“Woke” is one of the most bitterly ironic terms in the post-modern lexicon, for the members of its death cult are anything but alert and self-aware. These Proglodytes are more aptly termed “broke” and “washed” (as in “brainwashed”), living a Manichean existence where they regress somnambulantly to a primitive state of nature following the roadmap of their insane, racist ideology that renders everything backward, and masks the reality that they are, in truth, the villains.
There could be no more crystalline instance of the woke Left’s regress back into the evils of ante-civilizational barbarism than the selling of aborted unborn children’s body parts for “research.” This is scientific cannibalism, wherein the powerful preserve their own lives by killing the weak and preying upon their dismembered bodies.
Recognizing this evil, in 2019 the Trump Administration’s Health and Human Services Department ended taxpayer funding for the use of the corpses of aborted unborn children; and “banned the National Institute of Health internal research team from using fetal tissue and installed ethics boards to oversee all future federally funded research.”
Now, the newly converted (or at least revealed) Proglodyte, Joe Biden, and his (mal)administration, at the behest of over 20 Democratic members of Congress and through its Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, has repealed this prohibition and the ethics board.
Immediately, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops denounced the return of this evil. In his April 20 statement on behalf of the conference, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, chair of its Committee on Pro-Life Activities issued a clarion moral call, which held in sum:
Our government has no right to treat innocent abortion victims as a commodity that can be scavenged for body parts to be used in research. The bodies of children killed by abortion deserve the same respect as that of any other person. It is unethical to promote and subsidize research that can lead to legitimizing the violence of abortion. Researchers have demonstrated that we can do effective scientific research and develop efficacious clinical treatments without harvesting tissue from aborted babies.
As reported by the Daily Caller’s Mary Margaret Olohan, during a White House press briefing, EWTN reporter Owen Jensen cited Archbishop Naumann’s statement that the HHS’ repeal of pro-life protections was “deeply offensive to millions of Americans for our tax dollars to be used for research that collaborates with an industry built on the taking of innocent lives.” Jensen then asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, “How does the White House respond to that criticism?”
“Look, I think the White House . . . respectfully disagrees,” Psaki said, “and we believe that it’s important to invest in science and look for opportunities to cure diseases and I think that’s what this is hopeful to do.”
When Psaki’s disingenuous defense of the indefensible proved inadequate, the state media propaganda machine lurched into overdrive. Confusing itself with the Baltimore Catechism, the secular, “woke” Washington Post argued this grave and scandalous moral matter must be viewed through a partisan political prism: “A rising group of right-wing U.S. Catholic bishops is colliding with a very Catholic president who supports abortion rights.”
This deceitful sentence, alone, suffices to prove with finality the moral backwardness of the woke and their upside-down world. Such are the bitter fruits of the insidious evil that infuses the “woke” Proglodyte’s morally backward ideology animating this death cult to revert to deeper depths of depravity. For only the woke’s willful perversion of reality can allow Joe Biden to claim he is a “devout Catholic”; or permit his mendacious flock to pretend a Catholic can “respectfully disagree” with the Catholic Church’s opposition to using the body parts of aborted unborn children.
For these “woke” Proglodytes, the problem isn’t aborting unborn children and selling their body parts. The problem is “right-wing” bishops defending Church teaching against a “very Catholic” president who is deliberately and repeatedly flouting infallible Church doctrine to proselytize scandalously and otherwise enhance and facilitate the temptations for others of the faithful to imperil their mortal souls.
There is no realization of the inhumanity of killing and carving unborn children and placing them upon the altar of science. There is no mention of the full consequences this ghoulish practice has wrought. There is no respect for the freedom of conscience that compels opposing such evil. There is no understanding that “hope” does not flow from butchering generations of children in the womb, but only civilizational suicide. There is no empathy for the victims of this violence, who are considered not souls in the image of God but assets to be bought and sold. There is no recognition of the inherent sanctity, dignity, and inviolability of human life in all its majestic manifestations.
When an ideology determines, rationalizes, and justifies which innocent human lives can—and, in fact, should—be extinguished (let alone allows for the selling of their body parts), that ideology is evil. But the “woke” Proglodytes, especially the “very Catholic” ones, will never chisel this verity onto their “We Believe . . .” lawn signs, which annunciate their profane professions of “faith” in a hideous, morally regressive ideology. It’s an ideology that considers abortion a secular sacrament and, thus, condones, promotes, and celebrates the destruction, dismemberment, and sale of the remains of innocent, unborn children created in the image of God, yet killed by the hand of man.