Apparently, the children of Hillary Clinton voters are despondent at the outcome of Tuesday’s election. Or maybe their parents are projecting. Either way, very serious people at very serious publications are offering advice to parents who aren’t sure what to tell their kids about President-elect Donald J. Trump.
I’ll tell you what you shouldn’t tell them:
You shouldn’t tell them that the people who disagree with you are racist or stupid.
You shouldn’t tell them that every time they don’t get their way they should throw a tantrum.
Here’s what you should tell them:
You should tell them that in races there are winners and losers and, given fair competition, to accept the results.
You should tell them that politicians aren’t rock-stars in whom we should invest too much meaning.
You should tell them that one of the greatest results of civics is a civil society. You should also teach them history.
You should teach them that not everyone they dislike is comparable to Hitler.
You should teach them about the notion of a constitutional republic and representative government.
You should teach them that diversity of opinion is as important as diversity of race and class.
Beyond all this, you should teach them that as they move through life, they will come into contact with good and moral people who disagree with them passionately. That derision and vilification of those people, rather than an attempt to understand and communicate with them, ultimately will cheapen their lives. Lives which, if lived with an open mind, can be filled with a respect for a beautiful multiplicity of ideas that can move the human endeavor to new heights.