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Attorney General Bill Barr on Sunday sent Congress a letter devastating to NeverTrumpers and Democrats alike: “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: ‘[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.’”
Since the probe began in May 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office issued 5.8 subpoenas per business day. Per business day, Mueller’s team dragged in a hapless American for an interrogation. At least two witnesses complained that the Mueller team pressured them to lie about the president. Mueller obtained his conviction against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn by bankrupting him and reportedly threatening to prosecute the man’s son.
Mueller conducted a SWAT-team raid on an unarmed man’s house for the crime of allegedly lying to Congress. Mueller snatched tens of thousands of Trump emails without a warrant or prior notice to the president’s transition team. Mueller held Paul Manafort, a 69-year-old man, in prolonged solitary confinement to pressure him to “flip” on Trump—a treatment some condemned as torture in violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.
Mueller obtained 500 search warrants. That’s 500 Americans who had their Constitutional rights to privacy set aside for this investigation. Mueller obtained 2,800 subpoenas. Have you ever had to respond to a subpoena from a criminal prosecutor? It’s like a colonoscopy minus the tenderness and romance. Mueller put 2,800 Americans through that.
Mueller’s team conducted 500 interviews. Have you ever been interrogated by a federal agent? Many of these interviews went on for hours, even days. Can you imagine the pressure and intimidation that ordinary Americans must have felt in those long hours under interrogation?
As 40 agents combed through the tax records and loan applications of the many witnesses, they uncovered skeletons and pressure points to apply towards the ever closing concentric circles of Trump’s contacts. Over and over, we heard the media gleefully announce the walls were closing in on Donald Trump. Millions of dollars in private funding worked the public relations effort to sway public opinion against the president and promote his ouster. Mainstream media coordinated with the Mueller probe to leak and undermine their target.
Somehow, justice prevailed. Mueller admitted he could not show (or coerce people to say) Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. The lawless nightmare initiated by Hillary Clinton and her allies in the government appears now to be drawing to a close.
They are defeated in purpose but not in capacity. Within the government, clear rogues such as senior Justice Department attorney Bruce Ohr continue to have access to awesome power as his wife, Nellie, remains open to accepting a commission to use her husband’s influence to launch the next FBI investigation. Consultants for Democrats have perfected the art of simulating Russian interference to frame the next candidate as directed by the highest bidder.
The Department of Justice owes America an apology. Aside from undermining the outcome of a presidential election, we now find ourselves under a two-tier system of justice. Elites like Hillary Clinton appear untouchable. Under our politicized federal justice system, only crimes alleged to have been committed by Trump’s allies are vigorously prosecuted. It will take years before all Americans feel like they can trust the Justice Department again.
When an FBI agent requests an interview of an administration official, he may now refuse and the sympathy of all who remember the Flynn affair is likely to be with him. When a future president actually commits criminal misconduct, it will now more difficult to get people to take seriously the prospect of investigating or prosecuting him.
The reckoning is upon us. It is time to declassify the documents held to protect the deep state agents from the embarrassment of their lawlessness. It is time to fire the Bruce Ohrs and countless other bureaucrats who abused their positions to frustrate an election. It is time to criminally prosecute the lawless Obama-era intelligence officials who abused our surveillance tools to invade the privacy of American citizens for petty politics. It is time to root out those who undermined the duly elected president by leaking confidential discussions with foreign leaders. And, at long last, it is time to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the architect of all of this.
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