White Americans are Quiet Quitting our Leading Institutions

As the work-from-home trend took off during the COVID-19 pandemic, the term “quiet quitting” entered the contemporary lexicon.

According to the Harvard Business Review, “Quiet quitters continue to fulfill their primary responsibilities, but they’re less willing to engage in activities known as citizenship behaviors: no more staying late, showing up early, or attending non-mandatory meetings.” Simply put, having perceived their jobs to not have value and meaning, they do no more than absolutely necessary.

There is debate among scholars as to the extent of the quiet quitting phenomenon, but there is increasing evidence that white Americans are increasingly quiet quitting America’s leading institutions. And the possible implications of that for American society are profound.

This phenomenon is a consequence of the trends I write about in my forthcoming book, The Unprotected Class, about the rise of anti-white racism in American culture and how both formal and informal anti-white discrimination have become a factor in almost every area of American public life.

Little surprise then, that more and more young whites, especially young white men, are looking at the overall environment and saying, “Thanks, but no thanks,” to our leading institutions. Last week, the armed forces announced that the number of white recruits had fallen precipitously over the last five years.

According to a report at Military.com, most of the Army’s much-discussed incoming recruiting shortfall is due largely to this dramatic decline. While a bit more than 44,000 white Americans signed up to join the army in 2018, that number cratered to just over 25,000 by 2023—a stunning drop in a short period of time when black and Hispanic recruiting was largely flat. As a result, white recruits went from 56.4% of soldiers in 2018 to 44% in 2023.

Even military leaders attribute this decline in significant part to the souring of conservative whites, who have traditionally formed the backbone of the military, but are now looking at the woke anti-white military under Joe Biden and opting out. “There’s a level of prestige in parts of conservative America with service that has degraded,” a senior army official told Military.com. Or, as conservative talk show host and U.S. marine combat veteran Jesse Kelly put it on X, “My sons will not serve. I don’t have a single veteran friend who’s encouraging his sons to serve. Most are actively discouraging them from doing so.”

A collapse in any demographic’s willingness to serve in the military would be a concern, but a collapse in (disproportionately conservative) whites in the military is more likely to precipitate a readiness crisis. White soldiers are far more likely than non-whites to be the “tip of the spear,” taking on the most dangerous and important combat tasks. In Iraq and Afghanistan, approximately 80% of special forces were white. Despite heavy diversity recruitment efforts in recent years, 84% of Navy SEALs are white. These special forces teams are filled with objective qualifications, performance, and candidate interest. It may be politically incorrect to say, but as a matter of math, in the current environment, a military that is less white is also a military that’s almost certainly less capable.

Even before the current recruiting collapse, we were already seeing the results of diversity uber alles in military performance. A recent article in Palladium Magazine described this growing competence crisis, and how it affects not just the military but all American institutions. On the military side, in a short period of just three months in 2017, there were three warship collisions resulting in 17 deaths. In 2020, there was a fire that resulted in the destruction of the USS Bonhomme Richard, a $750 million navy ship, resulting in 63 injuries. According to Palladium, a subsequent off-the-record interview with dozens of Navy officers (both current and retired) laid the blame for the incidents at the Navy prioritizing diversity training over warfighting capability. Yet, the armed forces are busy eliminating or de-emphasizing meritocratic tests for service in an attempt to “improve” diversity.

It’s not just the military. Whites, as a percentage of medical school students, are well below their population numbers. White college enrollment for 18-24 year-olds has dropped from 43% in 2010 to 38% in 2021, the sharpest drop for any major ethnic group (it is now essentially equal with African-Americans, though African-American students are, on average, far less college-ready than whites) Enrollment is down particularly sharply among white men, the group that has historically led America’s institutions, having collapsed from just 41% to 33%—an attendance rate far below Asian-Americans and just a couple of points above African-Americans and Hispanics.

Given that SAT Scores are on, average, much higher for whites than either blacks or Hispanics, it is clear that whites make up a hugely disproportionate number of the students qualified for college but not attending. Discriminated against by race-based preferences in both academia and the workplace, young white men in particular are increasingly dropping out. There has been an almost a continuous drop in white male labor force participation over decades now, a drop sharper than seen in any other ethnic group.

