Border security and immigration are hot topics for American Greatness readers. In 2023, we provided non-stop, in-depth coverage of the crisis at the border and […]
Border security and immigration are hot topics for American Greatness readers. In 2023, we provided non-stop, in-depth coverage of the crisis at the border and […]
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Bloomberg Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson described the immigration issue as a “ticking time bomb” for the Democrats that could cost them the House.
This is not a political issue for American citizens who expect that their “representatives” in both failed parties stop this either by impeaching this illegitimate boob and his cackling chicken sidekick, or cutting off all funding for any Biden initiative. If Republicans believe that sitting this illegitimate poseur in the White House out so people out here will vote for them is, sad to say, the dumbest of strategies.
Most Americans of both parties never supported mass, uncontrolled immigration whether legal or illegal, yet neither party has stopped any of it. I no longer believe my vote counts, my voice counts where D.C. is concerned as it is owned completely by foreign and business interests. That town is dangerously isolated just as Versailles was and faces the same outcome.