In the year 2022, the population of the United States of America was artificially boosted by the surge of mass migration across the southern border, with over 1 million people being added to the overall population total.
According to the Associated Press, the American population increased by 1.2 million due to the flood of illegal aliens, with the U.S. Census Bureau declaring on Thursday that the total population had increased to about 333.2 million people.
From 2021 to 2022, overall net international migration was over 1 million, an increase of 168 percent from just 376,029 from 2020 to 2021. Every single American state saw an increase in the foreign-born population as a result of the mass influx. Although birth rates rose to their first year-over-year increase since 2007, with natural growth in the same period adding 245,080 people to the population, the natural-born Americans were vastly outnumbered by the flood of foreigners.
The overall annual growth rate from 2021 to 2022 was 0.4 percent, an increase from the 0.1 percent from 2020 to 2021, during the height of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
The geographic regions of the United States that saw the biggest losses were the Northeast and the Midwest. In the Northeast, the trend of residents fleeing states such as Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York saw the region lose 219,000 people. In the Midwest, Illinois saw a similar trend of residents moving to other states, while there were more deaths than births in Ohio, contributing to a regional loss of 49,000 people.
By contrast, the South saw the greatest growth with about 1.3 million new residents, mostly driven by people moving to Texas and Florida, which each saw 400,000 new residents as a result. Texas in particular saw enough growth that it has now surpassed 30 million residents, becoming only the second state in the country to do so, after California.
The crisis on the southern border has seen law enforcement and border communities overwhelmed by the flood of illegals, encouraged to come to the United States by Joe Biden’s campaign promises of taxpayer-funded benefits to all illegals, including free healthcare, education, and housing. Since taking office, Biden has taken an open-borders approach to further increase the flow of illegals, with Democrats openly touting this as a strategy to replace American voters with foreign voters who will loyally vote for the Democratic Party.