The Temperature Plummets in the New Cold War: Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

America, Europe, and the entire Free World are engaged in a new Cold War. Our tentpole enemies of this Authoritarian Axis are communist China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea. Numerous other nations are either allied with this Authoritarian Axis; moving toward joining it; or are far too subservient to abetting its aims, which are the expansion and domination of their power across the globe at the expense of free nations.

Like its predecessor, Cold War II is an existential threat to free people everywhere; unlike the first Cold War, however, the present one is either denied or downplayed by Western policymakers, corporate titans, academics, among others. There are two main reasons.

First, the present Authoritarian Axis has learned from the failures of the earlier Cold War’s defeated and defunct enemy, the Soviet Union. Despite Khrushchev’s boasts, the Soviet economy could not compete with America and the West. Communist China, particularly, has leveraged its captive populace to attract Western capital and investment, enriching Free World elites; and, then, using that money to further leverage its control over other western institutions, such as academia.

Second, Western elites seek to hide their culpability for the policy failures leading to the far from inevitable advent of Cold War II. As noted last year:

Today, these corporate entities and the “sophisticated” Western diplomats who are more than happy to accommodate their interests have fecklessly restored and strengthened the strategic alliance between Putin’s revanchist Russia and Xi Jinping’s communist China. President Nixon’s strategic vision has been undone; and the present foreign policy establishment’s policy that a “rain of riches” will transform communist China into a democracy is as injuriously illusory as is Putin’s revanchist Russia apologizing to Ukraine and asking to join NATO.

If you liked “Back to the Future,” you’ll just love “Cold War II.” PLAYING NOW in strategic theaters across the globe!

Western elites’ responsibility for Cold War II has spawned the current incarnation of the “Ostrich Lobby,” those who contort current events into a false “narratives” and prisms that they hope obfuscates their failures. Unencumbered by such baggage, we can view current events through the proper prism.

It is tempting to believe these loosely concerted actions of the Authoritarian Axis are random acts of rogue nations and terrorists. Indeed, this is often how failed Western elitists portray such incidents for their own venal reasons. This is by design on the part of the Authoritarian Axis. It allows each of its component parts – be they rogue regimes or their terrorist proxies – to maximize their capabilities to harm free nations; and allows plausible deniability should their Free World victims ever come to the realization that there is, in fact, an overarching strategic alliance arrayed and operating against them.

In sum, the Free World is not being beset by a series of isolated incidents; the Free World is being besieged by strategically coherent and often loosely coordinated confrontations, all aimed at debilitating and, eventually, dominating free nations. Put another way, the Authoritarian Axis’ is acting in concert. However, it is less like a symphony, wherein the players roles are firmly fixed within the tightly structured work. It is more like free form jazz with each player having the freedom to perform their part as they see fit within the loose contours of the large confines of the musical piece.

Hamas’ criminal attack upon Israel advanced the aims of the Authoritarian Axis, which funds and abets their terrorist proxy.

These aims include:

-Precluding Sunni governments from aligning with or entering into peace treaties with Israel, thus halting any increases in the regional security and combat power of Israel and, ergo, the U.S., and the entire Free World alliance;

-Diverting new U.S. and NATO weapons and strategic systems/capabilities from Ukraine and American stockpiles to Israel, thus decreasing the firepower faced in that theater by the invading Russians;

-Distracting and eroding the Free World’s resolve, and diminishing resources and munitions stockpiles to deter the PRC from invading Taiwan, all the while further informing the Authoritarian Axis of the Free World’s tactics and operational capabilities; and

-Facilitating the Authoritarian Axis’ recruitment of new members by exposing the West’s – and particularly America’s – strategic vulnerabilities, vacillations, and fecklessness.

Inveterately, the Ostrich Lobby will denigrate and/or deny that the Free World is confronted by an Authoritarian Axis. Instead, they proffer that today’s authoritarian and autocratic regimes do not act in concert and/or through proxies, such as terrorist organizations, like Hamas. This strains credulity and insults one’s intelligence.  One wonders how the Ostrich Lobby will spin the New York Sun’s report that was highlighted by Mary Kissel, the former Senior Advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “Remember that in September Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, welcomed the Hamas political chief, Ismail Haniyeh to Moscow.”  Perhaps, they were discussing the early autumn leaves changing color in Kiev?

