If You Care About Parent’s Rights, You Should Follow This Supreme Court Case

Transgender pronouns, parents’ rights, and the freedom of religion have all landed at the doorstep of the Supreme Court. An Indiana couple is taking the […]

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Notable Replies

  1. Something’s missing here. Once a referral is closed “unsubstantiated,” that’s it. It’s closed. No further investigation by the CPS social worker. Unless, of course, there are new allegations, an issue not addressed in the article. I realize Indiana child welfare law is different than here in California, but the basics are still the same and there are federal guidelines which must be followed. Still, I cannot imagine the Juvenile Court removing a child under the circumstances described in the article. If indeed the Court authorized removal as the article states, we as a nation are much further along the road to oblivion than I ever thought. And if that’s the case, retirement from the system is so much more gratifying. However, I am more worried than ever about my country.

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