Transgender pronouns, parents’ rights, and the freedom of religion have all landed at the doorstep of the Supreme Court. An Indiana couple is taking the […]
Transgender pronouns, parents’ rights, and the freedom of religion have all landed at the doorstep of the Supreme Court. An Indiana couple is taking the […]
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Something’s missing here. Once a referral is closed “unsubstantiated,” that’s it. It’s closed. No further investigation by the CPS social worker. Unless, of course, there are new allegations, an issue not addressed in the article. I realize Indiana child welfare law is different than here in California, but the basics are still the same and there are federal guidelines which must be followed. Still, I cannot imagine the Juvenile Court removing a child under the circumstances described in the article. If indeed the Court authorized removal as the article states, we as a nation are much further along the road to oblivion than I ever thought. And if that’s the case, retirement from the system is so much more gratifying. However, I am more worried than ever about my country.