Given my past involvement with foreign affairs, many of my friends share with me their views and concerns about current events. Presently, many of my Jewish friends have told me of their outrage over the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and their grave concern for Israelis going forward. Exacerbating their anxiety is not only the overall international reaction, which is inveterately anti-Israel, but the reaction of so many in America’s legacy and social media, academia, and within the Biden administration and Congress. In sum, they are concerned by how the American Left has reacted to the terrorist attack by offering “nuanced” moral equivalencies to rationalize and, in the most egregious instances, to justify Hamas’ barbaric attack by blaming Israel for necessitating it.
Historically, dangers to the Jewish people have come from the political Right, such as the Nazi’s genocidal murder of six million Jews. Yet, since the creation of Israel and the advent of post-modern Progressivism, within a few decades Israel was despicably being libeled as a “Nazi occupier” of Palestine and oppressor of Arab peoples. This cancerous blood libel metastasized into mainstream Leftist ideology from the 1960s onward within European and American political and cultural institutions. Today, we witness its consequences; but only Jewish-Americans bear their full brunt.
In the present crisis, America’s Jewish community is rightly concerned about foreign terrorists infiltrating the country to commit mass terror attacks on synagogues and shuls and the targeted assassination attempts on prominent American Jews. Moreover, the Left’s equivocations and prevarications regarding Hamas terrorists has – for the first time in their lives – led many American Jews to fear antisemitic violence against them by progressives, especially the young. In fact, while antisemitic attacks have increased following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, for years antisemitic incidents have been rising throughout the world, including Europe and the United States.
Yet, this attack has spurred many on the American Left to remove their masks and reveal their patent and latent – indeed, their institutionally indoctrinated and condoned – antisemitism. This is not to argue that someone must support Israel or be deemed antisemitic. But when someone cannot bring themselves to outright condemn terrorist atrocities perpetrated upon Jews without adding an “if, and, or but,” one has a problem. And such individuals constitute a problem not just for Jewish Americans, but for every American.
Throughout America’s history, while it may often have been more honored in the breach, one of the foundational governing principles of our free republic is that every American is entitled to tolerance. This is not to be confused with acceptance – and certainly not the coerced “acceptance” demanded by the Left’s ideological insanity and lust for political domination. No, true acceptance can only be voluntarily given. In fact, the Left’s continuing conflation of acceptance and tolerance, and its attempts to coerce the former have resulted in the diminishment of the latter within the populace, including both sides of the political spectrum. Bluntly, as the Left promotes one group (largely on the subjective basis of past “victimization” real or imagined) another group is often demeaned and demoted. Ultimately, citizens of the latter group become ensnared in this intersectionality sweepstakes, a vicious political crosscurrent roiling and rending asunder the entire body politic within the Left’s remorseless political vortex. To wit: the present plight of Jewish-Americans.
Tragically, the unconscionable Hamas terrorist attack upon Israel has again placed Jewish-Americans in the maelstrom of American politics. They did not seek it and, doubtless, wish it were otherwise, abetted in their pursuits of happiness by the tolerance and, hopefully, voluntary acceptance of their fellow citizens. For it would be a uniquely American tragedy that, in this nation of immigrated huddled masses, Jewish-Americans, whose forebearers arrived seeking shelter from the chaos and antisemitic violence of the Old World, would find a similar fate on in the New World at the hands of those who would violate our nation’s foundational principle of tolerance; and ignore the lesson of history that, where one person’s rights are abused, all people’s rights are endangered.
Surveying the American political landscape, my friend, the “Learned One,” dispiritedly expressed to me: “During my lifetime, our country had largely overcome its antisemitic past. I truly thought America would become the historical exception and prove a lasting sanctuary for the Jewish people. I no longer can.”
I reassured him that our nation will remain an historically exceptional haven for Jewish-Americans. That the vast majority of our fellow citizens are decent, honest, and fair people who reject antisemitism and racism. But that was easy for me to say, as my blood relations were not gassed by Nazis, nor raped and beheaded by Hamas, nor am I the target of rising antisemitic violence. Far harder will be performing the deeds required by everyone of us to fulfill America’s promise to Jewish-Americans and, indeed, all Americans.
