Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and who 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently-polled Americans who say they will “definitely not” or “probably not” support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to “stop being the stupid party.”

There has been much discussion in the political and chattering classes in recent years, as the GOP has embraced a more nationalist and populist hue, about the imperative of more aggressively wielding political power to undo the decades of leftist institutional capture and to restore a modicum of civilizational sanity. I and many other national conservatives, postliberals and “New Right” fellow travelers have written countless words urging the Right to “know what time it is” in America and get more comfortable with a more robust conception of power. But a necessary precondition of wielding power, no matter how one intends to do so, is to attain it in the first place.

And therein lies the rub.

Ironically, considering it was Donald Trump’s breakthrough victory in the 2016 Republican presidential primary that caused many on the Right to engage in deep introspection, it is his prolonged persecution at the hands of our ruling class and loss in the 2020 presidential election that has acculturated Trump and many of his followers to a very different, decisively non-victorious mentality: loserdom. As elites have serially abused their authority since the infamous 2015 gilded escalator descent at Trump Tower, from the Russia-collusion hoax to the Robert Mueller probe to two silly impeachments to the deep-sixing of the New York Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story on bogus “Russian disinformation” grounds to the unprecedented current criminal prosecutions of an ex-president, far too many on the Right have decided that losing is, well, actually just fine.

Thus, you have Trump and his social media influencers still talking about voting fraud in Michigan or illicit ballot harvesters in Georgia, now nearly three years after the COVID-era, irregularity-riddled presidential election. Thus, you have former Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate (and likely impending candidate for that state’s U.S. Senate seat) Kari Lake, a promising candidate on the campaign trail, still griping about her allegedly illegitimate defeat last November to Democrat Katie Hobbs. Trump, who has done absolutely nothing to help better fortify future elections, continues to fundraise off his claims about the 2020 election (to pay for his ever-mounting legal bills, as the case may be). Lake, for her part, fundraised off her defeat for months on end, bilking fixed-income retirees with the ludicrous claim that a court might somehow install her as sitting governor; a judge finally tossed her frivolous lawsuit in May.

Losing, it turns out, is easy – and profitable. Winning, by contrast, is difficult – and often thankless.

Republicans have every reason to be apoplectic at the tilted, patently unfair nature of the playing field that now permeates virtually all of American life – from our much-lamented two-tier system of justice to the intense anti-conservative cultural hostility pervading elementary school classrooms and corporate boardrooms alike. But the accumulating series of losses on the Right in virtually every forum outside the U.S. Supreme Court has led many to adopt a posture of permanent victimhood, or outright martyrdom. That posture is often willfully blind to basic facts that might muddy the waters or complicate the narrative. For the worst offenders, the possibility of winning at the ballot box becomes a mere afterthought. Going down in flames can present its own opportunities.

Call it the industrial-victimhood complex. Nice grift, if you can get it.

At a certain point, the mentality of victimology becomes self-defeating. And the Right is well past that point. Every problem that conservatives now rightly decry, from a weaponized law enforcement apparatus to a wide-open southern border to a ravaged industrial base in the heartland to the pernicious lies of modern gender ideology, necessarily requires the attainment of political power to possibly solve. Perhaps we can start to reattain power by not coronating an irritable baby boomer with more baggage than the belly of a 747. When it comes to independent and moderate voters, moreover, who among them would wish to cast an affirmative vote for a political movement that loves to bask in the “glory” of defeat?

Of course, none of these thorny calculations are relevant if we don’t want to win. So: Do we?

To find out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.



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About Josh Hammer

Josh Hammer is senior editor-at-large of Newsweek. A popular conservative commentator, he is a research fellow with the Edmund Burke Foundation and a syndicated columnist through Creators. A frequent pundit and essayist on political, legal, and cultural issues, Hammer is a constitutional attorney by training. He is a former John Marshall Fellow with the Claremont Institute and a campus speaker through Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Young America’s Foundation, and the Federalist Society.

Photo: DOMINICK REUTER/AFP via Getty Images

Notable Replies

  1. Ah, I’ve seen the likes of this before! It’s the classic plea to folks on the right to tone it down and not be so embarrassing so we can coax “moderates” and “independents” into our camp; in this case it’s to ditch MAGA and get behind a conventional/housebroken GOP candidate for president. That route has led to disaster every time it’s been tried in the modern era.

    I’d really like to see this switched around. Have a conversation with the independent/moderate sorts telling them they’ll get tax/regulatory cuts but they’ll just have to put up with Trump, stolen election stuff, etc. because it’s vital to key loyal constituencies. So are you going to give up lower taxes because of mean tweets and risk finding out your kids were brainwashed into gender transitioning? If only…

    One interesting thing I got out of this piece is Josh didn’t do his usual in-your-face cheerleading for DeSantis. I wonder what’s up with that!

  2. You know we love you Joshie-Josh (Go Duke!) and agree with the Deacian view of 2024 primary and beyond. I don’t take issue with the jist of your piece. But I will never believe that Biden received the most legal votes in 2020 based on overwhelming circumstantial evidence alone. And you don’t either.
    I’d beg the DeSantis campaign to listen to your buddy Steve regarding the branding of the candidate. The guy is a policy hurricaine yet comes off as a light breeze on the stump. Yet he has an encyclopedic knowledge of the facts and can use it to eviserate the “Press” as fully as Kari Lake. (Another shamelessly rigged election BTW.)
    I have to ask myself, “Self, what is more important? Is it the candidate or is it the fact that the American people really don’t understand what time it is?”

  3. Avatar for Alecto Alecto says:

    How can someone so smart completely misread the situation? This is not about Trump, his followers or anything other than losing a society based on Rule of Law. If Hammer believes that Republicans winning or losing is the be-all and end-all, he should find another occupation. American citizens are upset that Washington, D.C. sees no limits on its power over citizens. Why doesn’t Hammer understand this?

    A government that engages in everything and anything to maintain and grow its power is NOT LEGITIMATE. That, Hammer, is the essence of this fight, NOT Donald Trump.

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