Despite growing backlash against the “pride” movement in 2023, there has been a noticeable increase in allegedly religious groups showing public support for homosexuality, transgenderism, and other aspects of the LGBTQ agenda.
According to NPR, the rise in ostensibly religious groups’ support for pride is due to a nationwide initiative called Faith for Pride, run by the far-left group Interfaith Alliance. The group consists of multiple religions and denominations, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and others.
“We are not going to let this happen to our LGBTQ siblings,” said Baptist minister Paul Raushenbush, president of the Interfaith Alliance. “Not on our watch. We need to organize.”
Raushenbush also called for left-wing Christians and other progressive religions to “fight back against” legislation being passed in states across the country that are meant to crack down on the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism, often via indoctrination in public schools. “And we need to rally religious communities and a religious voice to say ‘no.'”
“Don’t feel like you have this choice between your sexuality or your gender and your religious tradition,” Raushenbush continued. “There are people out there who love you, who respect you, who will welcome you and will help you thrive.”
One example of the group’s public displays of support for “pride” was at “Pride Fest” in Santa Monica, California, where six different houses of worship had booths set up, including Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Jews. The booths handed out various rainbow-themed merchandise, including temporary rainbow tattoos, clothing depicting Jesus with a rainbow Crown of Thorns, and a rainbow-colored Star of David.
“I think it’s really important,” said Rabbi Jillian Cameron at one of the booths, “for us to be just as visible so that people know out in the world that loud voices saying horrible things to our community are not the only religious voices out there.”
The year 2023 has seen a significant increase in backlash against the “pride” movement, particularly with regards to transgenderism, compared to previous years. Companies that have faced massive boycotts include Bud Light, Target, and the LA Dodgers, the latter of which was widely criticized for agreeing to host a performance by an anti-Christian drag queen group.