When Joe Biden announced his pick to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, he told us he’d found someone with “extraordinary character.” Biden said Ketanji Brown Jackson possessed “uncompromising integrity” and “a strong moral compass.”
Like every word that tumbles through Joe’s veneers, this, too, was a lie. Jackson has already proven that she is a woman of weak character, uncompromising dishonesty, and a broken moral compass.
By now, we’ve all learned of Jackson’s leniency in child sexual abuse cases. When federal sentencing guidelines called for Ryan Cooper to be imprisoned for 151 to 188 months, Judge Jackson sentenced Cooper to 60 months, the most lenient sentence permitted.
Per the Washington Times, Cooper not only had 600 images of child pornography on his laptop but he also had also posted nude photos of young boys on his Tumblr accounts, including images of three boys performing oral sex.
In case after case, Jackson reduced the recommended sentences of child porn felons. In U.S. v. Sears, Jackson gave another convicted child porn felon 60 months, when the federal guidelines recommended 97 to 121 months.
But Jackson says she isn’t lenient because she made sure she educated the pedophiles sitting in her courtroom about how the victims of child sex abuse have been damaged. Apparently, Jackson’s scorn is worth three to five years in prison.
That’s how many years she subtracted from the recommended sentence in the Sears case. She subtracted seven to 10 years from the recommended sentence in Cooper’s case. That means Jackson cut Cooper’s sentence by 60 percent compared to the minimum recommendation.
Ignore the vapid attempts to justify this leniency by blaming outdated sentencing guidelines, which applied to mail-order child pornography. According to Jackson and her defenders, it’s unfair to punish a pedophile who has 1,000 images on his computer the same way a pedophile would be punished for ordering 1,000 images in the mail.
What does the ease of acquisition in the digital age have to do with anything when we are talking about child pornography?
Let’s entertain this rationale.
Ryan Cooper had 600 images of child pornography on his computer. Jackson reduced his sentence by 60 percent. Based on that reduction, it would suggest that before the digital age, when the guidelines were grounded in conventional mail delivery, Cooper would have ordered 240 images to his mailbox. Sixty percent of 600 is 360. 600 minus 360 is 240.
Is that how this works? No. Judge Jackson is applying some highly subjective feelings to the way she sentences pedophiles.
Jackson has a soft spot for criminals. For her, the plight of the criminal outweighs the suffering of the victims. It is precisely this soft-on-crime approach that is responsible for the alarming increase in crime throughout America’s cities.
Quintez Brown, who attempted to murder a Louisville mayoral candidate earlier this year, was released from jail after a local Black Lives Matter chapter posted his $100,000 bail.
In February, Assamad Nash allegedly followed Christina Lee into her Manhattan apartment and stabbed her to death. The accused murderer had three open criminal cases at the time. Nash, a homeless drug addict, had been arrested four times in just the past year.
Judges like Ketanji Brown Jackson are contributing to the proliferation of violence and criminality in America. If Jackson can’t be relied upon to defend innocent children, how can she be relied upon to uphold the United States Constitution?
According to Biden, Jackson possesses a “brilliant legal mind.” But she can’t even define “woman.” When asked, Jackson said she couldn’t offer a definition because she’s “not a biologist.” Well, I’m not a founding father, but I’m certain they would have rejected Jackson and everything for which she stands.
Jackson supports the unconstitutional and un-American teaching of critical race theory, which purports that all men are not created equal and that Americans are guaranteed equal outcomes rather than equal opportunities. Despite sitting on a school board that touts critical race theory, Jackson told Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that she didn’t believe it was being taught in schools.
Jackson is also a liar. She claimed critical race theory “doesn’t come up in my work as a judge.” But she gave a speech in 2015 at the University of Chicago where she said legal work “melds together myriad types of law,” including “critical race theory.”
That said, Jackson is a well-picked candidate for the Democratic Party: an activist judge, who will decide cases based on her personal preferences rather than neutral interpretation of the law. While she may very well be the best candidate for the Democrats, she is the worst candidate for America.
Still, Jackson will likely be confirmed to the Supreme Court. A simple majority vote in the Senate is all that is required for confirmation and even if a couple of Democrats defect, there are always RINOs willing to take their place.