The Left Hates Sound of Freedom Because They Hate Children

An appropriate reaction for anyone who has seen the film Sound of Freedom is one of sheer horror, shock and anger toward a child trafficking industry that subjugates over a million children globally to sexual abuse – and unimaginable trauma for both the victims and their families.

Another appropriate reaction to this powerful film would be an appreciation for director Alejandro Monteverde and actor Jim Caviezel’s masterful ability to bring to national attention this brutal epidemic that must be eradicated.

But for many pundits on the Left, the film’s substance is merely an afterthought.

The fact that the film was released independently, five years after it was completed, with almost no marketing – has already grossed over $100 million in box office revenue and embraces conservative principles, namely, family values – means that the Left must find something morally abhorrent about it.

The Guardian described the filmmakers and admirers of it as nothing more than “a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings … Those tuned in to the eardrum-perforating frequency of QAnon, however, have heeded a clarion call that leads right to the multiplex.”

Evidently, for the Left, those who are concerned about pedophilia and the sickening slave trade industry are nothing more than deranged conspiracy theorists who are part of an obscure right-wing cult.

While Variety reasoned that you don’t have to be “a right-wing fundamentalist conspiracy theorist” to enjoy the film, it mostly echoed a similar sentiment to The Guardian:

“The film could be seen as adjacent to the alt-right paranoia that was originally stoked by 4Chan and QAnon: the wing-nut conspiracy theory about a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor being a front for a pedophile ring, extending into the larger conspiracy theory that says that the whole culture of liberalism is a racket to protect and cover up a cabal of pedophiles.”

That’s one way of looking at it.

Or another more objective way of trying to understand why the film has resonated not only with conservatives but with millions of Americans is because it is an example of the government, or more specifically, the Department of Homeland Security actually doing its job and keeping citizens safe.

It is quite the contrast from the Biden administration’s failed policy and purposeful inaction at the border that allows and promotes illegal child labor, sex trafficking and abuse of minors.

Then again, that is another reason why the Left despises the film because they do not believe in closing off our border to prevent perverted human traffickers from using children as slaves while also allowing drug cartels to poison our youth with fentanyl.

Apparently, unless a woke Hollywood producer makes a film about a problem that does not actually exist, such as the phantom dangers of “far-right extremism,” the continued oppression of minorities, or the supposed threat of “climate change,” well then, they’re just not interested in giving it the light of day.

Perhaps what is even more telling in the Left’s insane reaction to the film is that it reveals their hatred for children.

Allow me to explain.

I have no doubt that most parents on the Left do not want anything bad to happen to their children and, by and large, want them to be successful members of society. Although lately, I am beginning to wonder if that’s true.

But the problem is that leftism is a religion, and most of its preachings are antithetical to the well-being of children.

Let’s look at the Left’s policies and see just how beneficial they are for children.

America’s true historical roots are grounded in Judeo-Christian values, but the Left has no issue with teachers rewriting and reframing history to provide a distorted picture of race that leads to resentment and hatred towards our country, our Constitution and our system of government.

Just look at Kamala Harris’s recent disgraceful comments about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the state’s accurate standards for teaching African American history.

What about left-wing teachers and radical school boards’ obsession with forcing perverted and immoral sexualized education on our children in an attempt to bolster future support for unnatural lifestyles. There is nothing ethically moral about confusing vulnerable youth and encouraging them to make life-altering decisions without parental consultation or approval.

How about espousing to our children that abortion on demand is a positive development.

What about discouraging freedom of speech and conservative or religious ideas in higher education.

What about unscientific school closures, leading to historic learning losses, the forced masking of children, and the unnecessary encouragement of requiring children to take a COVID vaccine that the majority of them don’t need.

How about eliminating school security measures while railing about the dangers of “gun violence.”

What about encouraging boys to behave more like girls, bringing them to inappropriate drag shows and viewing masculinity as a problem.

How about enabling petty criminals and juveniles to continue to commit crimes with few or no penalties, thus increasing the likelihood that younger people will commit felonies – and permanently ruin their lives.

What about using children as a prop by lying to them about “climate change” and telling them the world will end soon unless we drastically change our behavior, including by having fewer children.

How about reducing the quality of education, dumbing down the standards of math and letting our inner-city youth rot in failing public schools instead of promoting charter schools.

If the Democrats don’t hate children, their actions seem incongruent with their beliefs.

Carpe Diem is the pseudonym for a writer who was a speechwriter in the Trump Administration.

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Notable Replies

  1. “the eardrum-perforating frequency of QAnon”

    Has there ever been a more absurd, leftist bogeyman than this goofy QAnon fever dream? The only thing I have ever heard anyone, not on a cable news network at the time, say about it is something akin to “What the heck is QAnon anyway?”.

    I like the list of leftist policies which are harmful to children in this piece, but I would add one more: Denying, or neglecting to tell them, that they are created in the Imago Dei. For doing so would would preclude many of our societal problems, robbing the left of the manipulation crowbar which is so easily wielded on young minds.

  2. Excellent list of the harms to children and our society in general. I have always said that most Leftists view their world through their own eyes only and their own pocketbook. If it doesn’t happen to them, it doesn’t effect them, therefore it’s not important. They typically lack the understanding of policies and it’s long-term repercussions on our country. In short, they are myopic.

  3. The only hope I see for our country is that this issue, protecting children, can consolidate oppsition to the progressive agenda. Hopefully, things have not gotten so far out of hand that the people no longer have a voice at all, except to agree. Maybe the fate of our children is what will instigate the population to insist on change. Because exactly why the left is so contemptuous of this film is a question that does not bear contemplation. Why would anyone denigrate efforts to stop child trafficking for sex? Just how perverted is the left?

  4. Leftism is the embodiment of control freakishness. They don’t hate children. They have a couple children in the same way that others have pets. Turning boys into girls and girls into boys is the ultimate exercise of the control freak. So is sexual attraction to underage humans. They believe they can fool Mother Nature…

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