America Can’t Afford Never Trump’s Nihilism

It was a wise decision for Ron DeSantis to end his presidential campaign when he did. There would have been no point in prolonging a bitter and divisive primary battle when Trump has clearly won already. By endorsing Trump, DeSantis opened the door to repairing some of the damage from what turned out to be a disastrous career move. And he did the right thing for the country by signaling to his supporters that it was time to unite and focus on ending the Biden regime.

Unfortunately, just a day later, DeSantis took a gratuitous swipe at Trump. It was chum for many of DeSantis’ hardcore supporters, who remain full of spite after months of back-and-forth with the MAGA “cult.”

The “Never Trump” brigades see getting rid of Trump as a Pyrrhic victory. They posture as “true conservatives,” but actually they’re petulant nihilists who would rather let Biden burn the country down than admit they lost a primary.

They find Trump and his followers contemptible, and they want conservatism to be rid of them, no matter the cost.

One would never know, from hearing the vitriol of these types, that the Trump “cult” is the majority of registered Republicans and that most of DeSantis’ own supporters are open to voting for Trump.

There are legitimate criticisms of Trump’s record, but his four years were full of conservative wins. Pro-lifers have Trump to thank for bringing about the demise of Roe v. Wade. Biden won’t let Trump forget it. Even still, Trump has been savaged by conservatives for moderating abortion. It’s not Trump’s fault that the pro-life position has been rejected again and again by voters. How will electing Biden, a pro-choice extremist, do anything to advance the pro-life cause?

For some ideologues on the right, nothing Trump does will ever be good enough. The unfair and often obsessive criticism that Trump gets from self-described conservative purists was encapsulated by the DeSantis campaign, which was driven by a monomania over Trump’s handling of a pandemic four years ago. Sure enough, in his concession speech Sunday, DeSantis could not resist taking one last cheap shot at Trump over Anthony Fauci. Would DeSantis have handled things any differently if he were running the country during the mass hysteria of 2020?

“True conservatives” want Trump to be perfect, but nobody is asking them to marry the man.

Even with all of his personal foibles, no true conservative can say Trump would be worse for the country than Biden. True conservatives realize that Biden’s treasonous border policy, his vicious and un-American agenda of racial preference, his predatory trans agenda, and his tyrannical contempt for free speech make him a clear and present danger to this country. The ruthless lawfare campaign against Trump—while embraced by many “true conservatives”—is a revolutionary threat to the stability of our whole political system that deserves a crushing rebuke at the ballot box.

Speaking of election rigging, Biden has deliberately flooded the country with millions of illegals, hastening political doomsday for Republicans as a national party and bringing whites ever closer to the status of a persecuted minority. That’s not very conservative.

Those “true conservatives” who feel comfortable tossing the dice and riding out a second Biden term need a reality check. Biden doesn’t need Congress to cause havoc. He did not sign any law to open our border or to turn the FBI against conservative parents. He didn’t need help from Congress to destabilize the world. He handled that by himself just fine.

Hopefully, once passions cool, the choice in this election will become clear, and “true conservatives” will vote with their convictions instead of their spleens.

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About Matthew Boose

Matthew Boose is a Mt. Vernon fellow of the Center for American Greatness and a staff writer and weekly columnist at the Conservative Institute. His writing has also appeared in the Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter @matt_boose. ‏

Photo: TOPSHOT - Republican presidential hopeful and former US President Donald Trump gestures during an Election Night Party in Nashua, New Hampshire, on January 23, 2024. Donald Trump won the key New Hampshire primary Tuesday, moving him ever closer to locking in the Republican presidential nomination and securing an extraordinary White House rematch with Joe Biden. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP) (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. I do not understand TDS, I honestly don’t. Last night I blocked three different commenters over at Townhall.com–all TDS knuckleheads. I guess I have a short fuse for lunacy. Allow me to explain.

    These clowns were all trying to argue that Trump–or someone in his orbit–was behind the offer by the AZ Republican Party Chairman’s bribe to get Kari Lake to drop out the AZ Senate race. Now of course, all three have been consistently anti-Trump and are consumed with TDS. But to argue that Lake, a Trump and America-First supporter, would be a target of the Trump campaign is utter insanity. Kari Lake threatens Mitch McConnell and the RINO establishment, not PDJT.

    Mr. Boose describes TDS as nihilism, and I won’t quibble or argue with that description. But I will say that I think one faction of the TDS crowd are Ron Paul zombie libertarians. Those clowns are the storm troopers of making the perfect the enemy of the good. Some really scary dudes.

  2. Yes, nihilism is not just the guiding philosophy of the left. Conservatives have traditionally rejected that dismal philosophy in favor of essentialism, which Merriam Webster defines as " the practice of regarding something (such as a presumed human trait) as having innate existence or universal validity rather than as being a social, ideological, or intellectual construct."

    The reason American corporate interests and their allies in the Republican party have gone over to the dark side is that the left has informally declared a truce in their war on business and now offers very lucrative deals for any and all businesses (and for politicians and lobbyists) that will work with them. The left’s nihilistic attitude towards fiscal responsibility gives them a huge advantage in buying off or buying out political donors as well as the electorate.

    This unofficial alliance is the basis of the “uniparty” that has corrupted the Republican establishment, and it is also pushing the left to a level of corruption unimaginable to previous generations of Americans.

  3. The political circles I frequent are a lot different, and probably younger than many in here. That being said, I don’t know anyone who calls themselves a conservative any longer. There just aren’t any policy victories there that can be defended, celebrated. To call oneself a true conservative would seem to be doubling down on failure. That doesn’t mean many of the same principles, philosophies aren’t the same, just that conservatism as a political movement is now acknowledged as a Failure with a capital F. Being neverTrump while clinging to old labels that are now abandoned out of embarrassment isn’t exactly planning for the future.

  4. I have never been a Never-Trumper. Never-Trump and TDS has cast a pall on long term, close relationships in my life. Additionally, I have stated, here and elsewher, that I would support RDS in the primary but - most importantly - vote for the nominee. I had no illusion that the nominee might be Trump. It’s obvious that a portion of the Never-Trump right would support RDS. Some support the Illegitamate Potato. Others support Nikki the Warrior Princess, the Fat Man, and one or two still support Mike Pence or Asa. The idea that supporting RDS makes one Never-Trump is insulting. And Insulting likely and potential Trump voters is damaging to the supposed objective. If anything would drive one to nihlism it’s the continued vitriol between the RDS and Trump camps.

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