Sanctimony City: NYC’s Illegal Immigration Failure

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent two airplanes with 50 illegal aliens to tony Martha’s Vineyard (The Massachusetts Island where the Obamas keep a summer home) last September, the reaction from left wing media and politicians was universally indignant. For all of the Democrat preening about being sanctuary states and cities, they weren’t really expecting they’d have to offer mass sanctuary to anyone. Dealing with illegals was for the rubes in border states like Texas—in forlorn border regions that liberal grandees never visit.

DeSantis had made them deal with the consequences of their own moralizing. The result: The illegals were gone in 24 hours, though their departure was heralded with a flurry of media adulation for how stunning and brave the islanders were. The Martha’s Vineyard media event marked the beginning of the death of the sanctuary city movement and the rise of the sanctimony city movement—cities that would pretend to be highly welcoming to illegals as long as they didn’t actually have to deal with the real consequences of their choices. And in the last year, New York City liberals have taken the sanctimony city to a high art. But their continuing dedication toward sanctimony is showing signs of breaking.

In Martha’s Vineyard, our elite shooed off the illegals (euphemistically referred to as “migrants” by advocates, but referred to here as illegal aliens, as virtually all of their asylum claims are bogus) because Martha’s Vineyard allegedly didn’t have the resources and institutions to help.

But New York City, increasingly the new destination for busloads of these illegals from Texas and Florida, cannot make that excuse. And the city operates under a 42 year old consent decree from a liberal activist New York Judge that obligates the city to supply shelter to whomever shows up.

The New York City illegal alien story is fascinating in that it is not just a story about failed illegal immigration policy, but about an interlinked series of leftist policy failures that have left New York worse off.

Over the last year, New York City is estimated to have “welcomed” 100,000 illegal aliens. Mayor Eric Adams, considered a moderate by NYC standards, is fed up with the influx of illegals, whom he has been housing in homeless shelters and hotels and even a senior center (whose residents held an embarrassing media protest outside the facility).

In response, Adams has now started moving illegal aliens to collar cities around NYC, the exact sorts of suburbs in places like Long Island that delivered key Congressional wins for the GOP in 2022. Former Bloomberg Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson described the immigration issue as a “ticking time bomb” for the Democrats that could cost the Democrats the House, making recapture of their lost seats impossible. In part due to tensions about Biden’s open border, Adams has not even spoken with Biden in 2023, rather remarkable given that Adams is the mayor of America’s largest and most important city, one that is more populous than all but eleven states.

Mayor Adams and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, two erstwhile allies, are now at odds, with Hochul resisting sending illegals outside of NYC and especially worried about the possibility that a liberal judge may declare housing for illegals a statewide Constitutional right as is being pushed by groups like The Legal Aid Society. Hochul has insisted no such right exists but state Attorney General Letitia James (herself a former Legal Aid Society attorney and politically beholden to the left) has refused to defend the state’s position in this court.

Mayor Adams is attempting to save face by mounting pro-amnesty talking points. “The immigration system in this nation is broken; it has been broken for decades,” but the system isn’t broken at all. It’s the Democrats’ refusal to enforce federal laws which have caused the problem.

Over 110,000 people are in NYC’s homeless shelters alone, almost doubling the number from early 2022, more than 58,000 of them “migrants,” with more than 2,500 new migrants arriving weekly. While thousands have been shipped from red states, many more have arrived there organically.

Adams has said he expects the city to spend more than $12 billion on services for the illegal aliens over the next three years. For context that is almost as much as NYC spends on the Fire Department and Sanitation Departments combined and more than two thirds of what NYC spends on policing.

Unrestrained migration also attacks public order in the city, taking valuable hotel rooms out of commission, spurring the growth of illegal sidewalk vending and a host of other quality of life problems for residents.

New York City, already reeling from failed Covid policies and other mistakes that have seen it lead the nation in percentage outmigration since the last census, now faces a firestorm of anger from those who are left.

The city has always had dysfunctional and corrupt government, but savvy politicians like former mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani realized that the people who funded the city with their taxes would put up with corruption as long as the urban amenities and quality of life were there. But New York is now losing both wealthy taxpayers and key amenities. Two fancy eateries owned by celebrity restaurateur Danny Meyer closed their stores on August 25 because they were situated on the ground floor of a Manhattan hotel now wholly occupied by illegal aliens, a move that also cost 125 jobs.

Not everyone in the Democrat establishment is clueless about the consequences.  Former NY governor David Paterson has expressed his frustration with both city and national Democrats, telling an interviewer that “there does not seem to be any willingness or ability on the part of the federal government” to fix what has become an ever-worsening issue. . . The federal government just decided they are sending the people in, and we should just be happy.”

Paterson represents the large number of illegal-alien sympathetic New Yorkers who have had enough, now that they are actually having to live by their sanctuary rhetoric: “Even when you’re giving to charity, you give as much as you can, not as much as they think you should,” Paterson said.

But our fraud-ridden asylum regime, which the Democrats have encouraged, means that relief is not at hand. “I thought of New York differently, but now I also see that New York is in chaos,” told one Ecuadorian woman, age 48, who according to a journalist, came with her husband and their two-year-old son. Though the journalist did not mention it, this woman is almost certainly committing immigration fraud unless she had a child at the highly implausible age of 46. Far more likely, the child is a human deportation shield since Biden’s immigration policies have made it almost impossible to deport families.

