Employers Might Use AI to Hire Happy Conservatives Over Innately Unhappy Liberals

Artificial intelligence has proven its remarkable ability to discern political leanings with surprising accuracy. A recent study utilizing deep learning techniques revealed that AI can correctly predict a person’s political ideology based on facial photographs with a success rate of 61%. And the distinguishing factor? A smile. According to an article on Fox News, “expressions, beauty, and extra-facial information” play a significant role in AI’s prediction of an individual’s political leanings.

If we consider Aristotle’s pursuit of happiness, we find that conservative politics holds the answer. It boils down to a straightforward two-step process: conservatives value the preservation of societal norms and thus find contentment, while liberals, by definition, express dissatisfaction with the world, leading to unhappiness. Moreover, Arthur Brooks, in his book Gross National Happiness, points out that liberals seek to expand governmental power, which ironically contributes to their own diminished happiness. This creates a downward spiral for liberals—unhappy with their lives, and even less happy when their desired changes are realized. It certainly prompts one to consider joining the ranks of conservatives.

However, we must also consider the impact of mental health on overall happiness. Recent survey data from a March Pew poll indicates that white liberals disproportionately suffer from mental illness. Particularly concerning is the fact that nearly half of self-identifying white liberals between the ages of 18 and 29 reported disclosing to a healthcare provider or doctor that they have a mental health condition. In contrast, only 20.9% of white conservatives in the same age group made similar disclosures. Poor mental health can significantly decrease happiness and further contribute to the overall discontent experienced by liberals.

What else contributes to our happiness? Faith, for one. It is noteworthy that 70% of atheists vote for the Democratic Party. Consequently, when you combine liberalism with atheism, you have a recipe for discontent. Family also plays a vital role in our happiness. Conservative religious individuals tend to have larger families than their liberal atheist counterparts. I recall listening to Catholic radio, where a participant in the March for Life confidently stated, “We’re going to out-produce them.” This assertion alludes to the fact that liberal atheists have fewer children, thereby painting a bleak future for the despondent crowd.

Furthermore, friendships contribute significantly to our overall happiness. One can hardly imagine wanting to spend time with a grumpy liberal atheist. Unsurprisingly, this leads to a smaller social circle and further exacerbates the spiral toward misery. Employment and work satisfaction also have a direct impact on our happiness. It is not unreasonable to assume that a liberal atheist lacking friends may not be the most agreeable co-worker. Employers naturally prefer contented employees over disgruntled ones. Consequently, one might ponder whether AI could potentially be utilized in employment settings to discriminate against liberals due to their innate unhappiness.

During a recent presentation on happiness at the Acton Institute, Jay Richards emphasized that possessing virtue is a key factor in our happiness. Virtue entails doing good for others, an aspect that liberals often delegate to the government. As my fellow Christian Economist, Art Lindsley, eloquently stated, “The Government should punish evil, but not do good. The church should do good, but not punish evil.” Given that liberals attend church less frequently than conservatives, it becomes clear that their preference leans toward government intervention for societal betterment. The age-old question arises: God or Government? Liberals lean toward the latter. This descent down the spiral of discontent becomes even more apparent.

Let us not forget the famous words: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Yet, liberals’ stance on abortion reveals their opposition to life, claiming a woman’s right to terminate the life within her womb. It is hard to imagine such an experience bringing joy. If it were a source of happiness, one might expect women to share videos of their abortions on social media platforms like TikTok. However, such notions should be approached with caution, for they may ignite unwarranted controversy.

In the book “Last Call,” Oz Guinness illuminates why the American Revolution succeeded while the French Revolution, occurring merely twelve years later, descended into chaos. The American Revolution centered around the principle of religious freedom, while the Rousseau-inspired French Revolution thrived on a perpetual desire for change. The French Revolution lacked a cohesive ideology beyond the notion that “change is good.” Consequently, the cycle of revolutions continued, with even Maximilien Robespierre, once a leading figure, eventually losing his life due to his perceived lack of revolutionary fervor. The French idea of Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality has seen multiple iterations, and it is only a matter of time before the next one arises. This perpetual discontent is an intrinsic aspect of liberalism: an eternal yearning for revolution, leaving no room for contentment with the status quo.

In summary, the liberal atheist, lacking companionship, avoiding work, and advocating for death, finds themselves less happy compared to their conservative religious counterparts who prioritize life, possess stronger social networks, and embrace the rewards of labor. The ability of artificial intelligence to detect these differences speaks volumes about its intelligence and insights into human happiness.

Dave Arnott, PhD is the author of Biblical Economic Policy.  His work can be found at www.davearnott.com and the Christian Economist YouTube Channel.

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