On the “Counterculture” podcast, Cornell University Professor William A. Jacobson said that President Biden’s abandonment of the southern border is “an impeachable offense.”
“In this first term of his, hopefully his only term, we’re going to probably have 10 to 15 million people illegally cross the Southern border from around the world,” Jacobson told Counterculture host Dan Proft. “I mean, the word has gone out, and I was just reading a story about a pipeline of people from I think it was Mauritania who have figured out how to get across our southern border.
“We have completely abandoned a core principle of sovereignty in this country, a core principle of our immigration laws, which is that we determine who comes into the country,” said Jacobson. “And Joe Biden has completely abandoned that, and I think that’s an impeachable offense right there.”
Jacobson was referring to a recent ABC News report that said a spike in immigration from Mauritania was “made possible by the discovery this year of a new route through Nicaragua, where relaxed entry requirements allow Mauritanians and a handful of other foreign nationals to purchase a low-cost visa without proof of onward travel.”
“Travel agencies and paid influencers have taken to TikTok to promote the trip, selling packages of flights that leave from Mauritania, then connect through Turkey, Colombia and El Salvador, and wind up in Managua, Nicaragua,” reported ABC News. “From there, the migrants, along with asylum seekers from other nations, are whisked north by bus with the help of smugglers.”
Jacobson said that Republicans would be better off politically to impeach Biden over the border than to impeach him over the alleged improprieties of Biden’s son, Hunter.
“Maybe both,” Jacobson said. “But, you know, that is a political issue that’s going to resonate as opposed to Hunter Biden, which will be viewed as a tit for tat.”
Jacobson is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he is renowned as a leading practitioner of securities arbitration. He also is the founder and publisher of Legal Insurrection, an online law and politics journal.
In addition to the potential impeachment of Biden, Jacobson and Proft discussed the attempted prosecutions of President Trump, overreaches of the Left, and the Leftist worldview on today’s university campuses.
Proft launched Counterculture, which is presented by American Greatness, in September 2023. He also is the co-host of “Chicago’s Morning Answer” weekday mornings from 5-9 a.m. on AM 560 Chicago. A former Republican candidate for Illinois Governor, Proft attended Northwestern University and received his J.D. from Loyola University-Chicago.
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Sovereignty is the basis upon which all law is made. It is the condition precedent for any government at all. Having renounced (illegally and unconstitutionally) sovereignty makes this entire government illegitimate. It is the equivalent of stating, “We are not a nation. We are not a government. We are nothing and have no power. We are subordinate to the whims and wishes of all others.” First, no POTUS, no Congress, and no member of the Judiciary has that authority. Second, all power exercised by government must be on behalf of citizens who consent to be governed within the limits of the Constitution. Biden having been installed, not elected, creates a very large problem for citizens facing a body which is, in essence, illegitimate or acting illegitimately. Having suffered through the tenure of an entirely illegitimate previous POTUS, Barak Obama, it is evident that Americans will go along to get along, but that does not negate the power possessed by the American people (citizens) to exercise it in the primary sense.
There are only two choices: ignore them or revoke consent. How do citizens revoke consent? Well, I posit the most powerful way to do that is to stop paying taxes. That is the most public way to stop funding the beast, but it is toothless unless one can persuade fellow citizens to go along with that action. Second, set up parallel government. That would depend on organizing one’s local community. Third, there’s violence, but it may be ultimately what this usurper-puppet and his regime want.
Whatever else one can conclude from the Biden administration, the take-away is chiefly that we are not governed by any legitimate authority, only by power. That never stands for long.