Decadent Elites Plunge America Into Political Crisis

If the last seven years of constant anti-Trump intrigue have shown anything, it’s that America’s liberal so-called elites want to govern a certain way and will not tolerate being told otherwise. Given Donald Trump’s recent arrest, they could not make themselves any clearer apart from possibly having the man killed. If he goes to prison, he very well may die there. 

These kinds of dramatic outcomes to political battles are supposed to be precluded in a government of consent, which allows for a peaceful transfer of power (another phrase, like Our Democracy™, that has been bastardized in the mouths of the elites). Uprisings, show trials, assassinations, and the like are not supposed to be necessary when the people can choose and remove their rulers. 

But the recalcitrance of the elites has pushed the country into a political crisis. Their refusal to be restrained by popular opinion has left a large swath of the population with nothing to lose.

Trump’s supporters are the regime’s helots, the “deplorables” consigned to sweat and toil for a government that openly hates them as they are gradually wiped out by an endless stream of more compliant foreign replacements. They have no reason not to support Trump because the alternative is to be governed like vassals. 

When Biden hung the banner of “Pride” from the White House balcony, he was merely making formal the implicit. It was received like the taunt that it obviously was. These humiliations are now a normal part of daily life for the Christians and downwardly mobile middle-class whites who comprise the core of Trump’s base, and who are increasingly unable to recognize the country of their birth.

One needn’t be a fire-and-brimstone type to see a spiritual aspect in the grotesque spectacle that has become of the United States. There are neighborhoods in our cities that resemble scenes from Dante’s Inferno. But as in any oligarchy, the world of fabulous privilege is just a short distance from the mad hell of chaos and disorder. The elites live secure from the evils they midwife, leaving the innocent to face the penalty while they collect their rewards. 

The White House is occupied by a venal, sleazy puppet whose sordid crimes have been covered up by the “free press.” The law is deployed to harass and terrorize people like Daniel Penny, the former Marine who was indicted (just a day after Trump was arrested by his political opponent) for restraining a deranged vagrant from attacking bystanders. Penny is no radical ideologue, but he didn’t need to be to provoke the regime. It was enough for him to have attempted to do the right thing.

 A regime that treats good people like criminals and criminals like “public servants” exposes its own iniquity. But try explaining that to Jill Biden, who expressed “shock” that Trump still has supporters despite being arrested by her husband’s government for something no worse than something her husband did (and, unlike Trump, he did it without the power to declassify documents). Don’t Republicans realize, she told a room of wealthy donors in Manhattan’s Upper East Side last week, what a serious matter this is?

The Left isn’t trying to persuade anyone of Trump’s turpitude. Their own hands are far too dirty for that. They just want to crush him and demoralize those who find hope in his spirited war with the deep state that has worked endlessly toward his destruction and the ruin of liberty in America. 

But until they actually lock him away, Trump will continue to dominate the scene. Strongmen thrive in times of decadence. When disorder becomes unbearable, and the government is neglectful, corrupt, and abusive in turn, people naturally look for protection elsewhere. This is as true today as in any period of political turbulence of the past.

Where others see a wrecking ball to a treacherous oligarchy, the oligarchs naturally see an emergency, a would-be tyrant who threatens the supposedly lawful system of “norms” they claim to uphold. They are willfully blind. In times like these, a charismatic populist like Trump will have appeal no matter how many times he is indicted, or what “crimes” the kangaroo courts can contrive. 

To millions of Americans, nothing that Trump has done with any porn star or “classified” briefing measures up to the betrayal of having their country taken from them. Indeed, to earn the proscription of such “elites,” as we have, is its own honor.

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About Matthew Boose

Matthew Boose is a Mt. Vernon fellow of the Center for American Greatness and a staff writer and weekly columnist at the Conservative Institute. His writing has also appeared in the Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter @matt_boose. ‏

Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for task task says:

    “Jill Biden expressed shock that Trump still has supporters despite being arrested”. What type of people would support who her husband arrested? Surely, they must be a deplorable lot. That is exactly how all of the progressive left feels. At one time that is how Democrats felt about negroes. The progressive left still identify as Democrats. There is no difference in how they have ever felt. The only difference, today, is who they feel are “deplorables”. At one time it was negroes, now it is white Christians, and anyone else, including black people, who would deny them the power they feel they are entitled to own and use.

