Shock and Awe on the Campaign Trail

I would wager that a million or more words have been written about the trials and tribulations—but especially the trials—of Donald Trump. I have written quite a few myself, here at American Greatness and elsewhere.

Some stories from the left are of the gleefully salivating variety. “Goodie! The Bad Orange Man is Getting His and Might Even go to Jail.  Hallelujah!”

But it is my impression that more and more commentary has a worried, if not an out-and-out tone of alarm.  Former Attorney General William Barr is no fan of Donald Trump. But he recently announced that he was endorsing Trump because the likely alternative—Joe Biden—was so much worse.

I suspect that, with the passage of time, that endorsement will be seen to mark a turning point in l’affaire Trump. If even an anti-Trump figure like Bill Barr has lined up behind the former president, a rearrangement of the stars is underway.

Note well: The primary fulcrum of this change is not an assessment of the relative merits of Trump vs. Biden.  Rather, it’s a reaction against the perversion of the DOJ and the coercive power of the state under Biden.  Trump is the most obvious victim. But any opponent of the regime is a potential target.

Shock and Awe” is the popular phrase military folks use to describe a strategy of using “spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy’s perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.”

That is a good description of what the Biden administration is attempting to do to Donald Trump.  Thanks to the incisive reporting of Julie KellyMike Davis, and others, we now know that there was extensive co-ordination between the Biden White House and the myriad prosecutors, attorneys general, FBI agents, and other official factota to formulate a strategy to indict, intimidate, and neutralize Trump as a political actor.

The commentator Andrew McCarthy is no more a fan of Donald Trump than is Bill Barr. I don’t know that he has gotten around to endorsing Trump, but he, too, has been appalled by the perversion of  justice on view in the scramble to “Get Trump.”  In an important recent essay, McCarthy outlines some of the ways in which Biden, as President of the United States, has been colluding with (not to say directing) the “shock and awe” legal assault against Trump.  Regarding District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s so-called “hush money” trial in New York (really, it is a “hush Trump” trial), he points out that Bragg chose as his lead prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, “one of the very top lawyers in the Biden Justice Department — the associate attorney general overseeing the government’s civil, civil-rights, antitrust, and tax-enforcement activities.”  McCarthy notes that “Most prosecutors see themselves as working in law enforcement; Colangelo specializes in anti-Trump enforcement.”

He goes on to observe that

it is highly unusual for a lawyer in so lofty a federal perch to decamp to a county DA’s office for a line-prosecutor post — even allowing that the county is in the Big Apple and the trial gig is a prosecution of Donald Trump, which will make Colangelo a very famous fellow. But in this instance, it is a seamless transition. Prior to joining the top echelon of Biden’s Trump-hostile Justice Department, Colangelo had worked at the New York attorney general’s office — where Bragg was then a top deputy and where Colangelo specialized in lawsuits against Trump and his organization. It was Colangelo’s work against Trump that Bragg touted in running for district attorney in blue, blue Manhattan.

That’s my emphasis but Colangelo’s bias.

McCarthy’s entire essay is worth reading, as is “America in the Shadow of Lawfare,” a long essay by Kenin M. Spivak that appears in The American Mind. Spivak rehearses what has become a familiar litany of abuses of state power to take down Trump. It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. But in this case, I believe it would be more accurate to say that familiarity has bred complacency.  Clear your mind of what you know about these cases and ponder this partial list of Spivak’s inventory of extravagant legal abuse.

Beyond E. Jean Carroll’s so far successful defamation cases funded by billionaire Reid Hoffman and failed efforts in 36 states to take Trump off the ballot for purportedly engaging in insurrection, Trump is a defendant in five active criminal or civil actions, and an unindicted co-conspirator in two additional criminal cases, all brought by partisan progressive Democrat prosecutors seeking hundreds of millions of dollars of fines and more than 100 years of prison time.”

And note these two points:

  1. “The timing of these cases was coordinated to inflict maximum inconvenience and cost on Trump, and to make it impossible for him to campaign actively.”
  2. “State and federal prosecutors met in the White House to refine their cases and for purposes that have never been disclosed.”

The timing was coordinated. State and federal prosecutors met in the White House to refine their cases. 

Why are people not up in arms over these revelations? We are not talking about something that is happening in Bolivia or Venezuela. It is happening right now here in the United States of America. The regime party is coordinating with the instruments of legal enforcement and the media to keep the chief opposition candidate off the campaign trail and make it impossible for people to vote for him. That party is also actively attempting to bankrupt him.  As Spivak notes, “No sitting or former president of the United States has ever before been indicted, let alone faced a coordinated, multi-layered legal attack.”

