A new report shows that the Biden Administration handed out over 65 million condoms to countries around the world as part of alleged “climate change solutions,” directly implying that population control through “family planning” is a necessary response to fears of so-called “global warming.”
According to the Daily Caller, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the fiscal year 2022 distributed approximately 65.5 million condoms, 9.8 million injectable birth control products, and 334,000 IUDs to foreign countries around the world. An internal agency report documenting the distribution efforts even admits that the intention is to “mitigate the impact of population dynamics on natural resources and state stability.” A separate document in 2023 claimed that “climate vulnerability, population growth and unmet need for family planning often occur together.”
Most of the countries receiving such supplies are third-world nations, including Afghanistan, Uganda, Haiti, Guatemala, and Pakistan. The report also indicates that additional goals of the USAID include the reduction of AIDS and increasing educational opportunities for women.
The agency delivered over 500,000 condoms to Yemen as part of its “Strengthening Family Planning Services in Yemen” program over the last several years.
“Today, in the 41 countries where USAID focuses its support, modern contraceptive prevalence has increased to 34 percent, and the average family size has dropped to 3.9,” the agency reports in its own document, proudly admitting to its goal of population reduction.
The USAID further claims that “access to rights-based planning and girls’ education are among the most impactful climate solutions,” without explaining any sort of connection between the two. It goes on to assert, without any evidence, that “climate change-related displacement can worsen already entrenched gender inequalities,” including “disruptions in access to essential health services, poor maternal health outcomes, and an increase in gender-based violence and child marriage.”
The Biden Administration has been criticized for trying to shoehorn global warming-related efforts into bills and other measures that have little or nothing to do with the subject. The controversial Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed into law last year, despite its name suggesting a response to the ongoing economic crisis of high inflation, instead focused more of its funding on global warming than anything else.
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