Recently, I wrote of the Left’s despicable hypocrisy regarding political violence, including left-wing serial killer chic—Che Guevara t-shirts, portraits of Mao above the mantle, ad nauseum. While having no expectation the Left would change its vile stripes, nonetheless I was taken aback at how brazenly Beijing Joe Biden—our appeaser-in-chief—kowtowed to Communist China’s genocide of the Uighurs.
In what should be a rare example of bipartisan sanity, there is a strong and growing realization that Communist China is a strategic threat advancing a rival model of governance to the United States. Through this proper security prism, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that Communist China’s “vocational [re-]education camps”—i.e., concentration camps—of more than 1 million people which feature such activities as forced sterilizations, relocations, and systemic rape, constitute genocide. “China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uighur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups.”
The new Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, concurred: “My judgment remains that genocide was committed against—against the Uighurs and that—that hasn’t changed.”
Similarly, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) concluded “crimes against humanity—and possibly genocide—are occurring,” Commission vice-chairman, U.S. Representative Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), said Communist China’s violation of human rights was “shocking and unprecedented.” He asserted “the United States must continue to stand with the people of China in their struggle and lead the world in a united and coordinated response to the human rights abuses of the Chinese government.”
Sure, the psychopathic Communist Party of China denied they were committing genocide against the Uighurs. But what serial killer likes being exposed?
“China has no genocide; China has no genocide; China has no genocide, period,” spokesman Zhao Lijian, the regime’s foreign ministry fabulist told the press, adding with a curious flourish that “the most important thing should be repeated three times.” (Perhaps Zhao thought he was conducting a struggle session, not a press conference. Perhaps both?)
Zhao then vainly tried to justify the genocidal Communist regime’s savagery with a riff on its tired “liberty is the enemy of peace and prosperity” lie by claiming its lethal policies are providing Uighurs with “peaceful and stable lives”—if, that is, they aren’t killed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
One would think the bipartisan consensus about Communist China’s genocide against the Uighurs would provide Mr. Biden with a golden opportunity—though not quite like the ones the regime gave his son, Hunter—for a policy to further his goal of “unity.” And it did: Biden united with Communist China to downplay its genocide of the Uighurs.
At his recent CNN townhall, Biden claimed China historically had been “victimized by the outer world,” which the CCP claimed was only made possible by division at home—even as they were dividing the country themselves. The CCP since has used this belief as a cudgel to repress dissent and brutalize the population into “unity.” Biden, a big fan of unity on his own terms, then flacked for the genocidal regime:
So . . . the central principle of [Chinese President] Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that . . . Culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow.
Oddly, Biden then took time to remind everyone of what he just failed to do, by reminding—himself, one supposes—how the United States “must speak up for human rights.”
(Biden also ominously added that genocidal Communist China would not become “the world leader” it lusts to be if it keeps violating “basic human rights”—you know, like the right not to be butchered by Communists. Note how, unlike President Obama who said America is “a” country, Biden didn’t refer to genocidal Communist China as “a” world leader, but as “the” world leader. Hmmm.)
After half a century serving in the United States government, some would expect a wee bit more strategic profundity—if not moral outrage—from Biden. Instead, we get his Cliff’s Notes history lesson to excuse Communist China’s genocide against the Uighurs and abet his own appeasement of that barbarous regime.
Yet, it would be inaccurate to conclude that Joe Biden’s moral imbecility and appeasement policy has only united him with the genocidal Communist Chinese regime. Biden did unite politically disparate Americans in opposition to his position.
For example, consider the decidedly non-conservative Naomi Wolf: “You [sic] campaign material didn’t say you planned to collaborate with ethnic genocide and call it ‘different norms.’ My grandmother’s brothers and sisters perished in the Holocaust. I want my vote back.”
Or consider law professor and commentator on Islamophobia, Khaled Beydoun: “Biden minimizing the mass persecution of Uighur Muslims as ‘China having different cultural norms’ is very bleak foreshadowing for American humanitarian inaction.”
Equally, Biden also strengthened the resolve of the East Turkistan Government in Exile by uniting them against his excusing Communist China’s genocide against the Uighurs:
“The East Turkistan Government in Exile . . . condemns in the strongest terms President Biden’s recent statements, which seek to justify China’s ongoing genocide of Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan by portraying China as a ‘victim’ . . . We demand President Biden apologize to the victims of China’s aggression, the victims of genocide, the countless Uyghur and other Turkic women who are systematically raped and sterilized, and the countless Turkistanis who are killed for their organs.”
In fairness to Biden, he did not excuse genocidal Communist China’s homicidal organ harvesting, though he didn’t condemn it, either.
Nevertheless, when it comes to the CCP and the Uighurs, apparently Joe Biden believes there are good people on both sides of this genocide.