China deliberately engineered the COVID-19 virus as a “bioweapon,” a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) researcher claimed this week in an interview with Chinese-born human rights activist and author Jennifer Zeng.
During his 26 minute interview with Zeng, researcher Chao Shao said that he and his colleagues were given four strains of the coronavirus and tasked with identifying the most effective strain for spreading the virus among various species—with a particular emphasis on human infectivity.
According to Shao, several of his colleagues went missing during the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, where some have speculated, the virus was initially released.
The researcher said one of the missing individuals admitted that they were sent to hotels accommodating athletes from different countries to “check the health or hygiene conditions.” However, Chao Shao suspected a darker mission, telling Zeng that they were potentially involved in spreading the virus at the games.
Shao also disclosed that in April 2020, “he was sent to Xinjiang to assess the health status of Uyghur prisoners held in the re-education camps, ostensibly to expedite their release,” and strongly suggested that his mission “was either to facilitate the virus’s spread or to study its effects on humans.”
You must spread this like mad.
First-ever explosive admission from #ShaoChao (单超 ) #WIV (#WuhanInstituteofVirology) researcher, vice director of #Wuhan #P4Lab: I Was Given 4 Strains of #Coronavirus to Select the Most Infectious one in Feb 2019. They were artificial, engineered…— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 (@jenniferzeng97) June 27, 2023
The researcher’s explosive claims come after a recently released declassified report from US intelligence agencies failed to definitively confirm whether researchers at the Wuhan Lab who fell ill in 2019, were infected with the COVID-19 causing coronavirus.
The report was published last week, several days past its required deadline.
Congressional Republicans slammed the Biden regime for releasing a tardy report whitewashing the origins of COVID, saying that it “obscures more than it illuminates.”
“This is not sufficient. … We want the intelligence released, not their opinion about the intelligence,” Rep. Mike Turner (R., Ohio) said. “We passed a law saying, ‘Declassify it.’ It’s the law of the land. Release this so the American public can see it.”
Earlier this month, significant evidence emerged that strengthened the case that the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped from the U.S.-funded Wuhan lab. Multiple U.S. government officials confirmed that Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu—all researchers studying “gain-of-function” experiments on SARS-like coronaviruses—were among the first people infected by the virus.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funneled potentially millions of U.S. taxpayer payer dollars through Dr. Peter Daszak’s non-profit EcoHealth Alliance to the CCP-controlled WIV.
According to a recent report, Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine researcher and media darling who refuses to debate Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., also collaborated with Chinese military scientists at the Wuhan Lab, and was potentially involved in the development of COVID-19.
The COVID pandemic has reportedly claimed the lives of nearly 7 million lives worldwide.
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