In the mid-twentieth century, American employers began focusing more intensely on objective measures to assess human capital, as standardized tests for everything from college entrance to the military reigned supreme. This differentiation allowed talented people from modest social and financial backgrounds to ascend the professional ladder. But, however well intended, the Civil Rights Act and its later interpretations, particularly disparate impact and affirmative action, have ended that brief meritocratic moment. Desperate to balance leadership demographics for political reasons and increasingly unable to game any objective system to reduce white influence further, colleges and even law schools and medical schools are dispensing with standardized tests entirely in the name of “equity.”

For decades now, the government has dispensed valuable contracts to preferred constituencies on the basis of their not being white—at the federal level, such contracts for which whites are ineligible run to tens of billions of dollars annually. As Palladium notes, racial and other quotas have even come to the supposedly sacrosanct halls of corporate finance. As of 2021, Goldman Sachs, perhaps the world’s most prestigious investment bank, will not underwrite the initial public stock offerings of companies that do not have at least two non-straight white men on their board. Interestingly, their gender board diversity rules do not apply to their clients in Asia.

There were certainly many problems, discrimination among them, in the old white-dominant regime that ran America from its founding through the mid-to-late twentieth century, but whatever its flaws, this was the America that people from all over the world—from every different color and creed—have scrambled to join.

Can America’s institutions run as well in the 21st century if white Americans are quiet quitting them in despair?

It looks like we’re about to find out.

Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, His book, The Unprotected Class, on the rise of anti-white racism, is available for pre-order and will be published this spring.

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About Jeremy Carl

Jeremy Carl is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute. He served as deputy assistant secretary of the interior under President Trump and lives with his family in Montana. You can follow him on Twitter at @jeremycarl4.

Notable Replies

  1. What is unstated in the article is that the powers that be want to turn the US into South Africa–one of the MOST racist countries on the planet.

    This won’t end well for anyone.

  2. Avatar for Alecto Alecto says:

    The United States no longer exists. It was replaced by a tyrannical regime dedicated to obliterating whites, and its chief spokesmodel expressly stated that intent publicly on several occasions, followed by its staging of an invasion of the former country by as many black/brown/yellow people as could manage to get here. The recently created American belief that all people are equal, instead of belief that citizens are entitled to equal treatment under the law, is the product of the very institutions whites are now quitting. I’m surprised anyone is surprised by this. Decades of indoctrination, and the election of a wholly ineligible person to the presidency represented the achievement of that goal, and we all watched as he used the levers of power to fundamentally transform us from a free society to an enslaved one.

    Grab the popcorn and a comfy chair. It’s going to get very interesting.

  3. The United States of America is an occupied country.
    What this article describes is nothing less than genocide; a campaign of ethnic cleansing being directed against the descendants of those who founded, perpetuated, and defended the greatest nation the world had ever seen.

    My grandfather was born in 1907 in Alabama. He served in World War II, raised a family, and was one of the small percentage of people at that day and time to have a college degree. He was very well read and well educated. He witnessed the growth of a nation that would let children out of school when an airplane flew overhead to seeing it put a man on the moon. He was also very racist as was the majority of White Southerners at that time. He believed in Rudyard Kipling’s phrase that it was “the White Man’s Burden” to bring civility and Christian virtue to backward peoples that lived in savagery.

    I remember him telling me, my mother, and my sister in the early 1990s that “Giving the Black man the same rights as the White man will destroy this country, because black people don’t want equality they want vengeance, and they won’t rest until they destroy everything this country stands for.”

    I was but twelve years old at the time and me and my sister and Mom were all shocked, mouth’s a gape, at him saying this. Now, I believe racism is wrong, we are all children of God made in his image. We all have good qualities and bad qualities, you should judge people as individuals. But, in a way he was right.

    We elected one black president, and it has destroyed America. Racist America of 1955 or 1962 was incomparably better in almost every way than post-Obama America undergoing “fundamental transformation” into the Northern hemisphere’s South Africa.

    The Civil Rights movement has been utilized by Marxist Revolutionaries to impose a Communist police state where the white majority are the kulaks and who have been subjugated as second class citizens in the country they created. America without white people isn’t America. Is it any wonder America looks more and more like a third world country by the day? Take a look at South Africa, that’s America’s future barring traditional America taking their country back.

    That may sound racist, but it is the truth. And the truth is its own reward.

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