Well, this interesting. While we have been treated to innumerable lectures about how Brett Kavanaugh’s youthful beer drinking makes him unsuited for a seat on the Supreme Court, it turns out that some of Court’s Lefties like a tipple as well.
Stephen Breyer, was arrested for underage drinking when he was a student at Stanford. I wonder if the hectoring scolds chastising Kavanaugh think that Breyer should step down. Breyer discussed the incident in 2015 with NPR:
“We were in a restaurant, which was where they used to sing opera and serve wine. It was called the Bocce Ball, I think. It was very nice. You’d go there, and I think I was 18—I was 18—but the drinking age was 21 and they’d give you a glass of wine and you’d sit there and listen to the opera singers from the San Francisco Opera and have a glass of wine. There was sawdust on the floor. It was very nice, it was a lovely place. … The police apparently raided this opera restaurant and arrested everybody in sight who looked under 21 and there we are, but they didn’t proceed with it further and they sort of wiped out the arrest record.”
The Washington Post reported on it too: “At Stanford, he had his share high jinx, getting arrested at one point for underage drinking.” Oh dear no, not that! At least there are no credible accusations of him throwing ice.
And then, of course, there is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who fell asleep during President Obama’s State of the Union in 2015. She’s known to her admirers as “The Incredible RBG”, incredible perhaps for her ability to drink? Maybe she’s SCOTUS champion of The Devil’s Triangle.
Justice Ginsburg told CNN that she “was not 100% sober” for the speech. One can hardly blamer her, of course, but, well, she’s not in college. The Kavanaugh Smear Committee is intent on indicting the man’s character for his youthful beer drinking and insisting it is disqualifying. Everyone knows they don’t believe it, they’re just adhering to the “any weapon at hand” ethic that defines Left Wing political warfare. But shouldn’t their friends on the Court be held to the same standard? In fact, shouldn’t they at least be expected to be sober on the job?