We Know Exactly What ‘De-Development’ Means

“The climate crisis,” said Al Gore at the U.N. a couple of days ago, “is a fossil fuel crisis.”

“What climate crisis?” you might be asking, and you would be right to do so.

Yes, it is impossible to turn anywhere in our enlightened, environmentally conscious world without being beset by lectures about one’s “carbon footprint” and horror tales about “global warming,” “rising seas” and imminent ecological catastrophe.

But deep down you know that it is all hooey. Mark Twain was right when he observed that it is not so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble. Rather, the mischief is caused by things that we “do know that ain’t so.”

For example, we all “know” that carbon dioxide is “bad for the environment.” (In fact, it is a prerequisite for life). We “know” that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reaching historically unprecedented and dangerous levels. (In fact, we have, these past centuries, been living through a CO2 famine). We “know” that “global warming”— or, since there has been no warming in more than two decades, that “climate change”— has caused a sudden rise in the seas. (In fact, the seas have been rising for the last 20,000 years, since the end of the last Ice Age). We “know” that, when it comes to the subject of climate change, the “science is settled,” that “97 percent of scientists” agree that global warming is anthropogenic, which is Greek for “caused by greedy corporate interests and the combustion of fossil fuels.”

It’s really quite extraordinary how much we do know that ain’t so.

When I was growing up in the rural vastness of the moderately great state of Maine, adults were always talking about the weather. Their conversations were edged by an admirable stoicism. “If you don’t like the weather,” they often said, “just wait.” It’s too bad that Al Gore didn’t spend more time in Maine. He might have learned an awesome secret, one that I will now impart to you: the weather changes. Sure, there are long-term trends. But those trends are not nearly so alarming as the climate hysterics claim. In fact, they are not alarming at all.

A few decades ago the Harvard philosopher Harvey Mansfield made the observation that environmentalism is “school prayer for liberals.” I remember tittering when I first read that. It was an observation that had a dual advantage. It was both true —environmentalism really did seem like a religion for certain leftists — and it was also amusing. How deliciously wicked to put a bunch of white, elite, college-educated folks under the same rhetorical light as the Bible-thumpers they abominated. Ha, I thought to myself, ha!

Well, I am not laughing now. In the intervening years, the eco-nuts went from being a lunatic fringe to being lunatics at the center of power. Galileo would know just how those climate dissenters feel. In 1633, he was hauled up before the Inquisition (not for the first time) for broadcasting the heterodox opinion that the earth revolves around the sun. Ninety-seven percent —maybe more — of those in charge of things in the seventeenth century knew that Galileo had it all wrong. The earth was the center of the universe and the sun traveled around it. Everyone knew that. Galileo was threatened with torture and prison; he recanted. The authorities settled on house arrest for the rest of his life. Tradition tells us that on his way out of court he muttered mutinously “E pur si muove,” “And yet it moves.”

It should go without saying that the contention that the “science is settled” with respect to climate change is ludicrous for several reasons. For one thing, science, an inductive process, is never finally “settled.”  For another, even if it were a fact (which it is not) that “97 percent” of climate scientists believe that there is a climate emergency, the proper response would be “So what?” At least that many astronomers in Galileo’s time thought that the sun revolved around the earth. They were wrong. As Steve Koonin, who served as an undersecretary for science in the Obama administration, noted, the idea that the “science is settled” on climate change “has not only distorted our public and policy debates on issues related to energy, greenhouse-gas emissions, and the environment. But it also has inhibited the scientific and policy discussions that we need to have about our climate future.”

But of course science is only part of the issue. You cannot read far into the literature on climate change before you realize that science is often dragged in as window dressing for the real issues, which are political, on the one hand, and economic, on the other. The two hands, it is worth pointing out, belong to the same body and are working to feed the same maw.

Considered as a political movement, radical environmentalism may, as Harvey Mansfield said, betray a religious or cult-like aspect. But for every true believer in the religion of Gaia, there is a squadron of cynical opportunists eager to exploit the new paganism of earth-worship for decidedly secular ends.

We’ve heard a lot about the radical community organizer Saul Alinsky since his protégé Barack Obama burst upon the scene in 2008. A fundamental rule of thumb for a paid-up Alinskyite radical is that “the issue is never the real issue.” In the present context, that means that “climate change” is largely a pretext.