    And let it be understood that the elitist left is right in one sense. The “deplorables” believe in a country that created a government that insures that the citizens are treated equally under the law. They have no tolerance for a government that thinks it can create a country of slaves, worshipers and obedient followers, who wallow in silent subjugation, any more than the Irish felt the British were born into royalty. America is now a caste system and Trump supports have been deemed “untouchables” who are treated accordingly. India inherited the caste system. American progressive elites created it out of thin air, just as they have created fiat currency, and will use the methods fascist regimes the world over have employed successfully. Terror, Stasi like federal police, pre trial long internments, bogus made up charges, kangaroo courts and fixed outcomes are the hallmarks of fascist regimes and the progressive left will employ everything they can and will leave nothing to imaginations.

    There are three types of of personalities who occupy America - those who are part of the progressive elite establishment that control the levers of power, those who support them and those who want them removed and the America they once knew restored. And the only candidate on the horizon to restore America is the one that the progressive elite want to, and now must, incarcerate and/or kill.

    This is the current State of the Union. Donald Trump’s popularity has driven the American fascist elite to perform as fanatical tyrants whose methods are visible to the entire free world with the exception of the American media who have been so thoroughly indoctrinated they can only see what the world sees with their “eyes wide shut”.

  2. Tucker Carlson has it right; this is an inversion of virtue. These people are the antithesis of the virtuous models to which previous civilizations aspired. Everything they are, everything they do is dishonorable, ugly, debased and criminally insane. From the mutilation of little children, who are defenseless against this evil unless we defend them, to the scores of innocent citizens rotting in jails and prisons merely for engaging in constitutionally-protected discourse and actions, everything occurring now calls us all to action. The decadence of these elites virtually calls down the Judgment of God upon their heads, and a more deserving group of that end does not and may not ever have existed.

    Unfortunately, and especially after viewing Donald Trump’s interview with Brett Baier (another attempt to entrap him), I do not view Trump as the right man for the job. Maybe I’m immune to whatever it is that his devout supporters see, and anyone can see that he is certainly the focus of their ire, but a leader? I do not agree. I do believe that a man’s character is so central to the job of President, as Washington believed, that it IS a salient point that Trump’s character includes massive failures borne of a weak character and fatal flaws which these elites have leveraged against him. Donald Trump’s greatest flaw is his lack of humility and I cannot emphasize this point enough: humility is the beginning of wisdom. Trump’s unwise and boastful nature precludes his ability to see the threats in front of him. Even now, he cannot admit any mistakes! I will never apologize for that position, and I will never negate the importance of good character in a President. For corroboration for that position I offer Exhibit A: Joe Biden. Was there ever a man so corrupt, so antithetical to the Office of the President of the United States?

  3. Avatar for task task says:

    When I was a boy I read a lot of Robert Ruark’s novels. He wrote about the Mau Mau uprisings in Kenya and a movie was made depicting his book also titled “Something of Value”.

    The Mau Mau were all Kikuyu. The Kikuyu tribe leader said something I regard as important to this day. I use his advice in a lot of my decision making. He said “when you give away something of value make sure you have something of value to replace it with”. That something of equal, or better replacement value, everyone is still searching for. In other words even as many might disagree or agree with your criticism and assessments, at this late date in the election operation, it does not pertain because Trump is the general who remains in control of the grand and large army that is fighting back. And the enemy is clearly fraught with fear over this leader because they know he is committed to do great damage to them and their illegal operations.

  4. Perhaps the desire to right a grievous wrong drives some of the support for Trump. Everyone who cast their ballot for him was robbed as much as he was. Moving on as a nation without confronting the issue seems to many like another body blow to the rule of law. It is unfortunate that the man so richly deserving vindication is the worst candidate Republicans could possibly offer independents and disgruntled Democrats. Sometimes history just sucks.

  5. Good quote and use of it Task , I would only qualify it with a consideration as to whether this thing that you are letting go of is anything you need Lol .

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