Joe Biden is finished. Forget about a reelection bid—he’s not going to complete his term in office.
Three factors signal the inevitability of an early Biden exit.
First is the obvious and increasingly rapid progression of his dementia.
It’s been clear from Day One that Joe Biden’s thoughts, policies, and actions have been directed and controlled by his globalist, neocon handlers. But Biden’s bizarre outbursts, as his recent entreaty to “God save the Queen, man,” are becoming further detached from reality. Biden’s increasingly impaired speech, short-term memory loss, dementia-linked asymmetrical gait, and adamant refusal to take a cognitive examination—attest to his rapidly approaching complete inability to function independently or be controlled effectively.
This compilation video documents the totality of Joe Biden’s mental incapacity, physical decrepitude, and moral degeneracy.
Second is the revelation of the vast extent of his personal and family corruption. Hunter Biden’s plea deal for tax evasion and weapons violations will not slow down the investigation process.
The House Oversight Committee chairman, Representative James Comer (R-Ky.), has courageously exposed coverups by FBI Director Christopher Wray and the likes of Rep. Jaime Raskin (D-Md.).
Congressional investigations have also revealed $10 million in bribes allegedly coerced by and paid to Joe and Hunter Biden from Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company. Forthcoming evidence is expected to show the entire Biden crime family has allegedly pocketed $30 million from foreign nationals through their worldwide network of corruption.
Third and most important for the globalist elites, Biden can’t win. At 41 percent, Joe Biden has the second-lowest approval rating of any president in the last 70 years. And despite seven years of elite media propaganda, deep state subversion, and political prosecutions designed to destroy Donald Trump—Trump leads Biden for president, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average.
Biden, the globalist puppet with an unprecedented career of corruption, has finally outlived his usefulness. Biden is about to be hung out to dry.
One reason Biden picked Kamala Harris as his 2020 running mate was to provide himself with “impeachment insurance.” By putting someone even less likable and qualified than himself a heartbeat from the presidency, Biden minimized the possibility of being taken down.
But having an incompetent in the number two spot also makes reelection tougher. Few voters want to enable a vice president they consider a fool to become president by default.
As woefully as Biden has functioned, Harris has managed to underperform even that. Only 37 percent approve of her job performance as vice president—an astonishingly low number for a woman acting in what amounts to a ceremonial function.
Kamala Harris is simply neither smart nor capable. Almost nobody wants to see her in the Oval Office. Her continual displays of gibberish and shallow intellect on the world stage are a national embarrassment. Her chronic fits of inappropriate and apparently uncontrollable cackling laughter are bizarre.
But most of all, Harris is just not a nice person. She is detested by close members of her staff who describe her as a “clueless bully.” Former staff members bluntly report that while working for Harris they were “treated like s—t.”
Her failure comes as no surprise. Biden clearly didn’t choose Harris based on her intelligence, competence, or qualifications. He picked her because of her race and sex. It was no secret. Biden announced that the criterion for selecting a running mate wasn’t going to be qualifications. His choice would be “a woman of color”—no matter how unqualified. Harris was an affirmative action hire, plain and simple.
Solving A High-Stakes Dilemma
So the Democrats face a high-stakes dilemma. They have to dump Joe Biden now, pushing Harris into the White House. But they can’t win in 2024 with Harris. What to do?
The political fix will be a simple one.
The bosses will sit Harris down and tell her that “for the good of the party” her ride is over. She’ll be allowed to finish out Joe’s term as “Queen For a Day,” and then graciously announce that she will not seek the nomination. In exchange, she will receive future power and wealth.
Harris won’t object and there will be no popular outrage. One result of Harris’ insipid personality and pathetic job performance is that she has no loyal base of support. As a politician, she won’t be missed. And as a diversity hire, her choice was only symbolic to begin with, making her an interchangeable part.
With their incompetence dilemma solved, the Democrats will be able to field a new ticket—while still displaying their dedication to race and gender identity politics. And don’t worry: They have a new lineup ready to go.
The Return of Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton is the favorite to replace Biden. Here’s why.
