She must have wondered whether she would ever see the sun again as FBI Special Agent Richard Trask pinned her to their marital bed so he could repeatedly bash her head against the nightstand.
According to the Detroit News, Trask’s wife tried to appease him. Earlier that night, she had reluctantly joined him at a swingers’ party. But the evening did not go well as she did not enjoy offering herself to strangers at her husband’s urging. FBI Special Agent Trask stopped smashing her head when she managed to get a handful of his beard. Trask then wrapped his weightlifter’s hands around her neck. With perhaps seconds to make a final bid for her survival, Mrs. Trask (her first name hasn’t been made public) managed to get a grip on his testicles and squeezed until he released her. Trask then fled the house in his wife’s car.
The wounds Trask left on his wife’s head were still bleeding when police arrived. She had blood all over her chest, clothing, arms, and hand. His savagery left “severe” bruising to her neck and throat. The photograph featured in the Detroit News, which broke the story, showed the FBI special agent posing in a gym flexing with muscles so large, the image calls to mind a deformed ogre from a nightmare. Special Agent Trask was so successful at bulking up, he ran a CrossFit gym on his property.

Trask knew better than to talk to law enforcement when the police finally found him. He invoked his right to remain silent after being read his Miranda rights. Police nevertheless arrested him on felony charges. The judge set a $10,000 bond.
Yet Trask is the man the FBI made the public face of the Michigan kidnapping plot that played a role in the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Last fall, Trask helped gin up the anti-Trump publicity surrounding the Michigan kidnapping plot. He claimed the FBI “thwarted” a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer—a plot we now know the FBI itself hatched. One text message released inadvertently to the defense shows the FBI agent who was overseeing the plot (likely Trask) directed his confidential informants to solicit specific people, those targeted by Trask, so he could entice these targets into committing arrestable crimes.
Defense attorneys representing the men caught up in Trask’s “Truman Show”-style sting have claimed that Trask abused his power to entrap political opponents in a charade for the purpose of setting them up as trophy arrests. Trask is a hero to the Left for using his power to create made-to-order “proof” that Trump inspired violent extremists.
The FBI has suffered a string of public humiliations as stories continue to emerge of criminal behavior within its ranks.
In August, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to fabricating evidence to deceive the FISA court so the Russia Collusion Hoax conspirators could spy on Trump campaign figure Carter Page. Moreover, law enforcement in Louisiana recently arrested an FBI agent for a spree of sex crimes, some involving children under 13. In April 2020, a former FBI agent was arrested in California for accepting $200,000 in cash bribes in exchange for providing sensitive law enforcement material to organized crime. (Other shocking reports of misconduct can be found here, here, here, here, here, and here.)
Unfortunately, FBI Director Christopher Wray appears above accountability. He doesn’t have to stand for election and he controls the investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Americans can think whatever they want about the increasing corruption in the FBI. Wray has no reason to care about public opinion. He’s untouchable.