Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., running for president in 2024, is the author of The Real Anthony Fauci. In this 2021 bestseller, Kennedy examined Fauci’s disastrous career, including his secretive drug trials with foster children, and concluded that Fauci was “a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism.” RFK, Jr. also contends that a book first released in 2007 is “vital” to understand what is now going on.
The Real AIDS Epidemic: How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All is now out in a new edition. Mathematical biologist Rebecca V. Culshaw compares the AIDS debacle with Dr. Fauci’s handling of the COVID pandemic.
Fauci’s AIDS empire was based on the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS. This was not accepted by the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.
Members included some of the nation’s leading molecular biologists, such as cancer researcher Peter Duesberg, author of Inventing the AIDS Virus; Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR); and Charles A. Thomas, former professor of biological chemistry at Harvard. These scientists were vastly more qualified than Fauci, whose bio showed no advanced degrees in biochemistry or molecular biology.
Kary Mullis was on record that Fauci “doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” But he was.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) boss claimed that HIV can “infiltrate and kill” T-cells and “stimulate the response of other immune cells so that they eventually collapse from “overwork or confusion.” This caught the attention of Charles Thomas, who told reporters “No other virus is credited with such a dazzling repertoire of destructive skills.” HIV was “a simple retrovirus with a very simple genetic organization.”
In similar style, Peter Duesberg wondered, “What kind of virus, one day, out of nowhere, springs into action to destroy a person’s immune system with no provocation?” Never had a retrovirus been shown to cause a human disease, or even a disease in animals.
Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert found “no animal model for AIDS,” and Dr. Harvey Bialy, scientific editor of Biotechnology, could locate “no pathogenic relative” for the virus. In other words, Fauci had no clue what he was talking about, a charge he often levels at critics.
“The nails in the coffin of the HIV/AIDS paradigm have been hammered long ago by a long list of scientists and medical researchers,” Culshaw confirms. “The AIDS orthodoxy’s only counter to the points made and the questions raised consisted of ad hominem attacks including the word ‘denialist,’ as well as stating that the dissenting views have been ‘discredited,’ without any reference as to where those views have been discredited.”
Culshaw thoroughly refutes the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and lists the empire’s failed predictions including, “HIV will spread rapidly through the population.” It didn’t and it wasn’t even close. During the 1980s people were also told that “By 1990, one in five heterosexuals will be dead from AIDS.” They weren’t, but Fauci retained his powerful position, with no accountability.
As NIAID director, Fauci controlled both public health policy and government spending on medical research. That dangerous concentration of power would deploy in force during the COVID pandemic.
During the 1980s, Fauci fast-tracked the approval of AZT (azidothymidine), marketed as Zidovudine, a DNA chain terminator rejected for cancer treatment because of excessive cytotoxicity. There was no evidence that AZT could prevent or cure AIDS but as RFK, Jr. explained, “Fauci exposed kids to deadly risks and agonizing discomforts in a speculative drug and vaccine exercise that offered absolutely no benefit for them.”
The BBC in 2004 produced “Guinea Pig Kids,” a documentary about the drug trials. It was never shown in the United States, and AIDS researchers attacked it as “denialist.” Culshaw jumps ahead to 2020: “In rushing to approve mRNA vaccines for COVID, what was essentially a massive clinical trial was conducted in real time on the entire population” (emphasis added).
AZT failed to prevent or cure AIDS, and the untested COVID vaccines failed to prevent infection or transmission. Children are the least vulnerable group but Fauci wanted children as young as four or even under four to get the jab.
In Massachusetts, Culshaw notes, all deaths of those testing positive for HIV are counted as AIDS deaths, “and this happens if the person died of liver failure, a heart attack, suicide, drowning, CMV infection, or car accident, or anything else, AIDS-related or no.” During the throes of the pandemic, deaths of anyone who had tested positive for COVID were counted as deaths from COVID.
The AIDS establishment charged that Duesberg, Mullis, et al., had been “discredited.” In similar fashion, the medical scientists of the Great Barrington Declaration challenged Fauci’s draconian lockdown policies. Instead of debating the policy on scientific grounds, NIH boss Francis Collins deployed Fauci for a “quick and devastating takedown” of the scientists. Most if not all were far more qualified than the NIAID director, a non-practicing M.D. who claims “I represent science.”
As Culshaw recalls, Dr. Mark Wainberg, director of the McGill University AIDS center “openly called for criminal prosecution of anyone who publicly questioned the HIV/AIDS hypothesis.” Wainberg finds a counterpart in Dr. Peter Hotez, who sought to make criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci a crime. As it happens, Hotez was the recipient of grants from NIAID, which Fauci has headed since 1984.
During the pandemic, Fauci contended that the COVID virus arose naturally in the wild. Those who found evidence of a laboratory origin were smeared as “conspiracy theorists,” a charge leveled at Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV. After his death in February 2022 the Associated Press charged that Montagnier “spread false claims about the coronavirus” and “claimed that the coronavirus did not originate in nature and was manipulated.”
When CDC Director Robert Redfield found evidence of a lab origin, he received death threats. No word of an investigation by the FBI that, like the Energy Department, now finds evidence of a laboratory origin. The most likely source is the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), controlled by China’s Communist Party.
Fauci funded the WIV to perform gain-of-function research which makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. The WIV, in turn, was supplied with deadly pathogens by Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, a Chinese national who once headed the special pathogens program at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg.
Dr. Fauci has now retired, but the story does not end there. The Faucists still dominate the system.
“The COVID crisis has shown many people that the public health bureaucrats do not necessarily have our best interests at heart,” writes Culshaw. “These people are not benevolent scientists with no vested interest, hidden in their ivory towers producing ‘the science.’ They are business people, beholden to the politically motivated granting agencies and to the pharmaceutical companies.” And according to the mathematical biologist, there’s more to it.
“Supposedly benevolent health czars and politicians are not above weaponizing a narrative about a disease to divide people, turn families and friends against each other, and imply that human contact is dangerous and should be avoided if possible. One can only commune with similarly ‘good rule followers.’”
As Culshaw contends, “The HIV empire is too big to fail. But fail it must.” For the people and their elected representatives, the empire is too failed to be big. The structures of white coat supremacy, rule by medical bureaucrats, must be cut down to size or eliminated.
No health official or single agency should control public health policy and spending on medical research. Government health institutions should be free of nepotism in the style of Fauci and his wife Christine Grady, who serves as NIH bioethics boss. It is as though Joe Biden tasked wife Jill to head the investigation of Hunter Biden’s laptop and his dealings with foreign regimes.
NIAID’s $6 billion budget should be severely reduced and the director limited to a single four-year term. All NIAID and NIH grants should be posted on the internet in real time and downloadable form. All actions taken by Anthony Fauci and his cronies should be subject to the most thorough investigation possible.
Members of Congress, you have no excuse. If you fail to take down Faucism, the empire will strike back. And the people will never forgive you.
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