China has been in the news a lot recently and for all the wrong reasons. Most Americans are unaware that October 1 marks the day when the communist party led by Mao Zedong took over mainland China.
Now, 71 years later, the legacy of oppression and mass murder of the people of China not only remains intact but is being perfected by the country’s new leader, President Xi Jinping.
Over a million minority Muslims (Uighurs) in concentration (er, “re-education”) camps, forced organ donations and abortions, child- and slave-labor, imprisonment of Christians, and bulldozing of churches are just a few of the everyday atrocities committed by Xi’s Chinese Communist Party regime.
It is little wonder, given the history of the People’s Republic of China under Communist rule exemplified by the estimated 45 million deaths in four years attributed to Mao’s “Great Leap” forward, that Xi feels empowered to engage in wholesale repression of any dissent, whether that dissent is marked by practicing one’s faith, or is political or ethnic in nature.
What is truly despicable is that American dollars are capitalizing the expansion of China’s power, military, and—yes—those companies which enslave, surveil, and abuse whomever Xi declares an enemy of the state.
Even worse, each of our retirement accounts, pensions, and—yes—even balanced mutual funds with international investments are almost certainly invested in China.
National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow warn about the dangers of investing in China. They wrote in a letter to the federal Railroad Retirement Board, “The NRRI [National Railroad Retirement Investment] Trust’s investment in the PRC exposes the retirement funds of railroad workers to significant and unnecessary economic risk.”
What’s more, Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia has directed the board that oversees the federal employee 401k program, the Thrift Savings Plan, to halt all investments in Chinese assets. Scalia said that those investments “would place millions of federal employees, retirees, and service-members in the untenable position of choosing between forgoing any investment in international equities or placing billions of dollars in retirement savings in risky companies that pose a threat to U.S. national security.”
Americans for Limited Government has set up the “DivestChinaNow” website so Americans who are incensed that they have been unwittingly turned into Chinese slaveholders can easily reach Congress, their governor, and even the Trump Administration to demand action now to end the U.S. capitalization of China.
Chinese investments are not only immoral, but they are also dangerous. Because Chinese companies don’t open their books to auditors and regulators, no one knows their true value. No sane investor would put their hard-earned money into them. Many of these same companies are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party which is dedicated to the destruction of the United States.
And yet, Wall Street continues to provide them billions upon billions of dollars to capitalize the Xi regime’s ambitions.
Now, on the 71st anniversary of the ruthless Communist leadership of China, it is time for Americans to take a stand. Tell your elected officials to get public and private retirement funds out of Chinese investments. Tell them you will not be a Chinese slaveholder or an investor in weapons designed to kill Americans. Tell them to divest China now.