:30 p.m., Muir begins his broadcast by uttering the same phrases as if he’s saying them for the first time: “Welcome on a very busy Monday, there are several developing stories as we come on the air.”
Managing to look both solemn and dashing at the same time, Muir paces through the same formula, day in and day out. Here’s the sequence: Anything semi-newsworthy that can be spun to make Trump look bad. Weather report (“severe winter storm moving through the Midwest”) to keep our minds on “climate change.” A heinous murder somewhere in America so we’ll approve “gun control.” Anything else to make Trump look bad. Anything else to make Trump look bad. A few additional snippets of infotainment (daring rescue, lost dog found), and a “feel good” moment at the end.
If you want to know what’s going on in North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, or even on America’s southern border, don’t bother with ABC News. Apart from major developments, these ongoing stories won’t get one minute of coverage. Unless, of course, whatever is happening there will make Trump look bad. No real news seems to be news on ABC. On April 11, SpaceX landed all three of its Falcon Heavy rocket boosters for the first time. This was a triumph of American aerospace and an historic accomplishment. Not one word from David Muir. But he took plenty of time to spew Trump-bashing trivia. Why ABC calls its 30 minute national newscast “news” is anybody’s guess.
On April 29, ABC’s “anything to make Trump look bad” moment took the form of the “packed white nationalist rally in Long Beach” that wasn’t. Muir was reporting on the FBI arrest of Mark Domingo, an army veteran who was planning a terrorist attack. It’s important to understand exactly how Muir distorted his reporting. He said Domingo planned to bomb “a packed white nationalist rally in Long Beach.”
There was no such rally. There was a Facebook event announcement, subsequently taken down. The Facebook post was created by a group with “ties to white nationalists.” The rally never took place. But why let that detail get in the way?
What Muir inferred, unambiguously, was that a “right-wing” rally had taken place, and that it was “packed,” and then he moved on with his coverage of Domingo’s arrest. Oh, and by the way, Domingo had converted to Islam. But that wasn’t part of the story. The story was about the “packed white nationalist rally.” Adding the adjective “packed” was an especially juicy embellishment, since the event was canceled and nobody showed up but counterprotesters.
This is an example of how media bias translates into lies too subtle to be called out as blatant lying. A “packed white nationalist rally in Long Beach.” When you hear this, even when mentioned in passing, it reinforces the desired perception that America is awash in a tide of dangerous white nationalism. That’s the goal. It’s not by accident. If television journalists were recognized for their acting ability, David Muir would get an Oscar.
What television news anchors like Muir will not report are the thousands of “direct actions” by tens of thousands of far-left activists, who have plagued America’s cities and colleges for years, escalating sharply since Trump was elected. When President Trump truthfully and accurately describes America’s extremist Right as “a few sick people,” the media mocks him and accuses him of providing cover.
It’s true that right-wing extremism is a problem in America. But the perpetrators of these tragic acts are invariably loners, usually coping with mental illness. The violent extremists on the American Left, by contrast, are organized in militant cadres, each with hundreds if not thousands of members, active in nearly every major city in America. Their actions are condoned and often supported by the mainstream Left.
Comprised of anarchists, eco-terrorists, communists, socialists, and “anti-fascists,” these militants are the violent auxiliary of liberal Democrats. Antifa, and like minded militants, have sympathizers not only on college campuses and in liberal communities, but also inside much of big business and big finance, in one of the great ironies of our time.
The extremist Right is racist. That, along with the violence, is what makes them extremists. But they will never become a mass movement, as the Left appears convinced will happen at any time. Why? Because there are very few Americans left who tolerate racism. The populist uprising that frightens the Left is not a resurgence of racism; it’s a resurgence of American nationalism. The goal of the Left, with the full complicity of David Muir and his elite clique of professional counterparts, is to make these terms interchangeable. Whites are racists. Racists are nationalists. Nationalists are white racists.
Expressions of nationalism that terrify the Left revolve around core issues that will define where we end up as a nation over the next few decades. Will we import new residents, by the millions, who are educated and skilled, or who are illiterate and unskilled? Will we develop conventional energy including nuclear power, or will we handicap our economy with renewables at a time when rising powers around the world have no such delusions? According to the American Left, if you want skilled immigrants you are a racist, and if you want an all-of-the-above energy strategy, you are a “denier.” And they are prepared to intimidate anyone who acquires enough influence to shape that debate against their wishes.
Stoking fear of white nationalism is a powerful propaganda tool, because the phrase imposes a racist stigma that inhibits honest discussions about immigration and affirmative action, along with debates over America’s energy policies. The concept of “environmental justice,” and other leftist initiatives such as in the Green New Deal, further the goal of linking racists and “deniers” together in a toxic unity.
The problem the Left has with all this, however, is that almost everything they’re trying to do violates common sense. The Left has to try to convince us that any expressions of nationalism or balanced discussions of environmental issues are a slippery and dangerous slope leading towards the abyss, because otherwise they can’t win those arguments.
Trump’s greatest gift to America may be his complete disregard for this tactic of the Left. Thanks to Trump, Americans are finally having a long overdue conversation about immigration policy. Increasingly, against overwhelming odds, and also thanks to Trump, Americans are finally reopening the debate over “climate change,” what causes it, how severe it is (or isn’t), and what (if anything) should be done about it.
In a way, media bias and leftist extremism are doing America a favor. Their obvious lies and odious antics are stimulating what may be a great awakening. The populism that terrifies the Left isn’t white nationalism, it’s American nationalism. It’s a coalition, already forming, of not just the “white working class,” but assimilated “ethnics” who are equally fed up with mass waves of illegal immigrants who compete for jobs and services. It’s construction unions deciding to stop allowing billions of infrastructure dollars to flow to bureaucrats instead of builders. It’s common sense environmentalists who have realized that “climate change” is just a Trojan Horse for socialism. It’s African Americans who have realized that Leftist victimology has done nothing for their communities, and never will. It’s parents rebelling against the teachers union. All these people will join the backlash. Together. Unstoppable.
So keep it up, David Muir. Keep telling your lies with a straight face. We’re sorry you won’t get an Academy Award.
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