Far more than any other Democrat, Clinton has partnerships and entrenched support within the party structure, globalist elite media, and the deep state.
Clinton has been waiting patiently in the wings but maintains a cadre of devoted supporters and 2016 election deniers. Her fellow conspirators within the deep state intelligence community who covered up her email crimes and engineered and perpetuated her Russia hoax, remain unaccountable for their crimes and fully intact.
No other potential Democratic Party primary candidate has an activist base like hers. Bernie Sanders used to, but today he is a non-factor. With his enthusiastic support of Biden and shameless embrace of the Ukraine warmongers, Bernie’s status within the military-industrial-congressional complex is now official. He’ll be onboard the Clinton Train when it pulls out of the station.
Soros Calls The Shots
George Soros, the Hungarian-born leftist billionaire and currency manipulator is the world’s most powerful globalist and the Democratic Party’s biggest donor. Soros operatives and loyalists are embedded up to the highest levels of the Biden White House. More than 1,800 federal employees hired by the Biden Administration are connected to Soros-funded groups. Six of Biden’s top cabinet members are high-level operatives of Soros-linked organizations.
Soros went all in to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid. His son, Alexander, would do the same in 2024. The Clinton and Soros families share intimate ties going back to the Bill Clinton Administration, in which Soros operated as the “shadow arm of the State Department.” Soros increased his international collaboration with Hillary after the establishment of the Clinton Foundation and during her stint as Barack Obama’s secretary of state.
Hillary Clinton embraces Soros’ vision of “an open-border world.” A Clinton presidency in collaboration with Soros would complete the globalist destruction of America’s borders, institutions, values, traditions, and history.
In the on Deck Circle for Vice President
Wes Moore is the recently elected governor of Maryland. Fixated on race and identity politics, Moore primarily identifies as the state’s “first black governor.” An ambitious, woke, left-wing Democrat, Moore is the newfound darling of ruling elites who are aggressively marketing him as a viable replacement candidate on the Democratic national ticket.
With Moore, the politics of racial identity and race-based policies are front and center. The neo-Marxist, critical race theory codewords of diversity, equity, and inclusion fill his speeches and policy statements.
Keeping the spotlight on himself, Moore dutifully checked all the leftist boxes during Maryland’s legislative session and during a recent national media blitz. He shepherded an amendment to the state’s constitution that would enshrine abortion on demand. Voters in the heavily Democratic state will decide next year.
Moore signed legislation restricting the ability of gun permit holders to carry in public. He supported a juvenile justice “reform” law that has led to a spike in juvenile violent crime. He wants to ban the internal-combustion engine in Maryland. He said the removal of racist, antiwhite critical race theory indoctrination from public schools is “castrating” black kids. And, of course, he has dramatically expanded taxpayer funding for “gender-affirming care.”
Moore avoids giving direct answers to reporters’ questions, relying instead on leftist stock jargon. Moore may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but Kamala Harris has set the vice-presidential bar so low—he appears as a towering intellect in comparison.
A major factor the Democrats will exploit is that Moore is an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan. Their propaganda will sell him as a patriotic Democrat despite the fact that his ideology is against almost everything our country stands for.
A Democratic Party lineup of Hillary Clinton and Wes Moore would be a formidable one. But with this challenge also comes a great opportunity.
Seventy-four percent of American voters believe America is “on the wrong track.” We have been put on this track because of the policies of the globalist elites, neocons, and leftist radicals who hate America, want to divide us by race, and are determined to destroy the American working and middle classes.
America’s survival is at stake and the Left wants to divide us by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and class. To defeat them, Republicans need to lead the movement that will pull our country together—not apart. Americans are ready for change, but it won’t happen by itself.
An opposition party worthy of its name would craft and promote a concrete agenda to put America back on “the right track.” What that agenda looks like will be the subject of another essay.
All things being equal (and elections not fraught with industrial-scale vote fraud), I would put money on PDJT handily winning.
But as 2022 demonstrated, election fraud is so extensive and unchecked by any authority, Cankles and the neo-Marxist racist governor from Maryland could glide to victory.