Each new dawn brings another farcical rant from the mainstream media. Facts be damned, hypocrisy ignored, truth summarily rejected—all in the name of “But Trump!” and “Orange Man bad!” Pravda veterans would be proud and perhaps, even a little jealous, as nobody in the MSM is being forced to propagandize at the point of a gun, with threats of a permanent vacation to sunny Siberia. No, the American news media does all of this of its own volition.
President Trump gives a speech from the base of Mount Rushmore extolling the greatness of America and our shared history, imperfect though it is, of striving to recognize the equality that demands justice and liberty for all of our citizens. But the Washington Post, apparently with a straight face and zero shame, writes: “President Trump’s unyielding push to preserve Confederate symbols and the legacy of white domination, crystallized by his harsh denunciation of the racial justice movement . . . ”
Of course, the president made no mention of the Confederacy or its symbols, not even one. Yet the broadcast networks minus Fox News and the rest of the mainstream media followed the Post’s unhinged fabrications as though they think we will favor them over our own eyes and ears.
The mainstream media, having exhausted any trace of objectivity after eight years of fawning coverage of Obama and three years of attacking Trump, now proudly spins leftist propaganda without even pretending to do anything else. When called on their left-leaning bias and their war on the truth, they cry “But Trump!” And if that’s not enough to justify their fabrications then perhaps you’ll get, “But Fox News!”
Recently, the Washington Post Style section (and you’re thinking, “Who the hell in Washington has any style?”) ran a column headlined, “The data is in: Fox News May Have Kept Millions from Taking the Coronavirus Threat Seriously.” Seriously. The esteemed author reports on a study by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Misinformation Review which makes all sorts of breathless claims wrapped in shiny academic nerd speak about Fox News and Sean Hannity in particular.
I wonder if the HKSoMR (thought I’d toss in an acronym) has ever reviewed the New York Times for “misinformation?” Perhaps they could start with NYT’s own Pulitzer Prize winner Walter Duranty who actually made a career working on behalf of the Soviets while Uncle Joe Stalin was murdering tens of millions of his own people and threatening to blow up tens of millions of freedom loving Americans and Europeans. That’s an historical fact which one could reasonably interpret in a way that names the New York Times the preeminent subsidiary of the KGB’s propaganda arm. They still feature that Pulitzer prominently in their headquarters lobby. But I digress.
The Biden campaign press release thinly disguised as a Washington Post story even quoted a group of left-wing nut bags in Washington State who recently had their lawsuit against Fox News summarily dismissed by the state judge. Quoth the Post:
‘That’s the real evil of this type of programming,’ Arthur West of the Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics, which sued Fox News in April over its coronavirus coverage, told the Times of San Diego, a news website. ‘We believe it delayed and interfered with a prompt and adequate response to this coronavirus pandemic.’ (A Fox News lawyer called the suit ‘wrong on the facts, frivolous on the law,’ and said it would be defended vigorously; a judge dismissed the suit in May.)
By now, you’d think the Washington Post and the rest of the lefty media cohort—which is pretty much the entire American media sans Fox, talk radio, and a handful of online publications—would have learned their lesson. But no. They keep walking into it as they did when White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had the audacity to point out that leading mainstream news outlets such as the Washington Post did everything they could to downplay the seriousness of COVID-19 back in March. Back then, American Pravda was telling us that it was no big deal, no worse than the seasonal flu, and they were more concerned that calling it the “Wuhan flu” was racist and xenophobic.
Even the soon-to-be-canonized Anthony Fauci (Note to Pope Francis: “St. Anthony of Rockville Pike” has a nice ring to it) was busy telling America on NBC as late as late February 29 that we didn’t have to make any changes to the way we went about our lives in relation to COVID-19.
Three days later, Fauci changed his tune to one of certain death and destruction. A few weeks later the “experts” were telling us that based on the now discredited models from Imperial College of London, even with strict social distancing to flatten the curve we were all going to die horrible deaths. Two-hundred million of us would get it and 2.2 million of us were going to perish.
Fauci now wears a mask everywhere he goes—well, at least everywhere he goes where there are TV cameras. When the cameras are off, the mask is off too, as we witnessed in the recent video of St. Anthony testifying before Congress. As soon as the hearing took a recess and the hearing room cleared enough that Fauci thought the cameras were off, he removed his mask. The level of phony would be breathtaking but for American Pravda ignoring this embarrassing incident altogether.
Somehow, American Pravda missed or did their best to cover for Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and his fellow Democrats Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Phil Murphy of New Jersey, who issued executive orders forcing senior citizens who survived the virus into nursing homes where they pretty much infected everyone. I guess the governors wanted to expedite the dying.
Here’s an actual fact: More than 40 percent of all U.S. deaths from COVID-19 are connected to nursing homes and the majority of those deaths occurred in New York, New Jersey, and Michigan. Crickets. But Trump! But Fox News!
Trump didn’t cause the Wuhan flu, and he certainly didn’t intensify its spread. The Communist Chinese tyrants caused it and covered it up until it was too late. But give credit where credit is due: Governor Cuomo’s “send grandma to the nursing home virus factories” policy managed to kill tens of thousands of American senior citizens while the swooning subsidiaries of American Pravda like the Washington Post and New York Times covered for him and the other Democratic governors who acted similarly.
It is an election year after all and Joe Biden is having trouble speaking in coherent sentences or even reading the coherent sentences written for him in big letters on his teleprompter.
But Trump! But Fox!