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Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) recently bashed those U.S. Senators who voted against Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) legislation, charging that “they forgot what country they represent.” In similar style, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) cited political influence “that says it’s OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Omar is also on record that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Millennials and their younger siblings may not have heard such charges, so they might consider ways to detect dual loyalty.
First, check for American politicians who claim there is no distinction between the United States and Israel. At the same time, look for American politicians who bring Israeli candidates to the United States to help them campaign in U.S. elections. Understand that these politicians are open to charges of dual loyalty.
Next, research how many Israeli nationals have broken U.S. immigration laws, crossing the border illegally or overstaying visas. Then look for those U.S. politicians who ignore these violations of American law, protect the Israeli lawbreakers from deportation, and give them welfare and other benefits funded by American taxpayers.
Find out how many false-documented Israeli nationals living in the United States illegally voted in American elections. Run a search on American politicians who objected to these law violations, and tried to stop illegal voting. Those politicians who did nothing might be open to charges of dual loyalty.
While they are at it, Millennials should calculate how many American jobs these false-documented Israeli illegals take from American citizens. Determine the amount they send back to Israel every year, and see if this includes any public funds from U.S. taxpayers.
Likewise, seek out how many Israeli nationals are in U.S. prisons and calculate the amount their incarceration costs U.S. taxpayers. Then find those American politicians who seek no compensation from Israel for these court and housing costs. Those politicians might be open to charges of dual loyalty.
That done, compare the record of American politicians with Mexico.
Check out former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s 2014 opus, Hard Choices, in which she helpfully explained, “after all, much of the southwestern part of the United States was part of Mexico.” Notice how, during the 2016 campaign, former Mexico City mayor and current Mexican foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard openly collaborated with Democrats to get out the vote for Clinton.
As a State Department investigation confirms, false-documented Mexican nationals have been voting in national, state, and local elections for decades. Millennials should see if they can discover how many false-documented illegals voted in 2016 and 2018. Politicians such as California Secretary of State Alex Padilla won’t cooperate with federal probes of voter fraud, which could indicate dual loyalty on his part.
Likewise, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon proclaimed, “there is no sensible place for barriers between California and Mexico.” Democrats provide Mexican nationals with education, medical care, drivers’ licenses, welfare, and in-state college tuition, all funded by American taxpayers. Millennials should calculate these costs, and determine if this indicates dual loyalty.
Last year, California state senate boss Kevin de Léon appointed false-documented illegal Lizbeth Mateo, a Mexican national, to the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee, a state government position. As then-Governor Jerry Brown noted, existing law reserves such positions for American citizens.
Get the latest data from scholars at Yale and MIT charting some 22 million illegals in the United States, the vast majority Mexican nationals. Last year Mexicans abroad sent $33.7 billion back to Mexico, an increase of 21 percent from the previous year. Calculate how much American taxpayers contributed to such remittances. The amount Mexico contributes to the upkeep of Mexican convicts such as mass murderer Juan Corona is easier. A ballpark figure is zero, but for good measure, review what happened every time Americans voted to curtail government benefits to people who should not be here.
California’s Proposition 187, passed in 1994, would have barred illegals from public school educations and from receiving a variety of government-funded services. In mass protests of the measure, the Los Angeles Times wrote, “flags of Mexico, El Salvador and other Latin American nations were everywhere.” Mexican flags also emerged by the thousands after Californians voted in 1986 to make English the state’s official language (Proposition 63), barred racial and ethnic preferences in college admissions in 1996 (Proposition 209), and banned bilingual education in 1998 (Proposition 227).
Unlike other groups, as Victor Davis Hanson points out in Mexifornia, Mexicans tend to idealize their own country and trash the nation whose immigration laws they violated. Prominent Democrats have no problem with that. They violate the rule of law, push for open borders, and protect foreign nationals in the country illegally, even violent criminals.
Democrats allow Mexican nationals to vote in American elections, appoint them to government positions, and regard vast tracts of the United States as part of Mexico. Millennials might wonder if it’s okay to support a foreign government like that, and if leading American Democrats forgot what country they represent.
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Photo Credit: Scott, Andy, Los Angeles Times