Hamas and Amoral Clarity

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.

More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.

Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.

But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.

Democratic Socialist members of the new woke Democrat Party openly expressed ecstatic support for Hamas’s bloodwork.

Their biggest fears were not dead fellow Americans or hostages, or some 1,000 butchered Jewish civilians. Instead they were fearful that righteous Israeli retaliation might destroy the Hamas death machine.

Palestinians for years fooled naïfs in Europe and the Obama and Biden administrations into sending billions of dollars into Gaza.

These monies were channeled to tunnel into Israel, to obtain a huge rocket arsenal, and to craft plans to wipe out Jews.

The Biden administration has blood on its hands.

As soon as Biden took power, he resumed massive subsidies to radical Palestinians, canceled by the prior Trump administration.

He ignored warnings from his own state Department that such fungible moneys would soon fuel Hamas terrorism.

His administration dropped sanctions against Iran, ensuring that Tehran would enjoy a multi-billion-dollar windfall to be distributed to Israel’s existential enemies—another fact well known to the Biden administration.

If the Biden administration had announced overtly that it was rabidly anti-Israel, it would be hard to imagine anything it could have done differently from its present nihilist behavior.

Biden and company quickly restarted the defunct Iran appeasement deal—a leftover from the anti-Israeli Obama administration. No surprise, they appointed radical pro-Iranian activist Robert Malley to head the negotiations.

Malley allegedly has leaked American classified documents to Iranian officials and is under investigation by the FBI. He did his best to place pro-Iranian, anti-American activists into the high echelons of the U.S. government.

Biden was intent on forcing South Korea to release to Iran $6 billion in sanctioned frozen money.

That expectation of cash ensured Iran would be reimbursed for its present terrorist arming spree.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken shamefully tweeted that Israel should settle for an immediate ceasefire. No wonder he soon withdrew his unhinged posting.

That idiocy would be the moral equivalent of an American ally in December1941 urging the U.S. to seek negotiations with imperial Japan after its surprise bombing of Pearl Harbor—to avoid a “cycle of violence.”

The Biden team has drained strategic arms stockpiles in Israel, designed to help the Jewish state in extremis.

It recklessly abandoned a multibillion-dollar arms trove in Kabul, some of which reportedly made its way from Taliban killers to the Hamas murderers.

Once the mass murdering started, the amoral clarity of our “allies” was stunning.

NATO partner Turkey openly sided with the killers. It —along with Blinken—called for a cease fire—at the moment the Hamas death squads had finished, and Israel was ready to hold Hamas to account.

Qatar, where the U.S. Central Command is based, proved little more than a Hamas front.

It offers sanctuary to the architects of Hamas killing. And Qatar ensures a safe financial pipeline to Hamas from Iran and the radical Arab world.

Some of the most vehement current supporters of the Hamas death squads were immigrants to America from the Middle East.

Oddly, they apparently had fled just such illiberal Middle East regimes to reach a tolerant, democratic, and secure United States.

Yet they now endorse the Hamas butchering of Jewish civilians. Its savagery is aimed at executing, raping, and beheading Jews, and then mutilating their bodies.

Hamas apparently hopes to shock the Israeli government into voluntarily committing suicide—in line with the ancient Hamas agenda to destroy the Jewish state.

In a strange way, this reign of death has become a touchstone, an acid test of sorts that has revealed the utter amorality of enemies abroad and quite dangerous people at home.

It is past time that Americans deal with the medieval world that was revealed this week rather than keep dreaming in the fantasy world of our government.

Americans need to stop illegal immigration and restore their southern border, while ceasing all immigration from unhinged, hostile nations.

The military must return to its deterrent role and fire its woke commissariat.

Our leaders must accept that in the last three years of the Biden administration, serial American appeasement abroad, disunity at home, and social chaos have encouraged an entire host of enemies —China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Middle East illiberal regimes, and former friends like Turkey and Qatar.

And our enemies dream of doing to us what we just saw in Israel.

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About Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004, and is the 2023 Giles O'Malley Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush, and the Bradley Prize in 2008. Hanson is also a farmer (growing almonds on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author of the just released New York Times best seller, The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation, published by Basic Books on May 7, 2024, as well as the recent  The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won, The Case for Trump, and The Dying Citizen.

Photo: Cambridge, MA - December 15: Claudine Gay speaks to the crowd after being named Harvard Universitys next president. Harvard University on Thursday named Gay as its next president in a historic move that will give the nations oldest college its first Black leader. (Photo by Erin Clark/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. We should stop calling what happens to our children at most U.S. universities “higher education” and call it by its real name. Higher Indoctrination.

  2. VDH typifies the arrogant blindness of many American conservative thinkers to the actual situation in Israel and Palestine. I saw a video from some mouth breather on Youtube who’s got a big conservative following entitled, “It’s not about land”. LOL. Be clear, the battle between Palestinians and Israel is all about the land they stole (far beyond what the U.N. partition granted), and ethnically cleansing 750,000 Arab Muslims living on those lands.

    Of course, this occurs in the larger context of Islam’s supremacism which targets all non-Muslims as infidels who must be converted, fought or made to submit if they are ‘people of the book’. But, the fight between Israel and the Palestinians is about Israel’s theft of land. The Israelis thought by changing ‘the facts on the ground’ they could simply just lie about being victims and over time incrementally consolidate their gains and it would all go away. But they didn’t count on those Palestinians rallying much of world to their cause.