For some, it is a pretext for personal enrichment. Consider, to take but one egregious example, Al Gore, who peddles the philosophy of Chicken Little, on the one hand, and has managed to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars by exploiting various government- subsidized “green energy” initiatives, on the other.

Climate alarmism can also be a pretext for the redistribution of wealth on a global scale. You can never be green enough, Comrade, and climate change offers a potent pretext for the consolidation of governmental power: it is, as one wag put, the “killer app” for extending governmental control.

Like the House of the Lord, governmental control is a domicile of many mansions, from intrusive, prosperity-sapping regulation to the silencing, intimidation, dismissal, and even the legal prosecution of critics. Indeed, in its transformation of critics into heretics we see once again the religious or cult-like aspect of radical environmentalism. One argues with a critic. One must silence or destroy a heretic. Galileo would have understood exactly how this new Inquisition would proceed.

And this brings me to one of the most frightening aspects of the gospel of climate change: its subordination of independent scientific inquiry to partisan political imperatives. Scientific inquiry depends upon the freedom to pursue the truth wherever it leads, regardless of political ideology or vested interest. Recently, climate hysterics and their political and academic enablers have begun describing those who disagree with them about the science of climate change as “climate deniers.” The echo of “holocaust deniers” is deliberate and pernicious. A “holocaust denier” is someone who denies an historical enormity. But a so-called “climate denier” is merely someone who disputes an ideological construct masquerading as a scientific truth.

The irony, of course, is that this farce should proceed in an era in which science and technology have remade the world for the benefit of mankind.

Climate change hysteria takes issue with those benefits, which is why it has also been a pretext for the systematic attack on specific industries and technologies—the coal industry, for example, or fracking. The goal of the attack is, as Obama’s top science advisor John Holdren put it in a book he co-authored with the climate alarmist Paul Ehrlich, “A massive campaign . . . to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.”

A “massive campaign . . . to de-develop the United States.”

“De-develop the United States.” Ponder that. Mr. Holdren lamented that the idea of de-development was subject to “considerable misunderstanding and resistance.” I for one am happy about the resistance. Indeed, I wish it were stiffer. But as for misunderstanding what “de-development” means, I have to take issue. We know exactly what it means. It is the same thing that Luddites and anti-capitalists have always meant: the impoverishment and immiseration of the mass of mankind just so long as the perquisites for the self-appointed nomenklatura persist un-disturbed.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for Susan Susan says:

    No meteorologist in his right mind would stake his livelihood on being able to correctly predict the weather five days from now for, say, metropolitan Atlanta–but world climate (an almost immeasurably more complicated phenomenon) can be accurately predicted for five decades from now?

  2. I had worked with complex simulations/modeling in risk management before the ‘Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming’ hypothesis was proposed, and supposedly ‘proved’ by the models and data presented by various ‘authorities’ on the matter. I remember becoming more aware of them in the early 2000s and by 2008 had dived into as much about the modeling and techniques used and data etc as I could to try and understand them.

    Without being some serious mathematician, I was able to quickly suss out some very strange aspects of the models, as follows:

    1. They can’t model clouds, and water vapor in the atmosphere has an effect on climate for sure. And not an insignificant one. So they just make it up, and use that uncertainty to jink model outputs to fit their story.
    2. “Hockey Stick” Mann was found to have abused something called ‘Principal Components Analysis’ to rig the outputs of his models. A Canadian math savant and geologist, Steve MacIntyre was curious so he just checked the underlying statistical analysis. As an aside, serious statisticians are often very critical of climate modeling in general as it seems many climate scientists are weak in statistics…
    3. Scenario Cherrypicking - These climate model runs output a range of possible future scenarios weighted by probability. The worst case scenarios, R 8.5 in IPCC lingo (I think, i may have the convention wrong but the number is correct) were the worst scenarios possible, and even under the structure of the model were highly unlikely, yet they were used only until just recently for much of the “science” you are presented with as proof of the dangers of global warming. Back in 2012, they told us that the R 4 scenarios were nothing to worry about. The IPCC just announced that R 8.5 scenarios were not plausible and should not be used in any forecasting or analysis, and that in fact R 4 scenarios are now the prediction. Which we need not worry about just 10 years ago…

    There’s more but it’s tedious. Even then, recognizing that all models have limitations, there seemed to be a convergence from multiple models which made me keep an open mind. In 2009 I decided, “Okay, I’ll stop nitpicking, let’s see how the real data plays out.” You see their error bars were all going to be exceeded by the real temp records of 2012/2013, so I waited.

