The alleged operation against Trump and his associates, which predates the official start of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, is a stark example of political weaponization of intelligence. The involvement of foreign allies in surveilling American citizens under the pretext of national security raises serious questions about the integrity of our democratic processes and the autonomy of our nation’s intelligence operations.
The narrative that has been pushed for years, that the investigation into Trump’s campaign began with an Australian tip about a boastful Trump aide, now appears to be a cover for a more extensive and coordinated effort to undermine Trump. If reports are accurate, British intelligence began targeting Trump on behalf of American intelligence agencies as early as 2015, long before the official narrative claims.
The implications of this are profound. It suggests an unprecedented level of collusion between U.S. intelligence agencies and their foreign counterparts to influence the outcome of an American presidential election. The use of foreign intelligence to circumvent American laws and surveillance limitations represents a grave threat to our nation’s sovereignty and the principles of democracy.
The fact that this operation was reportedly initiated at the behest of high-ranking officials within the Obama administration, including CIA Director John Brennan, only adds to the severity of the situation. Brennan’s alleged identification of Trump associates for surveillance by the Five Eyes alliance, and the directive to “bump” or make contact with them, illustrates a deliberate strategy to entangle the Trump campaign in a web of suspicion and intrigue.
Moreover, the reported involvement of foreign intelligence in crafting the Russia collusion narrative not only delegitimizes the subsequent investigation but also highlights the willingness of certain elements within the U.S. government to exploit international partnerships for domestic political gain. This revelation demands a thorough and transparent examination to ensure that such abuses of power are brought to light and severely punished to discourage them from being repeated.
As more details emerge, it is imperative that the American public demand accountability from those who orchestrated and executed this operation. The sanctity of our electoral process and the trust in our intelligence agencies are at stake. We must not allow the politicization of intelligence to go unchecked, nor can we tolerate the involvement of foreign powers in our democratic processes.
Let’s get something straight regarding Pan, the meathead circuit court judge, that thinks that it would be illegal for a President to take out the opposition political candidate using Seal Team 6. What about the fact that the FBI tried it, using FISA warrants and the Russian Hoax which would have resulted in the incarceration, and death while incarcerated, of Donald Trump prior to the 2016 election because that is not speculative? It was what really happened and is was actually set up by Clinton, her legal firm, and then adopted, and acted upon, by the Obama Administration and approved by President Barack Obama himself. What they intended to do in 2016 is exactly what they are intending to do, again, in 2024. The hypocrisy and irony should shatter any delusions regarding the lawlessness of the Party that named itself as but a metaphor for the word “democracy”, when it is the furthest thing the Greeks ever imagined regarding the actual meaning.
It is very easy to analyze and evaluate the Obama occupancy of the White House and its numerous unconstitutional, lawless, even treasonous acts during those eight years for those who refused to call him what he was as a candidate: ineligible. There were people investigating Obama’s background and discrediting him as a candidate during his meteoric rise to the Senate seat (by publicizing the Republican Senate candidate’s sealed divorce documents - an illegal act), then, in what seemed like an impossible feat, his miraculous “election” to President of the United States, even though he had refused to make public his birth certificate, college applications, or other relevant documents. He had no federal office experience and held no notable positions anywhere prior to his selection. He wasn’t a Golden Boy (though he was someone’s “boy”) and no honest person would ever have seen him as a “healer” of insignificant race issues which had steadily improved over time until his selection. He was another kind of puppet, and unlike the Meat Puppet, more sentient, but just as vicious, grasping and corrupt.
During that campaign, Republicans wanted no part of the suspicion or even curiosity about his history or background. They did no due diligence which should be part of any political party’s opposition candidate screening. As opposition, they failed miserably and I can only now wonder that it was due to that party’s miserable “leadership” into catastrophic economic collapse and misadventures abroad. The election was merely a distraction for them, as the far more important issues of filling the trough, or as Rush Limbaugh called one of these actions, “Porkulus”, bail outs of donors and favored constituencies were front and center.
As the years pass, Americans have grown angrier over these political parties, the illusory adversarial nature of both parties, and the time and money expended by elites to help them destroy the country we love and call home. I confess, I have such little regard for anyone connected in any way to the federal government or any of its illegal, illegitimate and unconstitutional actions (which is most or all of them), that whatever such people say now holds no value whatsoever. I see them as most productive people would: parasitoids. Well-educated, but for the most part ambitious, conniving, unethical, greedy, lazy and useless who consciously or unconsciously kill the country in their reckless usurpation of power. R or D, they are the biggest threat this country faces.
If Americans had “representative” government, Congress would have eliminated every mislabeled “intelligence” agency and every agency sucking up precious American resources. They have prevented nothing, promoted their own prosperity at the expense of citizens’ general welfare. They have worsened “national security”, created terrorist threats and if the American people leave governing to Washington, D.C. much longer, they won’t exist at all. Incinerate it; all of it.
Aside from the rank criminality and sedition of America’s intelligence services, the apparent willingness of the intelligence services of our closest allies to become involved in a domestic political struggle is not just alarming, it smacks of ill intent against US citizens.
In other words, the Five Eyes participation in putting their collective thumb on the scale of a presidential election is the type of thing we would expect from our most dangerous enemies, not our closet friends.
With “friends” like these, perhaps we don’t need to worry so much about China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.
Everything you say is true and you are also aware that you are preaching to the choir. Our leaders are lawless and it began at the top and trickled down and through the entire body politick.
The intelligence agencies are part of the Executive Branch and have gone rogue. They really don’t have the Constitutional authority to override the Chief Executive, such as Trump. And that goes to the heart of the Document’s Case and to the Immunity case. However, rogue Executives, such as Obama and Biden should be impeached and removed. To do that a super senate majority is needed and Democrats are as lawless as the Executives they elect, or install, and support.
Ultimately the States have to take a stand and bring this non-Constitutional House of Cards to a point of accountability even if it results in physical confrontations. Loyalty to a government unmoored from the Rule of Law is not what America was about when it was part of the British Government and the Declaration is what bootstrapped the very Revolution that gave us the Constitutional Republic which now exists in name only.
China, the CCP, and other enemies and/or potential enemies have bought the allegiance of our leaders. They have sold out and they have to include far more than the corrupt Biden family. I would say, as a start, that Georgia’s Governor and Secretary of State need to be investigated just as intensely. Power and money have polluted what should a brotherhood and sisterhood of patriots.