The Left fears men. Which is exactly why the corporate-media-activist ideological conglomerate is currently losing its collective mind over a viral video of young, white, Catholic men in MAGA hats smirking at an Indian.
In the video, the Indian provocatively beats a drum a few inches from a teenager’s face. The young man doesn’t flinch; instead he simply smirks. Behind him, his buddies laugh, mocking the random drummer and his fellow cadre of liberal protestors. That’s it. There’s no violence, no threats. Just laughter.
In another video, it is clear the boys didn’t even start the confrontation. It was the drummer, an activist named Nathan Phillips, who approached the boys, not the other way around.
But no matter, the young men must be crucified! Representative Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) called their actions “hate, disrespect, and intolerance.” Covington High School and Diocese, to which the students belong, issued the following statement:
We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general, Jan. 18, after the March for Life, in Washington, D.C. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.
The statement continued with a vow that the school and diocese would, “take appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.”
Forget Catholicism. These young men violated the sacred tenets of liberalism, to which even the Catholic Church bows and scrapes. They dared to stand up for themselves. Instead of cowering before the freak show, they defied it. They laughed at it!
That kind of spirited manliness is the most potent threat the modern Left faces. Women do not threaten our ideological masters. As Locke notes in the Second Treatise, the law of fashion is the most powerful kind of law. And that desire to conform, to keep the peace, to be liked is especially potent on women. Women care deeply about being fashionable for a reason!
Men are not so easily swayed. Every great resistance movement, rebellion, and revolution has been lead by men. And that terrifies our elites. They are comfortable with the meme-ified version of masculinity. As long as manhood just means having a beard, wearing plaid, and driving a truck, it is no danger.
Men are just women with bigger muscles and psychological hang-ups from not talking about their feelings!
But deep down, our leaders know that’s false.
Masculinity is much much more.
Manhood is Shakespeare’s corpus, Newton’s equations, and Churchill’s speeches. It’s the Allied armies storming the beaches at Normandy. It’s the work crews forming the Hoover Dam. It’s the thunderous roar of a Saturn V rocket lifting off for the heavens.
The greatest technological, scientific, and literary achievements have been the work of men. It was men who carved civilization out of wilderness and order out of chaos. It was men who first explored the edges of the known world and peered into the mysteries of the universe.
Cooperation, exploration, and courage—that is what manhood means. And that is exactly why our elites quake at the sight of young conservative men who refuse to back down when attacked. They’re used to the bow-tied, soy-male, David French-brand of conservatism that insists the highest virtue is being nice to people who utterly despise you.
For too long, conservatives retreated in the face of the mockery and intimidation of the Left. No more. It is time that we, like these young MAGA men, looked our opponents dead on, with a smirk on our faces and a twinkle in our eyes, refusing to cower. Twitter lynch mobs and freak show screeching be damned.
When the Declaration of Independence speaks of the patriots “opposing with manly firmness” the invasions of the King, this is what it means. And it is precisely that spirit, and that spirit alone, which may yet save our country.
So, dear brothers, let us go forward with heads held high and laughter in our hearts. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Photo credit: Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call