An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003-2012, and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars; and a Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Radio Show,” among sundry media appearances.
I do not share Mr. McCotter’s optimism. The absurdity I’ve witnessed on major US college campuses convinces me there now is an entire new generation of anti-Semites walking the streets–that I cannot put off to youthful exuberance and ignorance, because THESE are college students! They cannot be given the usual pass of being part of the un-educated rabble. They are the educated rabble.
I cannot wipe from my mind the video of a lone male Jewish student doing nothing more than trying to walk across the Quad while surrounded by a mob of students waving Palestine scarves and flags to block both his vision and progress while shouting “Shame, shame, shame!” Each way he tried to turn, they blocked his path, at times physically. That is assault by any legal definition. Where was campus security? All around were other students standing nearby or laying on the grass quietly ignoring the entire scene. Not a single one came to the young man’s rescue. Not a single one objected.
OR–what would have happened if the mob of students at the Cornell Library, pounding on the glass windows and doors, had gotten in to confront the handful of Jewish students huddled inside? In supreme irony, the librarians suggested they hide in the attic. I hope Anne Frank was watching from above. I sincerely doubt she missed the irony.
Documented attacks on Jews are up over fifteen hundred percent in just a three week period here in the US. A massive anti-Jew, anti-Israeli demonstration is planned for November 11th Remembrance Day in London. I understand some one hundred thousand are expected to attend. Anyone want to take bets the demonstration will be peaceful? Too, anyone who leaves their car parked anywhere in the vicinity can expect to kiss it goodbye.
The Israeli government has advised its citizens to not travel ANYWHERE–and that includes travel to the US.
This is Biblical. This is demonic. This will grow.
But American Jews are such a weird bunch when it comes to all this. I’ve observed it often in many of them, but the best way to encapsulate the problem is to look at one of them; my friend Howard.
Howard was an Orthodox Jew and staunch defender of Israel. He knew the country intimately, could rattle off religious and non-religious reasoning for its legitimacy, 10000% supported everything they’ve ever done, never saw an Israeli move against Islamo-Fascist terrorists negatively, etc.
Yet, there was this disconnect too. I was once at his house and spied outgoing mail spread on a table which were almost certainly donations to the Democrat Party, NOW, Planned Parenthood, subscription renewals to joints like Mother Jones, etc. Howard was also extremely hostile to the Republican Party and right leaning personalities like Rush Limbaugh.
I never confronted Howard (or any other liberal Jew) about this, but occasionally brought up some inconvenient factoids about leftist anti-Semitisim. If the particular topic involved a low level apparatchik or fringe group, he’d express hostility to them but never to the Core. No, if the likes of Obama said or did something anti-Israel, he’d mumble and change the subject. Howard also was reluctant to give praise to Israeli support from the Right, always noting he saw some ulterior motive.
That’s just one guy, but like I suggested at the beginning all liberal American Jews I’ve encountered are like this and I just don’t get it.
IMHO the culprit is the Left’s underdog fetish. They saw Israel as a poor, downtrodden nation up until the late 60s. By the 70s they started to gradually switch their sympathy to the Bad Guys.
I agree that it is part of the Left’s new paradigm of Oppressor/Oppressed identity politics. Highly simplistic, no change in status, once assigned, can be made. Oppressors are always oppressors and the oppressed are always oppressed—unless the group in question is Jewish–under the new rules.
Though I’ve always held that National Socialists were Leftwing, it is getting easier to hold with what we are seeing from the Far Left today. And by their curiously befuddled logic, any action—however reprehensible–taken by an oppressed group is fully justified. It won’t be much longer before we see Palestinian flags adorned with Swastikas.
FWIW, I’ve seen “palestinian” flags with Swastikas in these mobs.
But yes, the browner the skin, the more oppressed to these mutants…