Trump Is Right: His Best Revenge Will Be His Success

President Trump maintains that a successful second term will be the “revenge” against the left, the Democrat Party, and the Deep State, all of whom have persecuted him and his supporters for the last nine years.

During a town hall with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham last month, Trump bluntly stated that “my revenge will be success.”

Trump echoed the same sentiment during his CPAC speech a few days later, saying that “your liberty will be our ultimate reward, and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge. That’s what I want. Success will be our revenge.”

Interviews the former president has given since then have consisted of the same sentiment.

It would be understandable for anyone who has seen what Trump and his supporters have been through over the last nine years, from the Democrats’ framing of the 2016 campaign as having colluded with Russia to steal an election to the inhumane treatment of the January 6 political prisoners to the Stalinist show trials against Trump today by leftist hitmen posing as prosecutors and judges, to ask why Trump would seemingly want to take the high road here. Why let the persecutors get away and not have a dose of their own medicine?

In short, will Trump “be our retribution?”

However, this might not be the right question, as the two are not mutually exclusive in the slightest. In fact, they go hand in hand.

“Revenge,” in this context, will consist of Trump simply keeping his promises, which, by definition, will set the left back tremendously.

For example, Trump will finally finish the wall and carry out what he calls “the largest domestic deportation in American history.” What better revenge against the left is there than to destroy the notion of illegal immigration once and for all, the tactic that the Democrat Party has used for half a century with the goal of permanent power? The left has been doing whatever it can to undermine American culture and the nature of the citizen for decades, and one of its major ways of doing so is by opening the border to every nation on earth. By ending their plan of collapsing the nation from within and replacing it with a proper, orderly legal immigration system, the United States will be restored.

Or the promise that Trump will begin drilling for oil again. During his first term, America became energy-independent, and we saw prosperity throughout the country. Gas was cheap, inflation was low, and the economy was soaring. And our enemies, many of whom economies rely on oil, such as Iran, were broke and on their knees. By restarting the process of becoming energy dominant, America would become the economic powerhouse it was meant to be, and her enemies would lose much, if not all, of their power. Iran and its terror proxies would not be able to credibly threaten the United States, Israel, or either of their citizens abroad.

There is also the fact that the administrative state, or “deep state,” inarguably works for the D.C. swamp and, by extension, the Democrat Party. It is perhaps the left’s favorite way of wielding power, since it can weaponize government against whomever it wants, no matter who the president is. Trump has talked about an executive order called “Schedule F,” which would set in motion a plan to reassign tens of thousands of bureaucrats as “Schedule F” employees, making them much easier to fire. The order was implemented at the end of Trump’s first term but was quickly rescinded by Joe Biden once he took office. Should Schedule F be put back into place, the swamp will begin to really be drained, and the Democrat Party will not be able to use the federal government to terrorize its opponents.

In essence, the left’s plan to destroy America would be set back decades, if not permanently, by a successful second Trump term. America will be made great again because the left will have lost.

Jeremy Frankel is a freelance writer who has worked with many media publications, including Newsmax, the Bongino Report, the Daily Wire, American Greatness, and Townhall. Follow him on XTruth SocialGETTR and CenterClip.

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About Jeremy Frankel

Jeremy Frankel is a political analyst and writer whose work has been featured in numerous publications and by multiple TV and radio shows. Follow him on Twitter @frankeljeremy and Parler @JeremyFrankel.

Photo: Palm Beach, Florida - March 5: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump takes the stage to speak at a Super Tuesday election night party on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (Photo by Jabin Botsford /The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. I know I sound like a broken record and Debbie downer, but even if the Heavens part and Trump is re-elected for a third time (in spite of massive, ostentatious, transparently illegal election fraud), the Democrats will do everything possible to prevent him from assuming office.

    But if the unthinkable (to the left) happens and Trump takes the oath of office and begins to implement his “success”, he and his cabinet will be tied down like Gulliver with hundreds of leftist Lilliputian lawsuits. The goal will be to slow down–if not stop–America-First policies and engage in a four year campaign of attrition to outlast Trump.

    We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic, and though many have been slow, or even outright refuse to accept that reality, it will soon become manifestly apparent. As Ayn Rand advised, “You (we) can ignore reality, but you (we) cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

  2. Someone wrote here months ago that no republic has ever been “restored” after its decline and disintegration. I do not know if it is possible to accomplish its restoration, but it seems to me the first step is to demolish the notion of American Empire throughout the world, or its imperial aspirations. For example, why does the U.S. fund and maintain 700+ forward bases throughout the world? Did Britain teach us nothing about the unsustainability of Empire? Did Rome? Did the Austro-Hungarians? The Mayans? Anyone? Bueller?

    We have obstacles to overcome to retain what is left of republicanism, and I don’t mean the Party which is useless and full of mouth breathers like McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Ken Buck, etc… Should Trump prevail (with the help of millions of dedicated republicans), the work will be tireless and he will not be the reason, or the impetus for the work. Once Americans get pounded into their heads that they are responsible for the governance they get, perhaps they will get off their proverbial arses and Get. To. Work. Personally, I’ll volunteer for the Deportation Force.

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