This is How Much Mexican Drug Cartels Are Scamming from U.S. Citizens

A violent Mexican drug cartel has been stealing the life savings of elderly Americans. The Jalisco New Generation cartel (CJNG) is running an elaborate timeshare […]

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Notable Replies

  1. Mexico is not now, has never been, and will never be a “partner” for the United States of America. Never. It is a Third World hellhole which breeds and unleashes uncivilized barbarians into the world. It was a natural occurrence for Hezbollah members to migrate to Mexico during the 1990s and become connected with Mexicans. Its history is so foreign and the nature of that country so alien to Americans that we should consider cutting ties to all Mexicans and Mexico itself. It is an enemy to everything and anything good in the world. Perhaps pope Fatty can redirect some of his lectures to the Mexicans?

    There may be a few countries in competition with Mexico for the “Most Corrupt” label, but our goal as Americans should be to shield this country from any influence or ties to Mexico.

    Perhaps we should learn from Yemenis? There are always drone bombs.

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