As Democratic Party strongholds continue to disintegrate under a tidal wave of violent crime and disorder, Americans are waking up to the fact that the lawlessness and chaos are primarily the fault of radical district attorneys backed by Hungarian-American currency manipulator George Soros. Since 2014, the anti-American billionaire “philanthropist” has spent more than $40 million to elect radical district attorneys in 75 major Democratic jurisdictions representing 72 million people. Standing on the myth of “systemic racism,” their mission is to keep criminals out of jail and subvert the American criminal justice system from within.
But even the leftist-elite media could not ignore the total breakdown of civilized society in San Francisco. District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s pro-criminal policies had turned the City by the Bay into a cesspool of crime, illegal drugs, and disorder. His successful recall was national news—and rightly so. Law-abiding San Franciscans and honest assistant prosecutors from Boudin’s own office stood together for the rule of law, against rampant criminality, and threw Boudin out.
As lawless and dysfunctional as San Francisco may be, however, it is not in the same league as Baltimore. In Baltimore, another radical prosecutor—with the complicity of an anti-police mayor and a collaborating police commissioner—has totally shattered the rule of law. This is particularly true with violent crime. In 2021, San Francisco’s homicide rate was 6.87 per 100,000 residents—in Baltimore, the homicide rate was eight and a half times higher.
In last month’s Democratic primary, the law-abiding citizens of Baltimore also threw out their Soros-backed, pro-criminal prosecutor Marilyn Mosby. But that story was given only cursory coverage by the leftist-elite media.
Why wasn’t Baltimore a major national news story?
The answer is that the Baltimore result blows up too many leftist elite myths and lies. Baltimore is two-thirds black. They overwhelmingly rejected the leftist crime policies that have devastated their neighborhoods and destroyed their city. And they refused to be swayed by the despicable appeals of a race hustler perpetuating racial division and the fraud of race victimhood.
First elected in 2015 as a “social justice” celebrity, Mosby was smashed in her primary on July 19. An astonishing 72 percent of voters rejected her pro-criminal policies, and she polled only 28 percent—placing dead last in a three-way race.
Ivan Bates, the primary winner, was elected on a commitment to reduce crime by aggressively prosecuting and incarcerating violent repeat offenders, holding gun offenders fully accountable, and reversing Mosby’s policy of nonprosecution of quality-of-life crimes. Bates will run unopposed in November.
As with other Democrat-led cities, the disastrous impact of these pro-criminal policies has fallen primarily upon blacks. Under Mosby, it has been particularly devastating. The implications of her defeat are huge.
Mosby believes that the American criminal justice system is illegitimate, systemically racist, and must be dismantled through non-prosecution policies. For seven years, she preached the leftist-elite worldview that criminals are victims and police are criminals. She treated the actual victims of crime—overwhelmingly black—as collateral damage to be ignored in the quest for “social justice.”
Mosby “reimagined” the role of her office by placing offenders’ interests before victims’ interests. It didn’t take long for criminals to get the message. In her first year in office, homicides surged 62 percent, jumping from 211 to 348. Murders have remained above 300 for each of her seven years in office—now surpassing 2,500 victims, of which at least 92 percent have been black. The sustained increase in murders is directly connected with Mosby’s pro-criminal policies.
Last year was the deadliest in Baltimore’s history, with a per capita homicide rate of more than 58 per 100,000 residents. And 2022 has been even worse, with the homicide rate increasing faster than anywhere other than New Orleans and with 215 murders already on the books.
But it isn’t just the murders. In Baltimore, all crime is out-of-control. Shootings, carjackings, robberies, rapes, burglaries, and thefts are also at record levels. Mosby and her leftist policies turned Baltimore into a nightmare of crime and lawlessness. No part of the city is safe.
Placing herself above the law, Mosby refuses to prosecute “quality-of-life” crimes. These include possession with intent to distribute dangerous drugs, drug possession, street prostitution, trespassing, open alcohol, urinating and defecating in public, and breaking into and theft from vehicles. As a result, proactive policing by the Baltimore Police Department and street-level drug enforcement has practically disappeared. Misdemeanor drug arrests have decreased 91 percent. Open-air drug markets operate nonstop, calls for help are ignored by the police, and communities have been destroyed.
At busy downtown intersections, “squeegee kids” intimidate, threaten, and attack law-abiding motorists across the city who refuse to pay extortion for unwanted window-washing. Both Mosby and Mayor Brandon Scott refused to prosecute the illegal activity. The result? Squeegee thugs last month brutally murdered a father of three. Even a killing was not enough to spur the mayor, the prosecutor, or the police commissioner to act.
Mosby’s enabling of criminals brought the war on cops to Baltimore. In December, two career criminals assassinated Baltimore Police Officer Keona Holley as she sat in her parked squad car at 1:30 in the morning.
Mosby’s plea deals have kept violent repeat offenders free, unleashing other cop killers. In June, two criminal beneficiaries of Mosby’s lenient plea bargains murdered Wicomico County Sheriff’s deputy Glenn Hilliard and attempted to murder Baltimore Police Sergeant Kenneth Ramberg.
For eight years, Mosby has put the well-being of criminals ahead of victims. From the beginning, she has used the bogus claim that she is fighting “racism” to justify letting felons off easy because a disproportionate number of offenders in Baltimore are black. Never mind that a disproportionate number of victims are black.
Mosby’s corruption isn’t just ideological. She and her husband, City Council President Nick Mosby, have a well-deserved reputation as consummate grifters, abusing their positions of authority to enrich themselves. Their grift has taken various forms—from property tax liens, unreported gifts and unpaid water bills to putting the bite on contractors doing business with the city to kick into their legal defense fund. Still, for several years, the Mosbys enjoyed the spotlight as “Baltimore’s political power couple.”
Those days are over. Marilyn Mosby’s federal corruption trial on charges of perjury and mortgage fraud in a Florida real estate scam begins in September. Nick Mosby, who had repeatedly lied about the existence of the couple’s $45,000 tax lien, appears to be implicated in his wife’s mortgage fraud and faces a major ethics investigation of his own. So, it’s possible that Nick and Marilyn Mosby may yet be Baltimore’s prison power couple.
Not surprisingly, Mosby claims the federal case against her is rooted in “racial animus.” And in an effort to highlight her bogus charge, she deliberately delayed her trial to coincide with her reelection campaign. Mosby wrapped herself in the cloak of victimhood and claimed to be the target of racist prosecutors. This really didn’t fly with the public either. The U.S. attorney for Maryland is Erek Barron, the first black man to hold that particular office.
Will Baltimore survive? Mosby’s defeat is a great win for all law-abiding Baltimore citizens, but a final victory is far from certain.
Ivan Bates won on the promise to reverse Mosby’s pro-criminal policies, but he will face a criminal element enlarged and emboldened by years of official support and the entrenched resistance of Baltimore’s corrupt political class. Not one Democrat, elected or appointed, ever criticized or opposed Mosby’s policies, no matter how many black bodies piled up. To succeed, Bates will need the continued and active support of all community members.
We can win nationally, too. It will be up to patriotic, law-abiding Americans everywhere to continue to stand up for the rule of law, reject the leftist’s attempts to divide us by race, and throw out of office every subversive prosecutor in America.