Far Left Pushes for Illegal Alien Driver’s Licenses in Wisconsin with Tony Evers’ Help

Radical activists are vying to make Wisconsin the next state to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, flooding the state’s streets with unaccountable and dangerous drivers—and that’s just the start.

While leftists have been at this scheme for years, the most recent push comes from Milwaukee, where the Democrat-run board of supervisors passed a resolution calling for the licensing of illegal aliens last fall. ProPublica and other “progressive” outlets were quick to claim that it signals “growing support” for the move.

Newsflash: They’re bluffing.

This is a classic PR move orchestrated by professional activists to woo moderate Republican legislators like Rep. Patrick Snyder—quoted ad nauseum in dozens of articles with the same spin—and undermine the Republican Party’s firm stance on border security.

The illegal alien license campaign is in reality pushed by Democrat Gov. Tony Evers with support from a major advocacy group, Voces De La Frontera (Voices From the Border), itself funded with millions of dollars from major out-of-state “dark money” groups such as the Rockefeller Family Fund, Tides Foundation, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation. As Voces brags:

Evers included restoring state driver licenses and IDs to immigrants twice in his two-year state budget proposals.

The goal here isn’t to help some 67,000 illegal aliens drive to work or buy groceries or “meet a romantic partner,” as propagandists croon, but to pressure Congress to grant them amnesty by creating a permanent underclass of documented “undocumented immigrants” encouraged to remain forever outside U.S. law. Voces brags as much with its campaign called “Citizenship For All.” Its executive director, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, accuses the United States of running an “oppressive, apartheid system” for simply protecting our borders.

Joe Biden, Tony Evers, and their fellow Democrats are keen to help these extremists in their war on America. Biden said he doesn’t consider driving drunk serious enough to warrant a felony and would fire Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who deport illegal aliens found drunk behind the wheel.

Congressional Democrats agree—that’s why they recently voted against a straightforward bill to deport illegal aliens who drive drunk. Just days after that vote, an illegal alien killed an American while driving drunk in Rusk County, Wisconsin.

Democrat elites just don’t take this threat to our country seriously. They’re protecting their favorite constituency… and you’re not it.

“Day in and day out, we see the tragic consequences of illegal immigration in America, and now, some Democrats want to give illegal aliens the right to drive on our roads,” Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) told Restoration News.

“They already broke the law by entering our country illegally; they shouldn’t be rewarded with a driver’s license. What next, voting rights?”

The Chaos is the Point

After licensing illegal aliens, Voces De La Frontera aims to block the DMV from revoking licenses from individuals who refuse to pay traffic fines and stop Wisconsin from sharing information on illegal aliens with ICE. The group even clumsily misapplies Scripture to make its case: “You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you” (Lev. 19:34)—a commandment for foreigners in Israel to obey Israelite law, not flaunt it as the left demands.

Not that obeying laws is their objective. Voces further wants to legitimize disastrous sanctuary city policies across Wisconsin, which ban law enforcement from assisting ICE agents in deporting non-citizens living here unlawfully.

Recall that it was such sanctuary city policies that helped a Venezuelan illegal alien, Jose Ibarra, murder Georgia university student Laken Riley last month.

Riley would be alive if not for Joe Biden’s open border policy. As towns like Whitewater are swamped by Venezuelans fleeing violent upheaval, are Wisconsin parents prepared to take that same risk?

“From all that I’ve seen, there is a dangerous recklessness that the Biden administration brings to all things related to the border,” Daniel Garza, president of the Libre Initiative, told Restoration News. “There used to be a sense of order and control at the border—we decided who entered in, in what numbers, and under what circumstances.

“We’ve lost that ability. Biden’s weakened the asylum and vetting process to let just about anyone in.”

Garza pointed out that many migrants reaching the U.S. border have been “coached” by Biden-funded NGOs to answer ICE agents in a way that dodges accountability and critical vetting. “This breaks the spirit of our laws and places the security of Americans at serious risk,” he explained.

Highway to Hell

19 states—virtually all Democrat-led, like Illinois and California—allow illegal aliens to receive driver’s licenses. Yet not long ago, that was unthinkable in even the bluest states. Recall that Oregon voters overwhelmingly rejected a 2014 illegal alien driver’s license ballot initiative by 66–34 percent, only to be overruled by the Democrat-run legislature.

There’s also the threat to elections. Most people register to vote through the DMV, increasingly online. In Illinois, which licenses illegal aliens, nearly 600 non-citizens “erroneously” registered to vote this way, and 16 cast a ballot in the 2018 midterms. Preventing this in states like Pennsylvania that don’t license illegal aliens is hard enough—does anyone think Wisconsin’s elections will be more secure with thousands of illegal aliens using this same DMV service?

In Connecticut and Delaware, non-citizen licenses are indistinguishable from those issued to U.S. citizens. That’s a major problem since it encourages non-citizens living here unlawfully to drive on our roads without insurance or accountability, risking their own lives and those of everyone around them.

(RELATED: Why Won’t Swing State Democrats Deport Illegal Aliens Committing DUIs?)

Conservative states like Florida, Texas, and Alabama have responded to the left’s lawlessness by voiding certain states’ licenses to protect the rights of their own citizens. Republicans rightly point out that under the bipartisan federal REAL ID law, states are supposed to check an individual’s immigration status before issuing a driver’s license. Now Democrats want to hand them to illegal aliens who don’t have a green card or even a court date.

That’s a good start, but it’s time for Congress to act to protect our nation. Ban illegal alien driver’s licenses now.


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About Hayden Ludwig

Hayden Ludwig is director of policy research for Restoration of America.

Photo: Despaired man sitting behind the wheel of crashed car and puts his head down, crying, broke his car due to traffic violence, scratches and dents on auto door. Outdoor shot.

Notable Replies

  1. If democrats and their nut friends on the left are all going off the deep end this early, imagine what these freaks will be doing shortly before the election.

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