    At this stage, it’s only arrogant and ignorant American conservatives who do not understand that Israel committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1948. The propaganda that the Israelis were not the aggressors peddled by hack liars such as Alan Dershowitz has been utterly debunked. Dersh’s book in fact is what led me to dig deeper as many legit historians came out when he published that stack of lies. He essentially copied Joan Peter’s lies in From Time Immemorial and repackaged them. So I looked deeper due to the complaints coming from real historians and was shocked by how badly I’ve been lied to by the Right about what actually happened in 1948.

    A few key facts for those who think this is BS:

    1. Israel had a plan to do this, Plan Dalet, which was kept secret for decades.
    2. Earlier in the Zionist movement ‘Revisionist Zionists’ like Jabotinski in the 1920s spoke openly about how Israel would need be cleansed of Arab Muslims to form a majority Jewish nation. This was an OPEN SUBJECT OF CONVERSATION BY ZIONISTS until they realized the Western world wouldn’t support it.
    3. Israel had cleansed 300,000 Arab Muslims from their ancient homes before any Arab army got involved or fired a shot.
    4. The Arab Muslims didn’t abandon their homes, rather they began to run away ahead of the Israeli militants who were laying siege to town after town.
    5. Only conservative Americans ignore this real war crime/crime against humanity Israel committed at its founding. Even in Israel most readily admit that Israel all that I lay out here.

    Even worse? Our backing of Israel is a more recent phenomenon. In the '50s under Truman and then Eisenhower, we did not back Israel at all, in fact quite the opposite. They were close allies with the USSR as Israel was hard core socialist and Marxist in its politics. But as the USSR also aligned more and more with Arabs, and then saw the opportunity to back the PLO as a ‘revolutionary’ movement, Israel saw the U.S. as the better pony to ride. Due to Cold War politics we jumped in with both feet even as Israel has always been friendly to some of our enemies, as it is with China today for example.

    RFK was killed by a Palestinian terrorist, operating alone. Sirhan Sirhan was enraged by RFK’s aggressive support of providing nuclear weapons to Israel. RFK had been a journalist working in Israel in the '50s for a bit and feel in love with Israel. He was incredibly biased towards them. So, this was the first terrorist attack against the U.S. for aiding Israel militarily, but it was not the last. The bombings and aircraft hijackings begin not too long after that.

    Our support of Israel costs us massively in our relations with the Arab and Muslim world. But hey as so many on the Right are saying today “they are all savages”, so who cares? They attack us cuz they are feral monsters, not due to our policies. This is the dumbest approach to alliances and foreign policy imaginable. And it will get us in another war if we don’t wake up.

    Wanna offer asylum to all Jews in the U.S.? Fine, I like Jews, they make good Americans. Just no dual citizenship…But our current posture? An absolute disaster for the American people and important American interests. Why do conservatives refuse to see all this? It’s obvious to everyone else on earth but them. Oh wait - it’s the evangelicals who press this, cuz they want the Jews to control the Temple Mount so Armageddon can occur. Literally - I’m not kidding. Many fundo Christian conservatives back Israel solely for this reason and do not care about any other facts.

    Which is grotesquely stupid. Have a nice day.

  3. Avatar for cdor cdor says:

    The above might give a little clarity to the amount of land of which we speak. Without arguing the historical claims of the Jews and the Arabs, which strongly favor the Jews, the Arab land mass is over 13,000,000 square kilometers. Israel is about 35,000 sq kilometers and has already given up the West Bank and Gaza. Israel is not even 3-tenths of 1 percent of the lands occupied by Arabs. Those Arab lands, BTW, used to be the home of millions of Jews who had lived in Persia ( Iran), Babylonia (Iraq), and many other current Arab countries for thousands of years. Those millions of Jews have been murdered or vanquished, all of their possessions stolen, and those that survived now live in Israel for the most part. But even this tiny land, filled with people who are self-sufficient Western capitalists, like ourselves here in America, is too much for people who still harbor the disgusting values from a time past, when we fought WWII, not to end the Holocaust ( which was a wonderful by-product of the Allied victory over the Nazis and the Axis) but to save the world from Totalitarian government (simplified).
  4. So, according to your inane analysis, Israel didn’t violate the U.N. Partition Agreement and take much more land, and then ethnically cleanse 750,000 Arab Muslims from their ancient homes in 1948 in order to form a majority Jewish country. This major fact doesn’t matter?

    Or is that it doesn’t matter, cuz hey the Jews needed a homeland and they weren’t going to steal your hometown so you don’t give a crap? I’m going to pray to God that some Indian militant group comes and takes your town over and runs you all off. See how you react, you hack. Your claim that ‘historical claims strongly favor the Jews’ is an utter lie. The Palestinians have a land claim that’s aged about 75 years, the Jewish land claim is based on 2000 year old national boundaries. Rationally, there is no comparison. Stop peddling a POV that ignores a horrific war crime that is at the center of the Palestinians rage at the Israelis. Stop peddling the same old tired memes that seek to hide Israel’s actions that nobody but conservatives buy anymore. It so ridiculous to paint this the way you have in 2023.

  5. Answer my question, don’t obfuscate. Do you understand what happened in 1948 or not? My sense is that you do not.

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