“America is back!” That’s what Joe Biden told our European allies a little over a week ago.
And what a relief that must be to Syrian civilians, who had to duck and cover during an American airstrike just a few days later.
Amy Siskind is a popular Democratic activist and possibly the dumbest person on Twitter. If she’s not the dumbest, she’s in the running, and if you spend any time at all on that hellscape of a social media site, you’ll understand the gravity of being in such company.
“So different having military action under Biden,” she told her followers in a now-deleted tweet. “No middle school level threats on Twitter. Trust Biden and his team’s competence.”
I’m sure the Syrian civilians who were blown to bits by the Biden airstrike were happy to know that the senile septuagenarian didn’t send any mean tweets while the bombs were dropping. What a comfort that must be.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) also welcomed America’s return, in case you were still wondering whether there’s actually any policy difference between the mainstream Left and the mainstream Right.
“Appreciate Biden Administration striking Iranian-backed militia groups in Syria who’ve been pushing attacks against American forces in Iraq and other locations,” he said on Twitter. “It is imperative that our enemies know that attacking Americans comes at a cost.”
“Very supportive of this strike and hope it will create necessary deterrence in the future,” he added in a second tweet.
For those trying to keep track at home, Biden bombed Syria to protect our troops in Iraq from military forces in Iran (or something). Graham probably couldn’t point out any of those three countries on an unmarked map, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is we’re back, baby!
French Twist
Remember David French? You probably wish you didn’t.
He was a war cheerleader until Donald Trump’s administration. French cut his chops celebrating Middle Eastern wars over at National Review before defecting to the equally pro-war Dispatch. The former publication supported the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime in Libya, and is currently itching for a war in Yemen. The latter publication is irrelevant.
In 2018, when Trump struck Syria (an action for which he was roundly condemned by his own supporters) French had some questions about the constitutionality of dropping bombs without congressional approval. He also called those strikes “imprudent.”
If you thought that bombing Syria might still be imprudent, you would be wrong, at least according to David French. He celebrated Biden’s airstrike in Syria, noting that, “Targeting our troops should carry a consequence.” As for that pesky Constitution, go ahead and tear it to shreds. After all, America is back!
As noted by many of his already-disgruntled progressive supporters, Biden has, to this point, shirked most of his major campaign promises.
Those $2,000 stimulus checks that were supposed to go out the door on day one of his administration? It turns out that a vote for Biden was only worth $1,400, and the checks are still hung up in Congress. How about that $15 minimum wage? Yeah, right. Canceling $50,000 of student debt? Never going to happen. What about $10,000? Nope. Tuition-free public universities? Get real.
Dropping bombs on brown people? Can do!
A Monotonous Routine
There was once a president who wanted to tear this entire rotten, stinking system to the ground so he could focus on improving the lives of regular folks. He was from New York and he had a goofy spray tan, but middle America loved him. He was callous and crass. He was unpolished. He occasionally said mean things, and was known for using Twitter to circumvent the traditional methods of communication through a press office and the media, so he could speak directly to Americans. That man, of course, was Donald Trump.
But the Left, whose wish list has already been tossed in the circular file by Biden, spent four years in apoplectic shock—one episode after another—because the Beltway cretins leveraged the left-wing media to convince them that Donald Trump was a fascist Russian double-agent, here to do Vladimir Putin’s bidding and turn America into an authoritarian nightmare. Worse than that, they accused him of being a racist!
The Left knew very well what they were getting when they voted for Biden, despite his campaign promises. They couldn’t seriously have believed that a politician with a 47 year-long record of doing nothing meaningful would bring along any agenda for change to the White House. But still, they #resisted and vowed to #votebluenomatterwho.
When Joe Biden says “America is back,” perhaps he isn’t aware quite how true that statement is. Whether he’s aware of anything at all is up for debate.
Via Raytheon, on whose board Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sat before joining the administration, Biden and company approved an $85 million weapons sale to Chile. Special interests will be served first, and Americans will just be plain old served. On and on it will continue, while those interests manage the decline of the once-great American empire.
Biden is already blowing things up in the Middle East. He is already delivering government subsidies for the military-industrial complex. More bailouts for wealthy corporations are on the horizon with the next COVID stimulus package.
Nothing that matters to his supporters—save surface-level nonsense like political correctness and not sending mean tweets—will ever be accomplished by a Biden Administration. Nothing consequential for ordinary Americans will ever get done. The monotonous routine of those Beltway cretins, like a well-oiled machine, is up and running again.
America is back! God help us all.