As the savagery of the HAMAS death squads becomes ever more inescapable, the conscious world understands it is at a crossroads. Rarely the first mover, Americans feel entitled to wait and see how the rest of the world reacts.
This approach has proponents on the left and the right, none of which are particularly interesting. This is a war for the very existence of the West.
That’s easy enough to prove. Hamas orders included wanton murder of civilians, torture of family members in front of each other, rape, killing old people, taking hostages, executing babies, burning the bound, and more. They GoPro’d and broadcast it.
They followed orders.
The most barbarous acts we have vanquished from the modern world have been unleashed.
Normally, Americans are clear-eyed about such acts. But no more. The youth of America (18-24 year-olds) are actively and consciously justifying the acts of the death squads. They favor Hamas. No amount of evidence of barbarity convinces them.
Britain too has a problem. They had 100,000 pro-Hamas marchers in London last week and likely to be more this weekend.
Take-on-all-comers, ginger-haired Israel supporter Joseph Cohen was assaulted. The best the police could do was to sit him in a coffee shop where he was surrounded. Rather than arrest the perpetrators the police did nothing.
The Prime Minister has attacked his own Metropolitan Police Force for doing nothing in the face of violations of law.
But that’s not exactly true. Jews have been told to stay home. In some sense, Americans understand why, as we watch our own death-squad-supporting protests continue.
Britain has lost control. The police are afraid. The once-stiff upper lip has been bloodied.
But earlier Tuesday morning in Israel, President Macron of France gave the speech President Biden might have made if not going “whole hog” on Ukraine.
Macron said: “I’m lucid about the fact that this fight against terrorism is obviously [a] matter of existence for Israel. But it’s [a] matter of existence for all of us.”
Macron called for an international coalition to eradicate the evil American youth seem to support. Macron’s was not a call to arms. It is a commitment to civilized values. It is congruent with the French resolve to take back their streets and enforce their laws.
The French have come to understand what American Greatness readers learned last week. We are fighting WWEX.
This fight, seemingly happening so far away in Israel, against Jews mostly, is the West’s War for Existence. We cannot live in the same world as those who would use our values to destroy us.
This brings us back to America’s choice. We have two “Go Away” schools of thought detracting from our ability to win WWEx.
The “Right” in America, such that it still exists, wants the mentions of the world to go away.
That ship has sailed based on the events of the last week. America has suffered 24 casualties thus far, our citizens are held hostage, and a majority want our marines to go get them. Iran being nuclear also seems like a very dangerous world, since they are supporters of these death squads.
The left in America are those marching in the street to support Hamas. That far-left contingent in America simply wants America as we know it to go away. The sooner Israel is wiped off the map (and the Jews there with it), the more freedom the leftist thugs have to use their mass protests, which are turning violent, to subject the rest of America to their will.
That’s why America’s inflection point can be seen by holding up a mirror. We can decide if we want to look like Britain or France. Britain seems unable to arrest criminals for fear of their numbers – a recipe for disaster only encouraging growth.
Or France, whose leader unequivocally understands that illegal protests need to be stopped and the enemy called what it is, a threat to the West’s Existence.
Then beaten.
Let’s remind our young Death Squad fan club what America is about. This is not a fight we can escape. It’s coming for us.
Vive La France.
Edward “Coach” Weinhaus, Esq. serves as a War Correspondent for Globe Banner in Jerusalem where he is the Interbational Envoy for, Global Humanitarian group of attorneys seeking to help non-combatants leave Gaza. He is a lecturer at Yeshiva University, attorney, commentator on contemporary Jewish issues, and international judicial reformer. Coach has earned five degrees from among the London School of Economics, the University of Chicago, and Washington University in St. Louis. reformer.
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