It is hard, I suspect, for most people to grasp the enormity of what is going on all around us.  A Rubicon has been crossed, and advance troops are already besieging various outposts of our taken-for-granted institutions and assumptions about our social lives.  If the regime party succeeds in taking down its chief opponent, it will be open season on all of us.  Spivak is correct: “The United States is now seeking to financially destroy and incarcerate a former president who is also the leading opposition candidate for that office. This is what happens in Third World countries, which routinely confiscate assets of and imprison, the opposition. Regardless of whether Trump prevails in his trials, America has crossed a line from its republican past into something very ugly.” Verbum sapienti satis est: i.e., don’t say you weren’t warned.


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Notable Replies

  1. I read Kimball’s article some few hours ago and pondered whether to share a commenter’s post from another site. It was a response to me on Cassidy Hutchinson’s recent interview where she shared she might vote for Biden. I decided to do so to show exactly what the other side thinks about Trump, lawfare, the “righteousness” on the Left AND exactly what they think of Trump and those who support him.

    Though we’ve been exposed to this kind of thinking for nearly 8 years, it is still shocking to see what one half of America thinks about the other half. So, here it is-----

    There is no “lawfare” against Trump, he’s simply the most dangerous criminal in the country.
    You should try not supporting a lifetime criminal and puppet of our enemies.

    As for the records from Jan 6, since the Republicans fake Trump out of deeply needed impeachments and then tried to invent crimes they couldn’t think of for Biden (and Hillary before all this) we know that their only purpose for using evidence would be to mislead the public.

    It’s a Fascist party that stand for power by every means possible, including every kind of corruption, and soon you’ll work your way up to power through mass murder since you have no honesty, no principles and no morals.

    They have become utterly convinced that we intend to do EXACTLY what they’ve been doing for years.
    Putting aside this person has absolutely no idea what Fascism really is, the belief that we intend to install a totalitarian government beggars belief----especially in light of the fact there is fully four years of a Trump presidency as evidence to the contrary.

    I fully expect Trump to emerge from this unscathed. I expect him to be elected again. But rather than being the end of the hysteria by the Left, it will be a new beginning. There will be no healing. There will be no reconciliation.

  2. Avatar for task task says:

    We, here at American Greatness, have been been shouting advanced warning even as early as when Donald Trump descended down the escalator in 2016. In fact I have been aware since the DNC convention of 2004. In late December of 2019 I was also very aware of what Covid - 19 was about, what it would do, and what Americans would allow to happen. How well was that managed? Covid should be a metaphor of what the reinstallation of the Biden Regime is going to do to American Patriots who avail themselves of the First Amendment. Joe Biden’s installation, without judicial intervention over election anomalies, is no different than was the election of Barack Obama without reporting about his pro Islamic stance and communist heritage. Both had tyranny in mind. However, always remember that neither could not have prevailed but for the Department of Education, and the unions they birthed, which indoctrinated the unaware to create legions of DEI useful idiots who have not a clue as to what is about to befall them any more than the Iranian students did when they exiled the Shah and put into place that which eventually became responsible for 911 and October 7. We are reaping what was sown.

  3. People aren’t “up in arms” because they’ve put their faith in the system fixing their Biden and Democrat Party problem. A majority probably suspects that Democrats have something planned for November of an extremely criminal nature, probably involving illegal aliens voting in our elections. People don’t want to jump the gun just yet on what they intend to do about it. They know that people who win elections fairly don’t do to their own country what this gang has done. A great deal has occurred to help them cross-reference the validity of their suspicions and render them the closest thing to cold, hard facts anyone can get about November.

  4. I’ve missed seeing Maximus-Cassius here these last few days because the topics have been right down his alley. I am beginning to believe that we, as a nation, are even more divided than we were in 1860/61. And that we are facing the same outcome that arose from that schism.

  5. It is hard, I suspect, for most people to grasp the enormity of what is going on all around us. [snip] If the regime party succeeds in taking down its chief opponent, it will be open season on all of us.

    Mr. Kimball, I’ve been more or less saying this for quite some time. I’ve been also been shouting from the rooftops about our dire circumstances and how much worse they will be–for all of us–if Biden steals another election.

    Unfortunately, by the time enough of We the People wake up and become alarmed to push back, it may be too late.

Continue the discussion at community.amgreatness.com

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