    What did they do when their models were shown to be so wrong as to be useless by actual temp data? They CHANGED THE TEMP DATA. Up until that moment I’d known the climate change crowd was filled with lunatic activists, but I hadn’t imagined that they were this corrupt. It was one of the ‘milestones’ on my Red Pill journey. Being intimately familiar with the derivatives markets from my work, the bank bailout of 2009 stunned me (completely unnecessary - all of it). Hillary’s emails were the last straw. Due to other tech work, i was aware of U.S. Fed govt records management and classification standards. She broke 3 laws easy, and possibly several more, and some with hundreds or thousands of counts. And I caught myself - it’s a ‘slam dunk’ legally, but I knew she’d get off. The climate stuff, the ‘financial crisis’ and Hillary all conspired to break my faith in anything our govt is up to.

    Back to ‘Climate Denying’. They have terrorized two generations of children with their doomsday stories and there are millions of kids now suffering from depression and anxiety related to their unending worry about “the end of the planet” coming in just a few short years. Look at Greta - she was plucked up and played out by Extinction Rebellion and her parents. They used her as an ‘untouchable’ political symbol and sledge hammer. Her activist origin story is total fiction…They think nothing of using and abusing children en masse or one at a time.

    COVID was the end for me. We do not have a legitimate government. Revolution, collapse, civil war, WWIII - bring it on. We need to put a bullet through the head of this corrupt carcass of a federal govt. The theft of the 2020 election was predictable to me.

    And now these lunatics are an inch away from a global de-development agenda being formalized (it’s already being implemented in ways large and small). Consider what the West is already doing in the ‘developing world’. We are PREVENTING them from getting electricity and as a result things like refrigeration and life saving air conditioning in the hottest regions are simply not in reach. Everything is harder, clean water, farming etc - cuz we will not allow them to develop.

    Do you realize this anti-human, bigoted, imperialist, genocidal agenda is being carried out by our State Dept and the U.N. and many, many agencies in and out of our govt today? In our name - as a POLICY - based on their baseless mythology of ‘climate change’? It’s so much worse than most on the Right realize, we are 15 minutes away from the world slipping into chaos and our own nation’s collapse.

    But hey, let’s focus on another election that will be stolen from us. They will install Michelle Obama - or they will throw a real insurrection. As this POTUS election season opens, with Trump on the brink of going to jail (one of those cases will likely get through) and them prepping for the next steal, the stage is set for the kind of electoral conflict we saw in the runup to our Civil War.

    They mean to pursue their agenda. What are we actually doing to stop them? Trump? It’s a rich irony that I’m presented with Trump as a champion, it’s the right kind of final death blow to conservatism as a serious political movement that it deserves after failing to conserve anything in our nation. In fact, under Bill Buckley et al, it laid down and held the Marxists beers for 60 years while they overtook every nation of our society and subverted us.

    Whacha gonna do to stop Al? Anybody? WEF? U.N? Biden admin? Your state and local govt? I moved to New Hampshire to get away from the Blue Loons - they are taking over the joint…Subversion works. We’ve lost utterly. This is what losing feels like.

  3. I got a good laugh upon seeing your reference to Susan as “them.” That is, until I considered that Susan might not have seen any more humor in being so referenced as did the boy named Sue being given “that awful name.” At least “Sue’s” father had a good explanation for naming his son Sue. And yours?

  4. Aside from the near ubiquitous propaganda of “climate change”, the two things that irritate me most about this insidious hoax is the craven complicity of the scientific community in this farce, and the zealous use of governmental power to enforce compliance–regulatory “law” buttressed by homicidal federal authorities with badges, guns and an insatiable itch to murder Americans.

    Given the disappointing numbers of Americans who went along with the Covid hysteria, I am somewhat understanding of the effect of decades of pernicious environmental propaganda. But what is less comprehensible is the acquiescence of scientists and academics who should understand this con for what it is.

    And ANYTIME the government starts blaring the horns in favor of something that enhances it power and control, the default of position of the American public should be to call it BS!

  5. I understand climate change in the context of Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt’s notion that the political is the distinction between friend and enemy.

    The enemy is climate change. The enemy is climate deniers. And we must fight the enemy to save the Earth.

    If there is no enemy there is no politics. And humans can just go back to work and buying and selling and wiving and thriving.

Continue the discussion at community.amgreatness.com

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