In addressing the crisis Mayor Adams quoted former President Obama, who said of illegal aliens that “we were once strangers too.” But if an increasingly beleaguered New York cannot convince the Biden administration to close the wide-open border, increasing numbers of New Yorkers will be strangers in their own state, while being expected to foot the bill. And they will likely take out their frustrations on the Democrats at the ballot box.

Jeremy Carl is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute

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About Jeremy Carl

Jeremy Carl is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute. He served as deputy assistant secretary of the interior under President Trump and lives with his family in Montana. You can follow him on Twitter at @jeremycarl4.

Photo: NEW YORK, NEW YORK - AUGUST 28: New York City Mayor Eric Adams speaks prior to the opening night session during their Women/Men's Singles First Round matches on Day One of the 2023 US Open at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on August 28, 2023 in the Flushing neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York City. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. To the Editors:

    I read American Greatness in the morning while having breakfast. MUST you embed toe fungus ads in the articles!!! Totally disgusting!

  2. The stupidity of all this is just overwhelming. NYC hasn’t felt like America in a long time, I lived there till 2010. It’s now a dumping ground for anyone in the world who manages to make it there, and a plaything for the rich. It’s a scraped out husk of a city with no soul any longer. It feels indistinguishable from many such cities around the world now, overrun, under-developed, over-priced, taxed to death and social chaos. Just like London.

    But hey, being an American is just about where you currently reside, right? MY PEOPLE built NYC, we were masons. That sense of pride of belonging is long gone now. I used to go see the corner stone on the World Trade Center which my grandfather set - a big honor. He had the same honor on the U.N. building. I felt connected to the places my father and mother and grandparents grew up. We belonged to the place, it felt like it was ‘ours’ if you will. Now? I’m a ‘stranger in a strange land’ when I walk the streets of Brooklyn or midtown. Very few white people at all, at least half are not even fluent in English.

    Today’s immigrants? They are like shoplifters. Here to take whatever goodies they can, not to become American. They want to retain their culture, which they are told is superior than ours (but why did you have to leave your shithole nation in the first place??), and the idea of assimilating isn’t even discussed any more.

    We are to accommodate them. Do you realize how odd this is? I’ve traveled enough to know that this is upside down. Other nations demand that you respect their culture as a guest/visitor. Here? We have illegals on news shows sneering at us and telling us our country is garbage.

    It breaks my heart to watch all this.

  3. Avatar for Alecto Alecto says:

    Unrestrained migration? What the hell is that? That’s not what it is occurring in these United States. No matter how well you finesse the language, this IS a planned and facilitated invasion of OUR country by an ILLLEGITIMATE government. Instead of prosecuting guardsmen for firing into Mexico, let’s pay them bounties and award them medals for every one of these invaders they take out with some multiple for ending the threat to citizens by smugglers and cartel members. If that doesn’t work, let’s set bounties on them in every state of the Union. In Ohio, a Haitian killed an 11 yr. old American when he hit a school bus. This particular piece of Haitian excrement arrived at our border in 2022, then managed to get himself a job, a car and get on our roads (apparently there is an epidemic of Haitian drivers in Ohio as two more accidents occurred the same day). Why aren’t we prosecuting his landlord and his employer as accomplices?

    There is no aspect to this which can logically be shoehorned into some vestige of legality. They’re not “asylees”. They are NOT “refugees”. They ARE invaders, parasites and burdens upon citizens which can no longer ignore the massive murder, pillaging and other criminal activity occurring in the country. Obama succeeded in fundamental transformation by filling our country with HIS people. My only question is whether Americans (which Obama NEVER was) have the spine to TCB. I’m not holding my breath awaiting a Republican response. Stop kidding yourselves that elections will impact any of this.

    But, let us focus our attention on the culprits behind the illegitimate government, shall we? Corporate America, cheap labor advocates (like Liz Shuler at AFL-CIO) and NGOs (like Catholic Charities, Samaritas, HIAS, etc…). The government is actively and passively killing American citizens with criminal aliens and Fentanyl as their instruments of death. Do American citizens have ANY rights any longer? If not, why are we paying taxes? If we do, why aren’t we asserting them AGAINST this government and its evil minions (Catholic Charities, Samaritas, HIAS, etc…) from hell?

  4. Avatar for task task says:

    Today it is you who now represent the face of an immigrant as a native who has returned. And there is no indication that it is going to get less weird in the near future. You would better identify on the Etruscan Coast of Italy.

  5. Avatar for task task says:

    We know all of this. And where is the mitigating Republican leadership? Vocal but not loud enough or financed enough because they will soon not require to have their businesses reside in China to benefit from cheaper wages. And there is nothing wrong with that other than the complete disregard for most immigration law and the associated mortality and morbidity created by the rapid destruction of the civil society. Furthermore they, as well as we, will eventually pay dearly for each vote lost as the country turns a bright blue. This is about turning Texas blue. The evidence is already seen in CA and VA. Turning Texas Blue means you will have to liquidate fast, grab your passport and immigrate to where you can go dark and remain unobvious to live.

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