After all, many things are changing as the temperature drops in the new Cold War. But one thing must never bend or break: the resolve of the Free World to defend Israel and all free peoples from the Authoritarian Axis. 

An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003-2012, and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars; and a Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Radio Show,” among sundry media appearances.


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About Thaddeus G. McCotter

An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003 to 2012 and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars, and a Monday co-host of the "John Batchelor Show" among sundry media appearances.

Photo: (Photo by James Black/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. Biden’s trip to Israel was all an effort to slow down the Israeli response to the Hamas attack. Now we see the hostages trickle in and Biden’s taking a victory lap.

    Biden wants Israel to be defeated. Democrats hate Israel. our world is in trouble.

  2. Mr. McCotter, your view of the Authoritarian Axis is probably correct. After all, it wouldn’t be an unexpected move for the nations you cite to work together when it is to their benefit. At the same time though, one cannot ignore that (in playing the Great Game) the US has had its hand in aiding and abetting those very same nations.

    Biden eased sanctions on Venezuela and Iran----enabling those Authoritarian Regimes to prosper and foment even further mischief. Hamas received both cash and the green light from Iran to go forward with October 7th.—All thanks to the Joe Biden Administration, Iran has profited by some $30 billion in oil revenue they wouldn’t have gotten if the Trump sanctions had stayed in place. Even now, the Biden Administration is offering quibbles over re-freezing the $6 billion currently held in Qatar. Biden has done similar actions with China by lifting most of the sanctions and tariffs imposed by the Trump Administration.

    What galls me the most is how—once again—the US is limiting the Israeli response to the Hamas attacks. Anthony Blinken spent seven hours with the Israeli War Cabinet last week. Why seven hours? It doesn’t take but minutes to obtain a list of needed supplies and write the check----but it would take seven hours to lay out the limits of what the US expects regarding the Israeli response. That was his true mission.

    In other words, it’s okay to punish Hamas–just don’t do it too badly. You can do this, but not that. You can kill some of Hamas leadership, but you must leave the organization intact. You can destroy a certain percentage of Gazan infrastructure, but no more than what we will let you. Truly, nobody needs a “friend” that is playing both sides and the US has a long history of putting its thumb on the scale to keep the Great Game going.

    Boris Johnson wrote that the United States is the world’s last hope in maintaining freedom. I wondered if he was being naïve or duplicitous? Biden has asked for $100 million in aid to the Palestinians that he KNOWS will be confiscated by Hamas. Why? Biden is making noises about Israel delaying its attack in order to get more hostages out. Why? He is playing right into the hands of Hamas knowingly.

    It is all well and good to talk about an Authoritarian Axis—or Axis of Evil if you prefer—but every time I look, I see the United States at the nexus point. Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden Administration have ALL played their part. For a brief four years under Trump the Great Game was put on hold, but now its back on with a vengeance. And we are left holding the sack.

  3. Avatar for task task says:

    Imagine if Grant felt sorry for Southerners & Confederate soldiers and asked Lincoln to provide millions so the Confederate Army to mitigate the suffering by using the money for humanitarian purposes? General Lee might do that. Hamas will not. They will purchase weapons to kill Israelis. No historian could ever imagine such an occurrence.

  4. The ultimate Axis of Evil is the United States government.

  5. It seems to be an unmistakable fact, doesn’t it Max? Every time I dig down to causal events, I find US policy makers at the bottom it. Worse, the outfit that is self tasked to keep the wool pulled down over American eyes is the “independent” press. The instantaneous spreading of the lie that Israel bombed a hospital resulted in demonstrations (and violence) by thousands of Hamas-backing role playing characters caught up in the sheer emotional delight of anti-Israeli/anti-Jewish fervor.

    As I read news from various sources I see nothing but gleeful support from academia and brainwashed students cheering for Armageddon on behalf of a thuggish people with a made-up name. China is now sending a small flotilla to the Persian Gulf to “offset” US assets. How much longer do we have before a real shooting war begins? And, at the heart of it I see the fingerprints of our own State Department, Deep State, MIC, and bankers all rubbing their hands with glee. They are like three year old’s holding an M-80 in one hand and a Bic lighter in the other entranced with the thought of how big the bang will be and not thinking they will be blowing their hand off in the process.

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