Last year, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden emphatically denied his son Hunter’s controversial business dealings were ever a subject of discussion between the two.
Hunter Biden’s lucrative $50,000 a month gig on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas firm, had nothing to do with his father. The elder Biden insisted: “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
A trove of emails obtained by the New York Post suggests Hunter Biden introduced his then vice-president father to Burisma adviser, Vadym Pozharsky, who in April 2015 thanked Hunter for the opportunity to meet his father.
An earlier email from May 2014 shows Pozharsky asking Hunter how he could use his influence in the White House on Burisma’s behalf.
Less than a year later, Vice President Biden, the Obama Administration’s point man in Ukraine, leaned on Ukrainian government officials to fire a prosecutor sniffing around Burisma’s dealings, by threatening to withhold a $1 billion loan.
Biden later bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money’,” he said.
“Well, son of a bitch! He got fired!”
The Post’s revelations trended on social media, until both Facebook and Twitter worked to squelch the spread.
Sifted from a laptop abandoned at a repair shop, the Hunter email impeaches Joe Biden’s repeated claims he’s never discussed his son’s business dealings.
Joe Biden’s campaign theme settles on his character and his promise to restore the presidency to one of decency and decorum. Biden routinely alleges that President Trump has used the office to enrich his own family’s business interests.
Last year, Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy that Trump should be the one under investigation amid revelations he urged the Ukrainian president to look into Hunter’s connections.
“He is violating every basic norm of a president,” he said. “You should be asking him why he is on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.”
The subject is an angsty one for the elder Biden, who upon Tuesday’s revelations called a “lid” canceling all campaign engagements. The Biden camp denies any scheduled meeting took place, but carefully left open the possibility that a casual meeting between Biden and Pozharsky may have occurred.
The Biden campaign now rejects the findings as “Russian disinformation”—a line parroted by a sympathetic media which refused to run Tuesday’s allegations.
President Trump said the findings amount to Hunter Biden selling access to his father’s White House.
In February, the elder Biden shouted down NBC’s “Today Show” co-host Savannah Guthrie for suggesting Burisma was paying Hunter $50,000 a month for access to Joe Biden.
The Post emails show Hunter frequently mentions “my guy” in reference to his father, including in attempts to juice his Burisma earnings.
Hunter also used his family name and connections to chase lucrative deals with a Chinese energy firm. He called the prospective deal “interesting for me and my family.”
Hunter’s campaign of financial nourishment extends across the Biden family, with four other members enjoying business windfalls rising seemingly in tandem with Joe Biden’s political wheeling and dealing.
Last year, Joe Biden pledged to build an “absolute wall” between his presidency and his family’s business interests. He again insisted he has never discussed those details with his relatives.
His younger brother, James, has featured closely since first serving as finance chair for Joe’s 1972 Senate bid. James has joined his brother in overseas trips, and attended state dinners at the White House. He even met Pope Francis in 2011.
In January last year, the FBI raided a healthcare business linked to James Biden. The legal filings issued by former executives of Americore suggest that James spent the previous two years telling potential partners his last name could “open doors.”
Like Hunter, Biden’s brother has enjoyed lucrative contracts despite possessing no expertise or experience in the arenas involved.
In 2010, he joined construction management firm HillStone International as “executive vice president” despite having no construction experience. This was after that firm’s president, a Biden family friend, met with Michele Smith, a Biden adviser, at the White House.
HillStone’s bidding for huge contracts in war-ravaged Iraq struck gold. Six months later, they announced a contract to build 100,000 homes. Executives expected a $1.5 billion windfall over three years—treble the company’s entire revenue in 2011.
David Richter, son of the parent company’s founder, allegedly told investors at a private get-together it helps “to have the brother of the vice president as partner.”
Back in 2011, a nascent investment consultancy linked with Biden’s son-in-law Dr. Howard Krein sent two executives to meet with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
The next day, StartUp Health was featured at a large healthcare tech conference run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The firm’s chief medical officer, Howard Krein, is married to Biden’s youngest daughter, Ashley. His brother, Steven Krein, is the CEO and co-founder of StartUp Health.
Executives regularly visited the White House from 2011 to 2015, with Biden himself making several promotional appearances as recently as January 2017.
One corporate event, the StartUp Health Festival in San Francisco, involved a 250-member closed session with the vice president.
Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite alleges that Howard Krein used his wife’s connections to access the White House.
In an article for the New York Post Schweizer details an extract from Biden’s son-in-law.
“I happened to be talking to my father-in-law that day and I mentioned Steve and Unity were down there [in Washington, D.C.],” recalled Krein. “He knew about StartUp Health and was a big fan of it. He asked for Steve’s number and said, ‘I have to get them up here to talk with Barack.’ The Secret Service came and got Steve and Unity and brought them to the Oval Office.”
Joe’s other brother, Frank, has also stumbled into fortuitous and lucrative deals outside of his expertise or experience.
Frank had a “dream” to build thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging centre in Costa Rica, despite lacking construction bona fides.
Months after Joe Biden’s visit to Costa Rica in 2009, a real estate deal involving Frank Biden and partners got off the ground.
The highest levels of the Costa Rican government backed Frank’s plan. He even met with the president.
In 2016, the Costa Rican education department signed a deal with Frank Biden’s company, Sun Fund Americas, to operate solar power facilities in that country. One year previous, the Obama-Biden Administration stamped a $6.5 million taxpayer-backed loan for the venture.
Biden’s sister Valerie has also enjoyed lucrative deals owing to her last name.
Valerie ran all of Joe’s senate campaigns, along with his failed presidential bids in 1988 and 2008. She was also a senior partner at Joe Slade White & Company—a political firm that received large fees from the campaigns she managed.
During Joe Biden’s 2008 presidential bid, Citizens for Biden, and Biden for President, Inc. paid Valerie’s firm $2.5 million in consultancy fees.
The firm has worked on Biden campaigns for over 18 years.
Last year, Joe Biden reiterated: “I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”
The Biden campaign theme is one of bringing a restoration of character to the White House. Back then, he assured: “What I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. There will be an absolute wall between personal and private [business interests] and the government. There wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there. And I’m going to propose the same kind of strict, strict rules.”
The Biden campaign has lambasted the New York Post’s as “Russian disinformation.”